
Episode 46: (Cozy Glow Arc) Desynchronize

Scene 46.0: Forest of Maya, 5:45 AM, Day 86 Of 365


After their traumatizing experience in Coltifornia, Diamond Tiara took Cozy Glow out of there using the Yellow Crystal to teleport back to Granny Goodshoes' Cabin instantly. Once there, Maya used her abilities to put Cozy to sleep and heal both of their wounds. As Cozy sleeps, Diamond Tiara tells everything that has happened when they met up Grim Apex; Maya is in shock meanwhile Granny Goodshoes somehow was expecting it, but not to this degree.


Granny Goodshoes:

I'm sorry to hear on what you both went through.


Diamond Tiara:

(Furious, Stares At Granny Goodshoes)

Lord Thanatos told us that you know more than you are letting on. Why didn't you tell us the truth?


Granny Goodshoes:

It was the duty of Grim Apex to tell you what he knew first. That way it would have been easy to digest the complete story.


Diamond Tiara:



Granny Goodshoes:

Please understand that it was necessary for her to experience all of this in order for Cozy Glow accept the reality behind her true origin.


Diamond Tiara:

That's she's neither Minerva's Descendant or Clone? Yeah, we figured as much!


Granny Goodshoes:

Have you not noticed that her memories are anything but reliable as well?


Diamond Tiara:

What do you mean?


Granny Goodshoes:

Who told her that she is the clone of Princess Minerva?


Diamond Tiara:

A Mad Scientist who raised her…

(Notices Something's Off)

Wait a minute…when did that happen? Was it after Grim Apex was arrested or…?


Granny Goodshoes:

That never happened in this Cozy Glow's Reality.


Diamond Tiara:

This Reality?


Granny Goodshoes:

I will reveal the meaning behind this once Cozy Glow join us, once she awakens from her slumber.


Diamond Tiara:

Can you at least give me a hint?


Granny Goodshoes:

Minerva's Secret hidden within her.


Diamond Tiara:

Minerva again. That monster has been nothing but a curse to Cozy. Alright, I'll wait until Cozy wakes up for you to tell us everything. I hope you don't leave anything out this time.


Granny Goodshoes:

You have my word.


A few hours later around afternoon, Cozy wakes up with tears in her eyes as she remembers all that has happened that she wants to stay in bed, but she sees a note by her bedside written by Diamond Tiara and it reads: "Dear Cozy, Granny will tell us whatever we ask of her, so we can figure out the rest of what is going on. Clean yourself up and join us in the living room. X O X O, Dia. PS: Please don't overexert yourself." Even though Cozy doesn't want to deal with Granny Goodshoes or anycreature else with what happened, she still wants to know the full story behind everything; she begrudgingly heads to the bathroom and washes her face. After drying it, instead of seeing her reflection in the mirror, she sees her Id making faces, mocking and laughing at her, but Cozy doesn't react and continues to clean herself up like normal by pretending her Id doesn't exist. That doesn't stop her Id, as now she uses her powers to trip and injure Cozy. Hoping for Cozy to react, say or think of something against her, Cozy just gets up and continues as normal. This infuriates the Id restrict the use of Cozy's wings so she doesn't fly, cramps her muscles to slow her down, even blinding her temporarily just to get Cozy to acknowledge her, but Cozy ignores her Id like the plague which infuriates her to the point that she started chocking the filly; however in doing so, she had to let go as soon as she started to lose air herself. If Cozy, the dominant mind dies, so does the Id as they are symbiotically linked with Cozy currently being the host. Upon arriving in the living room, Cozy is surprised to see Shadow there, sitting at the table with Diamond Tiara, Maya and Granny Goodshoes. He greets her only for Cozy to hug him and cries her eyes out; after calming down, they all are ready to ask for the answers to their questions with one of them being Cozy's Memories being Unreliable. Granny Goodshoes asks Maya to use her magic to reveal the details, hours before Minerva's Downfall using her illusion magic to recreate the past…




Scene 46.1: Kingdom of Bucephalus, Day of Reckoning, Distant Past


Hours before Alexander leads the siege to free Kingdom of Bucephalus from the tyranny of Minerva's Id, Dark Minerva is in her secret laboratory working on a decorated scroll made of living flesh, oozing with an ominous dark aura as she is writing on it with her own blood and it glows as she finish writing a word. Minerva has a sinister look and smile on her face as she is enjoying whatever she is making.


Dark Minerva:

This is perfect. Now that my fail-safe is completed and the spread about the secret of my power among the masses is already underway. Fortunately some fool will lead a raid into my treasure vault and this scroll will be there with a very dangerous, but easy to deal with security. I wonder who will be the victim that will become the host of my power…this will be an interesting journey. A journey where I finally rid of my weak, Goody-Two-Horseshoes self and start over in a brand-new world full of weaklings easy to subjugate with my power. But this will only work if Alexander succeeds in ending the life of this body. We shall wait and see.




Cozy Glow:

That is the scroll that is inside me?


Granny Goodshoes:

Indeed. The scroll is bound in her own flesh, blood and magic. It took too much of her very being in order to forge it.



That would explain her downfall. She weakened her body on purpose. I get it now – this is a means for her to be resurrected down the line. Cozy is the vessel for her comeback.


Diamond Tiara:

So that's how Alexander managed to beat her!



Minerva knew that if she struck Alexander down, the entire world would become aware of her evil which would force a world alliance against her. In order to avoid seeing bitter enemies like Princess Celestia, Queen Chrysalis and King Vorak join forces, she needed to be struck down instead.


Diamond Tiara:

How did Cozy's Parents get a hold of the scroll?



(Changes Location To Treasure Vault)

As Alexander heads to face Minerva for one last battle, a number of rebels that joined Alexander's siege, only joined him just to raid Minerva's treasure vaults as she predicted and one of them being Minerva's former top scientist. As soon as he saw the scroll, he figured out what the scroll truly is, so he decides to make sure none would use it. However…

(Changes Location To Old Scientist)

…as time went on, the Scientist grew old and unable to keep the scroll safeguarded, so he passed down his duty to his 2 apprentices. Unfortunately one of them was influenced by the scroll's dark power that he took an innocent filly and experimented on her in order to bring back Minerva's Dark Self. The filly was traumatized and part of Minerva's Magic is infused into her; that is why you have that memory of being raised by a Mad Scientist, Cozy…that filly…was your ancestor.


Cozy Glow:




Granny Goodshoes:

Indeed. That is why you have her memories. Offspring inherit not only their parents and forefathers traits, Memories are also included within our DNA. Some manage to resurface present day, but not all of them. The majority of those memories manifest in dreams – the pleasant ones become inspiration to improve your way of life, meanwhile the unpleasant ones become part of your dislikes and fears. This is your ancestors giving you advises on how to proceed in life and warnings for you to avoid down the road.



That is what you taught me while living here and in the Chaotic Void. But…unlike most I talked to, I only had that experience just a couple of times and most of these memories are tied to Alchemus.


Granny Goodshoes:

Not all memories from one's ancestors can be experienced in a lifetime. Most of the time, you only experience just one of your ancestors, a few can experience 2 or 3 and on rare occasion, you can experience the majority of them. You fall in the former, my son.




Why do I feel that you know more than you are letting on, my lady?


Cozy Glow:

So my Id is really—



Minerva's Shadow. The more negative thoughts courses through your mind, heart and soul, Minerva's Resurrection will become a reality.


Diamond Tiara:

It's because the scroll is made of Minerva's very being – Flesh, Blood and Power. Wait! If that's the case, wouldn't Minerva's good side be there?


Granny Goodshoes:

That is a fact. Have you noticed that Cozy Glow as of late is behaving much more aligned in the Harmony Spectrum and not behaving like her previous antics?


Diamond Tiara:


You mean…



Don't worry. Good Minerva is not the type to snatch something that doesn't belong to her. I would gamble that Good Minerva is trying her best to keep you stable and more aligned with Princess Twilight Sparkle's Teachings.


Cozy Glow:

So it was my Id…Minerva's Id that I turned out like this.


Granny Goodshoes:

No, what you did that time and when you were freed by Discord was of your own making. Your Id surfaced after you were freed the third time. Something happened during that time you might not be aware of.



We never asked – Who set you, Chrysalis and Tirek free the last time?


Diamond Tiara:

She never did told us either. So Cozy…who was it?


Cozy Glow:

It was…

(Intense Pain, Holds Head)


Diamond Tiara:




Cozy Glow:

(Light Panting, Hurting)

I'm…alright. But…I…I…every time I try to remember—


Granny Goodshoes:

I see. The crystal within you was designed to protect the identity of the one who set you free as well it seems.



Is there a way to remove it along with Minerva's Scroll?


Granny Goodshoes:

I do not know. The crystal could be fused with her own heart, it could be fused with Minerva's Scroll or it could be stationary, not attached to her organs or muscles. The former being the worse case scenario with both of the latter being a better alternatives. Nevertheless there is no guarantee that removing either the scroll and the crystal will allow Cozy Glow to reveal the identity of the one who helped her escape.



I could use my Chaos Sight, but in my current condition I might end up in a hospital bed again.



Allow me to look into it, Aniki.


Shadow nods, approving Maya's suggestion and as she uses her own Chaos Sight, Maya sees that the crystal is indeed stationary, but dangerously close to Minerva's Scroll as both artifacts might end up merging sooner or later.



The Crystal is too close to the scroll. They might merge in a matter of days.


Diamond Tiara:

What will happen if it does?


Granny Goodshoes:

Then Minerva's Resurrection is assured.



It makes sense. If the stories are true, Black Heart Crystals possesses a high level of concentrated power. Even if the crystal within Cozy is not a real one, just being identical to it in every sense of the way makes it just as dangerous. If Minerva was a force in her own right back in her time, she will be a force of nature now that no one will ever defeat.


Diamond Tiara:

So how and when we should remove both the crystal and scroll?


Granny Goodshoes:

I will research of a way to do so with Maya's help. I will ask my sister that goes by the name Lady Shadow, to inform you when we have found an easy and safe way to remove them. Right now I suggest you return to Ponyville and get some rest. For this type of removal, having a healthy body and peace of mind are essential.


Cozy Glow:




Should I stay here and assist you to look for a way to help Cozy?


Granny Goodshoes:

No. At the moment, Cozy Glow needs your emotional support as well as Diamond Tiara now more than ever. We need you in Ponyville with them.



I understand, my lady.


As Cozy Glow, Diamond Tiara and Shadow return to Ponyville through Q's Fast Travel Point, both Granny Goodshoes and Maya breathe a sigh of relief as they feel that if Shadow stayed with them, he would find out about Blight Terror and go after him as they know that Shadow isn't ready to know who he is, his connections to the Ancients and not strong enough to face him. They are even glad Blight setup a fail-safe to prevent Shadow finding out about him this soon.


Scene 46.2: Ponyville, Town Plaza, 2:39 PM


Upon returning to Ponyville, Cozy is still saddened on what has transpired; seeing her like this Diamond Tiara was about to say something to her only for Tempest Shadow and the Royal Guard arrive to there…



Diamond Tiara. Cozy Glow. You are both under arrest. Everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.



What's the charge?



The Murder of Governor Goldnon of Coltifornia. We have solid evidence they were the ones who did it.



Then I will defend them and prove they weren't—



(Stern Stare)

I'm not only the Captain of the Royal Guard here in Ponyville, but I am also your keeper. You aren't at full strength, so I will not allow you to take part in this. I suggest you ask Luster Dawn to head the defense like last time. Am I clear!?




Crystal Clear, Captain. Looks like I have no choice in the matter. Don't worry, girls. I'll make sure to help you one way or another.



It better be a way that you won't end up in the hospital again or Twilight help me—




I'll…try my best.


Good Grief. Ever since Captain Tempest became my New Mother Figure, she started behaving like Ember – Fiercely Overprotective.


Scene 46.3: Ponyville, Dazzlings' Apartment, 2:56 PM


From a distance, Elric witnesses all of this and is surprised this is what Blight meant by having something ready for Cozy Glow upon her return to Ponyville. Worried on how the Dazzlings will react to this, he carefully heads to their apartment to relay what has happened. Upon arriving there and telling them what happened, the Dazzlings were disgusted and furious that Blight set all of this up behind their backs, as the last thing they wanted was the situation to include Fraulein into all of this, especially that she is still determined to not only take back Sweet Apple Acres, but also codify the Death Penalty into Equestria's Constitution and since Cozy Glow is one of the 3 biggest villains Equestria has ever faced, Fraulein has a high probability to get her wish this time around especially that Shadow cannot face Fraulein and defend Cozy and Diamond Tiara in court.



(Saddened, Worried)




(Furious, Hoof Wall & Cracks It)




That traitorous—I understand that the Cozy of the human world might be an unhinged monster, but in Equestria—



I know, I know! But what to do? Shadow isn't at full strength and if what you told us is true, Sunset Shimmer is the Secret Princess of Equestria and no longer a Defense Attorney. She won't show herself to defend them. Shadow is going to be relying on Luster again for this.



You think Luster Dawn will succeed with Shadow helping from behind the scenes?



Let me answer question with a question – Didn't your Shadow do the same thing with Sunset Shimmer?






(Love Struck Sigh, Remembering Human Shadow)

Shadow most of the times was the investigator in-charged of the cases and he would always act too suave towards not only us, but Sunset and Trixie too during his investigation and while he was in the witness stand. And he did so like a pro!



I forget to ask – Was Trixie a magician in the Human World too?



She was an Illusionist and had Sunset work as her assistant much to Sunset's dismay.



It worked the other away around too. Trixie would work as Sunset's Judicial Assistant as a trade-off.



Just like with Starlight in this world. Now I'm scared to ask this but…did Trixie replaced Sunset as Defense Attorney in an almost same way as Luster replaced Shadow?



(Look At Each Other Then Burst Out Laughing Uncontrollably)




I get the feeling she did and it was a trainwreck. I feel sorry for the defendant.




(Tearful Uncontrollable Laughter)



(Shocked, Curious)

I really want to know how that happened, but that can wait. The only thing I will ask is how bad was it.



You said it, twerp – it was a trainwreck!!!

(Laughing Hysterically)



She really put her foot in her mouth a lot of times defending us…IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WAY!!!

(Laughing Hysterically)



(Shocked, Deeply Concerned)

You mean both figuratively and literally…



(Sad Smile)

Trixie was the one that got us to become friends with Sunset Shimmer. To tell you the truth, it was Trixie that convinced Sunset to take our case. That was when she was starting out with 2 wins under her belt, but she was kidnapped and Trixie had to take over. That was the time I almost got taken advantage of, but Shadow saved me.


Shadow saved me and I fell in love with him then and there. Who would have thought that night was a setup for my attackers to frame me and my sisters. We owe everything to Shadow, Trixie…and Sunset too.


Sonata, Aria:

(Hugs Adagio & Each Other, Saddened)





If you really care for Sunset as much as Aniki and Trixie, why do you want to get revenge on her so badly?


Scene 46.4: Ponyville, Twilight's Castle, 3:13 PM


Shadow explains the situation to his friends on what he knows on what happened in Coltifornia with Cozy Glow & Diamond Tiara and since Fraulein is an International Prosecutor, she will be spearheading the trial against them. Shadow looks at Luster, fearing that she might not have another battle of wits with Fraulein, but notices that Luster is determined to have another go at Fraulein.



Are you sure about this, Luster?



After what we learned from her, I need to make Fraulein see that her pursuits on what she wants will only lead to more pain and misery for her.



So you will do it?



(Confident Smile)

You didn't need to ask.






Not going to lie, I'm not looking forward to it. But if things go too well or too wrong, this trial will end as soon as it starts on what you told us. Hopefully the evidence we get isn't very detrimental to our case, but to Fraulein.



You forget Blaze, Evidence taken out of context can be beneficial to the prosecution and Fraulein has a talent to convince the court of that type of presentation.



You've been watching her trials lately?



Yeah. She managed to win all of them since we faced her last time, but none of them were a case strong enough demand the Death Penalty.



Why do I get the feeling that the cases that we are involved in will be strong enough for that?



I would guess the reason is because most creatures we know are high profiled individuals.



So how do we start?



I'll pay a visit to Granny Goodshoes to gather the full story before the trial.



Which is tomorrow.



I suggest you go to the detention center and talk to them to get their side of the story.



It seems we are not needed this time around.




I feel like an accursed background character when this happens.




When Yak get time to shine?



(Nervous Smile)

Now, now. Maybe we'll get more exposition on the next chapter.



(Annoyed Smile)

Says the Changeling who had more time in the story than most of us.



Yeah! We only had a big part during the Apple Bloom Arc fighting Trotter and after that we've been sidelined only making cameo appearances!



(Nervous Chuckle)



(Face-Hoof, Addressing Author [AKA: Me])

Did we really needed the 4th wall break here? Let's just move along to the next scene. And dear writer – Please add them more frequently. The one who'll get most of the brunt of their anger is me for being the main character.


Author (AKA: Me):



Scene 46.5: Ponyville, Detention Center, 3:48 PM


Upon arriving at the detention center, Luster & Blaze ask Cozy Glow & Diamond Tiara everything from both of them on what happened in Coltifornia. Upon hearing all of their accounts, Luster thinks this will be a short but tough trial to win especially with little to no evidence and witnesses. She hopes Shadow can find something that can help their case. After leaving the detention center, Luster and Blaze are about to return home and plan what to do tomorrow, but soon they encounter 3 unique looking ponies: The Dazzlings.



Hello There…Luster Dawn.



Do I know you?



My name is—


Pinkie Pie, Little Cheese, Cheese Sandwich:

(Excited Smile, Appear Out Of Nowhere)









Little Cheese:

You know my mom?


Adagio, Aria:

(Shocked, Worried, Thinking)

Oh, Crud! We forgot that we never met Pinkie in this world!




Your mom is pretty famous, so of course we know of her. But how rude of us! I'm Sonia. These are my sisters. The Angry One is Melody and the Mean One is Serena.



Who are you calling Angry, Son—!?



(Furious, Hiding Fury Behind Peaceful Smile, Covers Aria's Mouth)

You are the angry one, Melody you scamp! Sonia is right, your mom is world famous…

(Whispering Through Grinding Teeth)

Even though I want to flay her alive since dealing with Sonata is more than enough crazy I can deal with in my life!

(Out Loud)

Anyhoo…we are here to give something to Luster Dawn and Blaze.



What exactly you will give us?



(Gives Depowered Black Heart Crystal)

This. It's an Empty Black Heart Crystal. We came across this awhile back. We knew it could be useful one day, so we kept it safe for a moment like this.



Why are you helping us?



Just repaying a debt to the one we loved more than our own lives. A debt that will never be repayed no matter what we do. Tell Shadow and Trixie we said hello.

(Walks Away With Sonata & Aria)



Hey! Wait! We haven't finished your late welcome party!



(Spooked, Starts Running For Their Lives)


Pinkie, Little Cheese, Cheese Sandwich:

(Runs After The Dazzlings)






And they are gone. I don't think we'll find out more from them. How do they know Shadow and Trixie? Strange…



Why that is?



Shadow never mentioned ever meeting Ponies like them and their names…Serena, Melody and Sonia…Shadow never mentioned them at all in any of his stories. Something ain't right…



Should we trust them?



You are the defense attorney. What is it you think?



The way they said Shadow's name and Trixie's too…I believe them. We'll add this to our evidence folder and use it in court tomorrow as our trump card if things get too complicated with Fraulein.

(Depowered Black Heart Crystal Added To The Court Record)

That's all we can do today. Let's head back home. Maybe Shadow found something we can use.


As Luster & Blaze and head home while Pinkie's Family chase down the Dazzlings to throw them a late welcome party, Lysithea looks at them all leaving she can't help but to wonder what are the Dazzlings really planning.


Scene 46.6: Ponyville, Twilight's Castle, 5:15 PM


Upon returning to the castle, Luster & Blaze see Shadow lost in thought and it starts to worry both of them.



Shadow? Is something wrong?



You could say that.



What did Granny Goodshoes tell you?



Not much only that the trial must take place. The trial will start and end tomorrow, but…the outcome will either help Cozy Glow or help her Id and accelerate the resurrection of Minerva.



Wait! Are you saying that Cozy's Id is not Minerva?



The crystal inside of Cozy absorbed her dark essence and absorbed some of the energy from the scroll, giving her a life of her own. You know…the more I think about it…I feel that Cozy's Id was created for a specific purpose.



You think? For what?



To either help or harm Minerva's Resurrection.



What do you mean?



It's just speculation but I think Cozy's Id is in reality…


Once Shadow explains his conjecture to Blaze and Luster, it caught them off-guard as they can't believe that whoever came up with what is happening to Cozy Glow, predicted this over 8 years ahead of time. Meanwhile watching everything from the outside as always, something unexpected happens this time around as to Lysithea is attacked by mysterious cloaked pony. The fight gets too fierce, Lysithea has no choice to summon her full power, which makes her look almost like Human Version of Nightmare Moon except she looks like Equestria Girl's Vice-Principal Luna wearing a flowing cape, extra long gloves, high heel thigh-high boots and a V-Shape Red Dress similar to what she wears; unlike the Real Nightmare Moon, Lysithea has Platinum Hair similar to Shadow, wielding a large Black Yet Sparkling Scythe. Lysithea rushes to strike down her attacker, but he smiles and transforms himself, revealing to be none other than Blight Terror himself which catches her by surprise, even more so when he blocks her attack by catching her blade between his middle and index claws as he smiles heinously.




Blight!? What are you doing here!?


Blight Terror:

I came to once again to request you to join my Cadre, Princess of the Night.



(Annoyed Glare, Distrustful)

I am NOT Luna.


Blight Terror:

I know you are not, I'm taking about your other self.




I'm NOT—


Blight Terror:

You have gone through so much ever since you came of age. Tossed to another reality because you and your sister were forced to a fight to the death by your master. Your sister was so caring of you, she tossed you to an alternate reality instead. In that first world you arrived in, you were saved by that World's Platinum Shadow. You hated him so much but without him, you could not find a way to return to your own world. Days Turned Into Months…Months Into Years…Contempt Turned Into Friendship…And Friendship…Turned Into Love.



(Trying To Stay Calm)



Blight Terror:

How tragic that Shadow…the one you first met and love died—



(Furious, Tearful Eyes)



Blight Terror:

Still he did keep his promise and you managed to leave that world…only to meet Shadow Again for the First Time in Another World…Only for him to—



(Aim Scythe At Blight Terror)



Blight Terror:

One Question: Are you the one who set both Shadow and Diamond Tiara to be a couple? You tried that strategy with every Shadow from every different world with different females that is not you or your counterpart. Only for each Shadow to die in a far worst—


Lysithea tries to decapitate Blight only for her to fail as he phases out of the scythe's range of attack similar to a ghost.


Blight Terror:

Looks like I have no choice but to get to the point. Your plan to get Shadow and Diamond Tiara together will end in a far worse than your previous endeavors. The reason for that…is because of what will happen in the next 9 months with what Jack and I have planned for him. Join my Cadre and I can guarantee Shadow's Survival and grant you your greatest wish – You And Shadow Together Forever…Happily Ever After…with a family of your own. Isn't that what you always wanted? To see Shadow live as long as you can? Together? You have lost Shadow for so many times, in so many tragic ways and in turn you have suffered for far too long…agonizingly and traumatized. Don't you want history to stop repeating? Or rhyming as many say it does? You really don't want that, do you? After all…

(Notices Lysithea's Emotional Turmoil, Heinous Smile)

It was you who is responsible for the Deaths of Sunset's Husband, the Human Version of Shadow and her Best Friend, Trixie Lulamoon.



(Distraught, Furious Glare, Red Swollen Eyes, Evil Glow)

I suggest you fly away, Blight Terror. For my patience is wearing thin and I am at my limit. Show yourself before me again and I will not be held responsible for I will do to you.


Blight Terror:

As you wish, but be forewarned, Princess…I am the only one who can help you succeed where you have failed on your own. My offer will stand for now. Do not let it expire or it will be too late if you do…


Blight wanted to finish that sentence with "Do not let it expire or it will be too late if you do; and if that were to happen, you will never find happiness either with Shadow or choosing a different path away from him"; but he knew if he told his final sentence to the fullest, he would alienate Lysithea too far that she will never join his Cadre. With a vacant spot for Xuĕ, Blight also made a spot for Lysithea and Cozy Glow. Not far from the battle, Lady Imago was waiting for Blight Terror, away from Lysithea's field of vision and possible clairvoyance skill which Lady Imago shielded herself in a unique aura all over her body.


Lady Imago:

You really taking an awful risk here, Blight. Do you believe this "Lysithea" will heed your words? We are aware of her true identity, but I know you will not use that to make her join us.


Blight Terror:

If I were to do that then she will never join us. Her feelings towards Shadow are too strong and deep. I will admit that I pushed her a little too hard, but if she is pushed even farther, Lysithea would try to stay away from all of this and the same chaotic mess of Shadow dying before his time. I told you this before. However…for some reason Lysithea has the power to overwrite Thanatos' Death List, which means Shadow can perish at any moment she tries to avoid him once they kissed each other.


Lady Imago:

But the Shadow from the Human World never met Lysithea. How and When did they kissed!?


Blight Terror:

This is what I believe – Remember when the Dazzlings revealed that in the Human World, Vice-Principal Luna was the Human Shadow's Upperclasswoman? And did you see Lysithea's Full Power just now? They don't look so different, now do they?


Lady Imago:

Are you suggesting that Lysithea is the Luna from that World? Hope you don't because it doesn't make sense on what we really know.


Blight Terror:

Let me finish my conjecture, please my beloved queen.


Lady Imago:




Blight Terror:

This is what I believe…Lysithea would deceptively trade places with Vice-Principal Luna behind her back. I presume that there were times Lysithea would spike Vice-Principal Luna's drinks or meals and take her place just to be around him without realizing it.


Lady Imago:

From what the Dazzlings told us, Vice-Principal Luna's relationship with Shadow was no more different than that of friends. How would they kissed each other without causing an incident and damaging their friendship? Did Lysithea's deep love and devotion for Shadow made her to force herself onto him?


Blight Terror:

No. Lysithea might be madly in love with Shadow and all of his alternate selves, but she would never cross that line for him, especially that the First Shadow she met reformed her and it cost him his life. No, she did her usual switcheroo with Shadow and they were, I assume in a friendly meeting like usual. Something transpired that Shadow took a drink of Lysithea's Cup, Glass or Can.


Lady Imago:

(Surprised, Touches Own Lips, Blushing)



Blight Terror:

(Mischievous Smile)

Remembering your first kiss that later on led to the birth of your own foals?


Lady Imago:

(Annoyed, Blushing, Looks Away Tsundere-Style)

What's it to ya, Baka!?


Blight Terror:



Lady Imago:

What about this world's Shadow? Has he and Lysithea kissed?


Blight Terror:

Not yet. But…when it happens, she will have no choice but to join my Cadre.


Lady Imago:

What about Cozy Glow? Are the 2 Outcomes the Ancient of Wisdom predicted plausible?


Blight Terror:

Not just plausible, but probable and possible as well. If Fraulein wins the trial, Minerva's Rebirth is all but assured. If Luster wins, Cozy Glow will…


Upon hearing Blight's Confirmation, Lady Imago doesn't know how to respond as she looks at him with a certain degree of concern. What exactly is concerning about Blight's Confirmation? Does it have the power to benefit them? Benefit Shadow? Or create a completely different possibility that they haven't taken into account? The answer to this question will be revealed in due time…


To Be Continued…

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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