
Chapter 3: Great losses

"Ulric, I refuse, " stated the young maiden, blandly staring towards the stubborn butler. Ulric motioned towards the winter-blooming hedges of the garden. "But you must not let the view go to waste. The scent outside is simply marvelous and will certainly do you good."

Riona pointed her chin up in protest as her arms folded, so did her wings. "I did not say that the lords could not enjoy the pleasures of the castle. I simply do not want to join them. Especially with that ghastly Lord Vally wandering around. That man is a menace."

"But your presence is the pleasure that they are here for."

An unamused expression was sent towards the butler and he was growing an irritation. "Your highness, you will go and join the lords for tea," he pressed sternly.

"I don't even drink tea anymore!" She snapped in such a manner, one would have mistaken her for a young butterfly child. Ulric was not impressed.

Ulric stepped back. The queen had him off guard with her tantrum, yet sympathy squeezed his old heart. He should have known better than to force a sensitive moth with a closed heart out in the sun. "Apologies..."

Riona's face was scrunched and her eyes damp. Emotions pressed to be released and she tried will all might to smother them. Her voice cracked slightly as she whispered, "Please, leave me be for now."

Ulric nodded and dismissed himself. He closed the door softly and the woman immediately sucked in a deep breath. Her hands pressed to her chest. She turned towards the window as always and she blinked rapidly. A mind was a retched thing: forcing emotions and thoughts into a brew that was destined to cause destruction in the heart of its victims.

Her wet eyes caught the sight of a mysterious individual. Lord Valley. Brilliant, just splendid, she thought. He was strolling from hedge to hedge, carefully picking flowers. Her gaze trailed to the tea party outside. Lords scattered the garden. A few calmly sipping tea and indulged in conversation and others entertained themselves with a game of friendly croquet. Vally was the only one admiring the gardens. Caspian seemed to be enjoying the tea and laughed gaily with Sir Leonard while Lord Humphrey simply nodded his head. They all seemed so colourful with their wings, all happy.

Humphrey was a typical soldier. Serious and not much else to it. Perhaps he was forced to come here, for he was the only one that had showed no interest in bonding with the queen. Perhaps, he had a love at home waiting for him, she thought. Either way, Riona had no intention of learning his reasons. He was no bother.

Her gaze flicked back to the spot Lord Vally had occupied but was disappointed with an empty space. She searched for his tall figure but he had vanished from the garden entirely. She frowned: had he gone inside? She moved towards the other window and was still met with disappointment.

Ulric had entered the scene outside with a tray of goodies for the men to consume. How bored they must be to be amused by a butler rather than a lady. A light knock distracted the queen from her thoughts and she called, "Enter."

A friendly face beamed from the doorway; though, not the face Riona was at ease with. Vally stood all cheery, his butterfly wings glistening, practically reflecting his excitement. "Ah! Your highness, someone has come to bring you a gift," he announced, motioning someone to enter the dull study.

Riona was about to frown or protest but was quick to wipe it away. Her gaze caught glimpse of a young beaming face. In waddled a young boy with clumsy held flowers. He halted just before her dress and smiled shyly, "For you, your highness." Her reaction was instant. Riona gaped ever so softly as she slowly squatted to the little boy's level. The petals were of a fiery orange and dull sunset pink. A quirky grin pulled at her lips at the gesture. "Why thank you, young man," she said pleasantly and looked back at the flowers, "You know, you might just win me over with these."

The boy giggled excitedly and handed the bouquet to the fair maiden. He did so with a peek towards Vally, who smirked back at him and nodded towards the door. "You certainly have me jealous. Go boast about it to the other Lords," laughed Vally, stepping aside for the young upcoming gentleman to take his leave.

An unfamiliar sound left the queen's lips. Riona laughed. It was a soft one, but it was a pleasant sound to hear for Vally. The boy pranced out and Vally raised a brow smugly. The queen still giggled politely behind her hand. "Go boast about your effort?" she asked. The lord's jaw dropped and a guilty hand raised to scratch his head. "What?" he asked, "You watched me?"

"I observed the garden."

"I was right about the spying. Is seems you do it often."

Riona settled with a mischievous smile. "Only when the scenery calls for it."

Vally chuckled and bowed his head, "Then would malady bless us with her company for a cup of vanilla tea?"

"I'm afraid I have to pass..." she replied, her expression returning neutral.

Concern flashed over Vally. He cleared his throat. "Since when do you— Ulric had informed me you are fond of vanilla. Are you not?"

"Ulric told you?" She queried, raising a brow suspiciously, "He doesn't know that."

Vally's response was delayed as he slightly tilted his head in thought. "Of course the butler knows. Is he not the one that always brings the tray?"

She crossed her arms and leaned her shoulders back, slightly flaring her wings inquiring. Her eyes racked over the man once more. He was in better lighting and far closer than in the library. Dark hair, tall and darkly dressed. A scar over his right eye. She squinted — his eyes. Those far more familiar than those of any stranger.

"My eyes tell a story," he smiled sadly. "Just like yours."

Her brows knit together, as they always did. Her mind dropping what she was puzzled with a mere moment ago. All to defend herself. Oh what a cat she was: always prepared to hiss and claw.

"What could they possibly reveal to you?"

Vally met her intense conflicted gaze. "More than you would ever come to be aware of," he mused, captured in the realm of thought, "They tell a story of one, who has endured great loss."

Great loss. Those words stood out painfully... Because they were bitterly true.

What could he possibly mean, she questioned in her mind.

Her face calmed as she started into his eyes. They seemed just as hurt, as if echoing the ache of her own soul. She liked her lips nervously as she asked, "Have you endured great loss?"

A mere moment passed with silence, he nodded. "I have. My best friend."

He did not break eye contact. Riona slowly averted her uncomfortable gaze. She swallowed. "I have too."

Greetings from another realm! Apologies for the delayed update, work has been swallowing me up.

Either way: What are your opinions on Vally? Does he seem genuine or does he come across as another wolf in sheep's clothing? Please drop a comment!

From_Another_Realmcreators' thoughts
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