
Episode 41: (Cozy Glow Arc) Commitment

Scene 41.0: Ponyville, Twilight's Castle, 9:22 AM, Day 80 of 365


Shadow and his friends ready themselves to head for Canterlot in order to see Cozy Glow get released from her stone prison and they were planning to do so in secret, but Diamond Tiara has become a bundle of nerves; worried to death for Shadow's well-being that she can't help to be protective (and possessive) of him that Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle start noticing that Diamond Tiara is acting like her mom which she vowed never to be as this enforces their assumption that Shadow and Diamond Tiara are secretly dating; and after what happened at the Social, she is more determined not to leave his side. The only time he can have any privacy is during his bathroom dealings. In order to talk in private, Shadow goes to Males Bathroom to talk with Blaze in private.



(Amused Smile)

This takes me back to when we lived in the Dragon Lands as you were dating Etna. Actually Etna and Diamond Tiara are quite similar.







(Serious Expression)

Are you back at full power?



(Face-Hoof, Exhausted)

My eyes are still hurting and my magic has been limited to the point that I can't shift my magic to be either Pegasus or Earth Pony like I used to unless I fully recover.



That also includes your true form?



Yeah…pretty much. It will take awhile before I can get back my full power and since my dad sealed most of it away, it will not take long since a power seal is like filling up a glass of water halfway. But there is a downside to that – I won't be able to maintain my true form as well I used to.



So no more lava dips?



No more lave dips. Not until I have my full true power back. In order for that to happen, I need to find all of that Deadbeat's Diary Crystals. I only have 4 of them – The one I got when I arrived here in Ponyville, the one I got in Chaosville and the ones I got after helping both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Something tells me that if I had fully helped Sweetie Belle instead of ending up in the hospital, I would have gotten another Diary Crystal.



You did push yourself a little too hard trying to help her. If Etna was here, she would be furious.



You said it yourself – Dia and Etna are so much alike.



(Amused Smile)

Dia!? You really care about her, huh?



I'll admit it. I like girls like her and Etna.



You have always had a very soft spot for reformed bad girls.



Not going to lie, Reformed Bad Girls, better known as Mayaderes are usually as docile as Pure-Hearted Tsunderes, but they are all Mayaderes in the end, so if I cross a line I shouldn't, they'll go back in being Bad Girls or worse – they become Yanderes.



So…how will you behave if Cozy Glow does undergo a reform?



She'll be like a Little Sister to me which none of the girls will approve if she still have some negative thoughts in her head like overthrowing the Princesses and make herself the Queen of Equestria.



I can see that happening. How long will it take you to reform the little she-devil?



2…maybe 3…



Weeks or Months? Because days is pretty unrealistic.







Sure it will take that long. Let me guess – it will take that long because you are limited on what you are allowed to do. In other words – your teachers are asking you don't go overboard like last time with your eyes.



Among other things. Plus with my power mostly sealed away, my current condition and my teachers telling me to hold back, me reforming Cozy Glow will be a hassle.



If you fail or you aren't the one to help her, you don't get a Diary Crystal. Looks like your dad has high standards for you.



If you want to prove you are the best, you need to have high yet reasonable standards. If you have low standards, you will always be set for failure every single time no matter what. That's why I never lower my standards and I think neither does he.



Don't get them too high. Not everycreature can meet impossible standards.



I always keep them on the level, Blaze. You know that.



(Annoyed Sigh)

Yeah, yeah. Unlike mom, your standards are pretty reasonable. She always asks too much of me.

(Annoyed Sigh & Stare, Thinking)

Especially that she always compare me with you.



Let's go. Dia might think I fell asleep on the throne.



(Out Loud)

Has she ever left your side since you woke up?



Only when she's tending her family shop. Once she gets out, she's already at my doorstep. I don't mind being nursed by someone like her but…I worry more about her mental health than my physical health.



I see…I hope she realize this and slows down a little.



(Sad Sigh)



After leaving the privacy of the Male's Restroom, Diamond Tiara rushes to Shadow as she was worried he fell asleep in there which, Blaze snickers as Shadow was right with his assumption of Diamond Tiara believing that him falling asleep which he finds annoying. Upon arriving at the castle's lobby, everycreature is annoyed that Diamond Tiara is following Shadow everywhere he goes as she follows them to Canterlot to see Cozy Glow be set free and falling under the supervision of Shadow.


Scene 41.1: Canterlot, Twilight's Castle, 10:46 AM


Since Shadow never set foot on Canterlot, there isn't any of Q's Fast Travel Feathers set there, so they are forced to use the Railway Train to get there. As soon as they arrived, Shadow sets up a fast travel point near the town square and once that's done, everycreature heads to the castle where they need to meet with the Princesses, the Mane 6, Discord, the "Young" 6 (Now Fully Matured) and the Pillars of Equestria with half of them doubting that Shadow can reform Cozy Glow; especially Star Swirl as he knows Shadow is the host for the Gate of Nightmares. When they arrive at the throne room, Twilight leads everycreature to the Royal Garden where the stone prison of Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow is; once there, a large number of the Royal Guards as well as Undercover SMILE Agents are surrounding the Royal Garden as a safety precaution if something unexpected were to happen like accidentally setting free the wrong one, ones or worse, all of them.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Is everycreature ready?



Wait! Let me use my Chaos Sight and look at their auras for a moment.



(Furious, Worried)




I know what you guys are going to say and you are right. I'm only going to use this skill once since I want to see their auras. After this, I won't use it again until I get back to full health.


Diamond Tiara:

(Stern Stare)

You Promise? If you don't keep your promise, I will make sure you will regret it!



Yes, Dia. I Promise.



(Thinking, Worried Stare)

She has you whipped like a dog, huh Shadow?


Shadow uses his Chaos Sight (Evil Eyes) to see the auras of Cozy Glow, Tirek and Chrysalis as the secretly freed Tirek and Chrysalis are watching from Blight's replica of the Cutie Map Portal Viewer, with the 2 of them scared stiff that Twilight and the others will find out that the Centaur and the Former Queen of the Changelings aren't in their stone prison. When Shadow uses his eyes, Tirek and Chrysalis panic internally as they give a concern yet serious stare at the situation and much to their surprise, Shadow manages to see their aura within the statues.



(Evil Eyes)

Huh! What a disgusting green aura. It borders close to brown. It kinda reminds me of manure.







Tirek, Chrysalis:







But Cozy Glow's Aura…it looks…like that of a Chaos Pony.



Well that's not surprising. When they used Grogar's Bewitching Bell on me, Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow wanted to see if they could control my Chaos Magic so they gave it to Cozy Glow to see if it was possible, but she couldn't so they removed it. But…



I know where that "But" is coming from. Let me guess – At first she was scared because she couldn't control it, but after it was removed she wanted it back. I will admit it. Chaos Magic is intoxicating – Once you have a taste of it, you'll want more of it. Her aura looks like…

(Surprised, Saddened)


Diamond Tiara:

Looks like who?



(Normal Eyes, Sad Smile)

Never mind. I'm just talking to myself.


Everycreature worries with Shadow behaving like that as Tirek and Chrysalis glares at a sneering Blight as he takes delight at their fears and horror as he is the Element of Terror that feeds on the fears and worries of all due to the fact that he is part of the Element of Chaos also known as the Element of Disharmony and the opposite to Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Discord proceeds to set Cozy Glow free without any problems. As soon as she is set free, Cozy Glow is disoriented that she is moving around like she is dizzy.


Cozy Glow:


Well, Well, Well…you finally set me free. You really think…

(About To Throw-Up)



Need a doggy-bag for that?


Cozy Glow:

(Regains Composure, Condescending Smile & Attitude)

Ha-Ha-Ha! You have always been such a hick, Applejack.




What did you call me!?


Rainbow Dash:


You Little Punk!


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

You better behave, Cozy or you are going back into stone.


Cozy Glow:

Doubt it since that would ruin the chance for you to get that dark, tall and handsome stallion to reform me.


Diamond Tiara:


How did you know that?



Being seal in stone doesn't stop her or the other two to be aware of their surroundings.


Cozy Glow:

Yeah! I heard everything and I have every right to fly away.



You can't. It's impossible for you to do so right now.


Cozy Glow:

Why is that!?



You were sealed in stone for almost 9 years so you must be suffering from "Hibernation Sickness" right now, which limits what you can do at the moment. You being disoriented as soon as you got out is proof of that. Plus we have the Fastest Fliers in all of Equestria here! You aren't getting away that easily.


Cozy Glow:

But I am so cute! I can't be caught that easily!






Cozy Glow:


Why are you looking at me like that?



(Chuckles, Warm Smile)

Nothing…You and I will get along nicely, Cozy.







(Worried, Scared, Examining Shadow Frantically)

Aniki!? Are you alright!? Are you still sick!?



Even mom would be spooked after hearing you say that, Shadow.



I'm fine and I mean it. I know Cozy Glow and me will get along just fine.


Cozy Glow:

(Fake Smile)

I hope so too…Big Brother.


Everycreature (Emotionally Attached To Shadow Only):

(Death Glare At Cozy Glow)



Cozy Glow:

(Evil Sneer)




(Face-Hoof, Thinking)

Oi, Vey! This is going to be a rough ride…


Scene 41.2: Ponyville, 11:14 AM


Cozy Glow returns to Ponyville and does so feeling teleportation sickness using Q's Fast Travel Feathers as she isn't used to this Type of Teleportation Magic, especially that she's been imprisoned in stone for almost 9 years. She couldn't believe how much everything has changed and notices that since they all have gotten soft because of Princess Twilight Sparkle's Naïvete, she plans to use this to her advantage; but both Shadow and Diamond Tiara notices this and smile evilly behind her back as they know what she is thinking.


Cozy Glow:

(Fake Smile, Bubbly Personality)

Ooh! This is so adorable and shiny. I believe the castle and school must have gotten even more flashy!


Diamond Tiara:

(Normal Smile)

It has, but you won't be staying in any of those locations.


Cozy Glow:

(Confused, Annoyed, Hiding Annoyance Behind Cutesy Demeanor)

Huh!? So where is little ol' me will be staying?


Diamond Tiara:

You'll be staying with me.


Cozy Glow:



Diamond Tiara:

Yes. You see, Shadow was originally the one to care for you, but because of his health, I volunteered to care for you.



Yeah. It was unanimous.



(Annoyed, Glare At Shadow, Thinking)

Not Exactly, you two…




Scene 41.3: Ponyville, Twilight's Castle, 1:12 PM, Yesterday


On the day before, everycreature is discussing where to place Cozy Glow in order to keep tabs on her as none of them wants her near either the Castle or the School of Friendship as Shadow was getting a little frustrated that his options are being limited by their reasonable demands as Cozy Glow almost destroyed the peace of Equestria 3 Times: Once On Her Own, The Second Time With Tirek, Chrysalis and Herself; And The Third Time When They Escaped From Their Stone Prison With The Help Of An Unknown 3rd Party before being sealed once again (Blight Terror Almost 9 Years Ago).




Seriously? If you do that, you'll be limiting my movements.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

I understand your frustration, but we are more aware of what she's capable of more than you. She almost destroyed Equestria on 3 separate occasions. You cannot blame us for being cautious when it comes to her. Also…you still haven't recovered from your condition, so I'm afraid this is nonnegotiable.



I understand your worries about me and I heard some of the stories about Cozy Glow, but if you are really that distrustful of her, she must have done some awful things to you.




That's the understatement of all time.



She's really that bad?



She's Cold, Calculated, Manipulative and Power Hungry.



Her Cutie Mark is a Rook, so it's no wonder she's like that. But…doesn't this feels odd to you? Especially you three – Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle?






A Cutie Mark is a Symbol of One's Purpose. Are you insinuating that her Purpose in Life is to be "Evil"? Is there such a thing as an "Evil And Malicious" Cutie Mark?






Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Please explain what you mean, Platinum Shadow.



No offense to my Older Sisters, but I have noticed that this type of situation is beyond them.







Answer me this – have you ever reformed someone like Cozy Glow?







Then allow me to speak about Cozy Glow's Cutie Mark. The Rook in a Chess are Cold and Calculated Pieces on the board, but used in the right way…instead of manipulating those around her, Cozy Glow can use her Special Talent to motivate them. You see…Chess is a very complicated and complex game; Interconnecting Pieces working together in different ways. It takes real talent to process and determine the best moves. The same is true when you are in-charge of a group of creatures on how they all interact. You have to know to motivate them towards a common goal. These are the qualities needed in a Leader. However…the only one that can teach her that is someone who has been in her situation and has a similar talent as her – The Talent on how to "Inspire" others which falls in the same vein as "Motivation". So I have been looking at everyone who lives in Ponyville to see who fits this situation and ask him or her to help us with Cozy Glow. I could ask Starlight, but I highly doubt it will work since I don't think she will listen to her. It has to be someone who went through her same ordeal…someone that can think a few moves ahead of Cozy before she relapses back into her mischievous ways…someone that can reign her in before she crosses the line and possibly the point of no return.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

You have somecreature in mind?




Diamond Tiara.






Diamond Tiara:





It makes sense if you look at it from a certain point of view. To be honest…I didn't want to do this, but after reviewing all of the files of anyone reforming Cozy Glow on my behalf is her. You see…I knew you would sideline me because of my health, so I had to resort to this backup plan which to be honest is my only option at the moment.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Tell us more.



Better hear it from Dia than me. I can't explain it that well.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Very well. Diamond Tiara? Would you care to explain it for us?


Diamond Tiara:

Yes, Princess. As you all know, I always thought that my Cutie Mark symbolizes my Wealth and Social Standing…that my destiny was tied into being Spoiled instead of who I am. I didn't understand the meaning of it until the Cutie Mark Crusaders reached out to me. They made me realize that my Special Talent was not to Rule, but to Lead. If Shadow is right about this, I might be able to get through to her. So since you don't want her near the school or the castle, she can live with me until we can start trusting her.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Will your parents approve of this?


Diamond Tiara:


I live on my own at the moment. I want to gain experience on how to be on my own before I decide to settle down. I want daddy to be proud of me, so I need to do my best.



(Thinking, Worried)

No mention of her mom. She must still must be holding a grudge from last time.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Anycreature Seconds On That Idea?


With the princess asking this, there were a few who said "Nay", but the Majority said "Aye" as the motion is passed.




Cozy Glow:

(Annoyed, Fake Smile)

Where do you live?


Diamond Tiara:


On the other side of Ponyville…far away from both the Castle and School. It's pretty rural if you ask me. It's a house that the Apple Family provided my family for generations since my Great Granddaddy, Stinkin' Rich started living here so long ago.


Cozy Glow:

(Furious, Hiding Fury Behind Cutesy Smile, Low Sarcasm)

Oh, Golly! This is going to be so much fun!


Diamond Tiara:

(Angry, Hiding Anger Behind Friendly Smile, Notices Sarcasms)

Indeed! Let us have the time of our lives together.



(Thinking, Worried)

This is not going to end well.



(Whispering To Shadow, Worried)

I hope you know what you are doing, Shadow.



(Whispering To Blaze, Smiling)

It will, Blaze. Just have a little faith in me.



The Trade-Off in me doing so can end badly if Cozy Glow relapses permanently with no hope of reform.



That's the negative way of seeing things. The positive outlook is…Cozy will be as heroic as Dia, Starlight, Discord, Gilda, Sunset Shimmer, Grubber, Captain Tempest, Lady Trixie, Stygian and those I'm forgetting.



Luna and Sombra.




Yeah…those two as well.




I can understand your disdain for Sombra since he's the reason your mom is gone, but why are you so antagonistic towards One of the Best Princesses in All of Equestria? What she do to you for you to hate her like this?


Scene 41.4: Ponyville, Diamond Tiara's Cottage, 12:34 PM


Upon arriving there, Cozy was expecting Diamond Tiara's Cottage to be near Sweet Apple Acres, but in reality it's a close to her father's "Rich's Barnyard Bargains" which is not only far away from Sweet Apple Acres, but even farther than the Castle and the School which are located on the other side of the town as Diamond Tiara's Cottage is near on the outskirts of Ponyville and pretty close to the Everfree Forest which irritates Cozy Glow to no end.


Cozy Glow:

(Annoyed, Hiding Annoyance Behind Cutesy Demeanor)

Why is this place so far away?


Diamond Tiara:

(Warm Smile, Looking At Cottage Proudly)

My Great Granddaddy wasn't from around here. After making it big selling Zap Apple Jam, Great Granddaddy decided to help the Apple Family make their home known all throughout Equestria. In the process we cemented ourselves as One of the 3 Most Prominent Families in Ponyville. The Apple Family who are the Founders of Ponyville, Mine who helped put Ponyville on the map and Rarity's for their contributions to Equestria.


Cozy Glow:

What did her parents do? I highly doubt they are that rich. All ever seen them do is travel around the world on vacation.


Diamond Tiara:

Hondo Flanks is a Private Investigator meanwhile Cookie Crumbles is a…

(Thinking, Ashamed)

…Compulsive Gambler…

(Out Loud, Ashamed Smile)

…Dedicated Investor.


Cozy Glow:

Well your dad is a Smart Business Pony and your mom is a Talented Investor too.


Diamond Tiara:

(Annoyed Smile)

Oh, She's Talented Alright!

(Grumbling, Whispering, Looks Away From Cozy Glow, Sour Look)

A Talented Pain In The Rear.

(Clears Throat, Smiling, Out Loud)

What about your parents?


Cozy Glow:

(Looks Away Condescendingly, Boastful Smile & Scoff, Slightly Sad Voice)

My Parents were the best! Much more than everycreature, even yours.


Diamond Tiara:

(Surprised, Notices Sadness, Worried Smile)

I see…Where are they now? I would like to meet them.


Cozy Glow:




Diamond Tiara:




Cozy Glow:

(Notices Fury, Clears Throat, Reverts To Cutesy Persona)

Oh, Golly! I don't know what came over me. Would you mind showing me to my room? I would like to start getting ready for what's left of the day.


Diamond Tiara:

(Regains Composure, Sad Smile)

Sure. This way.


Diamond Tiara leads Cozy Glow to her room and the filly is annoyed to see that there are bars on the windows, but is not surprised by it since she's one of the big three that plunged Equestria into near destruction. Cozy brush it off and starts to make herself home. As Diamond Tiara leaves Cozy on her own, she meets up with Shadow who is secretly waiting outside on his own as he notices Diamond Tiara with a sad look on her face.



Is everything alright, Dia?


Diamond Tiara:

Shadow…I think…I know why Cozy Glow is the way she is.



You do?


Diamond Tiara:

I think it's her parents. She was bragging that they were the best, but when I asked to meet them…



She bit your head off. I expected as much. She reminds me of Ane-Ue.


Diamond Tiara:


Ane-Ue? Oh! Your Older Sister. Was Starry Night like that? Also…how do you know she was like this?



Well now that I know she exists, every time I go to sleep since I am linked with the Element of Life, I can meet up with her whenever I want in the Dreamscape.


Diamond Tiara:

Is she the one you have been looking for all of your life?



No. Ane-Ue and Big Sis are 2 different ponies. Ane-Ue wants to stay looking like a filly while Big Sis is a full grown mare. But yeah…Cozy behaves just like Ane-Ue when she had a body. But unlike Ane-Ue…if my assumption is right…Cozy's life with her parents must have been a lot harder than we all originally thought. Dia? Can you keep a close eye on her for as long as possible?


Diamond Tiara:

After seeing her like that…I can't abandon her. You can count on me.


After hearing her say that, Shadow smiles and walks away; knowing deep down that Diamond Tiara is going to succeed as the Reformed Earth Pony re-enters the cottage, she starts to worry that everything is so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. She carefully walks to Cozy's room to see if she's scheming something and as she suspected, Cozy seems to be talking to someone inside her room, which is impossible since it's a close room with no way in or out except through the front door. She knocks on the door and…


Diamond Tiara:

Cozy? Are you alright? We are going to be late to meet Shadow and the others.


Cozy Glow:

(Leaves & Close Room Behind Her, Smiling)

I am! Let's go! We don't want to keep everycreature waiting.


Diamond Tiara:

Cozy? I'm sorry for asking to meet your parents, but…I want us to get along, so how about we start over?


Cozy Glow:

(Annoyed, Hiding Annoyance Behind Cutesy Smile)

Alright. I'm Cozy Glow! Please to meet you, Diamond Tiara!


Diamond Tiara:

(Amused Chuckle)

No need for that part. But that's something I'd do when I was a filly…even though we are both the same age.


Cozy Glow:

Really? I don't believe you.


Diamond Tiara:

No, it's true. I remember making fun of the CMCs when we were fillies because they were blank flanks and I did so in very creative ways.


Cozy Glow:

(Interested Smile)

Tell me more.


Diamond Tiara:

(Smiling, Thinking)

Well what do you know? She actually is interested in my life's story. I hope this works as Shadow says…for our sake…and her hers. To be honest…

(Sad Smile, Thinking)

…back then I always thought Cozy was a lot of fun to hang out with. I wanted to be her friend that time when she was hanging around the CMCs and I was about to but…she was locked away in Tartarus for almost destroying Equestria using the 6 Cultural Artifacts. I was planning and thinking of ways to approach her…but I took too long and she was locked away. If I had been more proactive…Maybe…Just Maybe…I could have stopped her from doing that. This is my chance to make things right. Cozy…I hope we can be friends now after all that has happened to you so long ago.


Scene 41.5: Dreamscape, 1:00 PM


Shadow arrives at the Dreamscape to meet with his sister, Starry Night to tell her everything that has happened and once he does, her face lights up which Shadow can't help but to find her cute as he blushes, chuckle and looks away like the Edgelord he is.



So things are going like you wanted, Ane-Ue?


Starry Night:


Yes! Thank you for doing this for me, Shade-Chan!



It's nothing. Mom always wanted us to meet and get along. I'm just happy that we are doing what she wanted.


Starry Night:

(Warm Smile)

Yeah…Mama would be happy. I hope I didn't asked too much, Shade-Chan.




No, I was already planning on doing it myself. But it was going to be me and me alone to reform Cozy. I wasn't planning on getting anyone involved, including Dia.


Starry Night:

But because you overdid it helping Sweetie Belle, you are forced to be on the sidelines for awhile. Since I'm part of the Element of Life and it is linked to both your Symbiote and Chaos Field, you'll be back at full health in 10 days.



You already have my vitals down to a tee?


Starry Night:

Yeah, I can tell how you'll do. But big warning – don't overdo it. You are still healing and if you strain yourself, it will take more than 10 Days.



(Amused Chuckle)

I'll be careful, Ane-Ue.


Starry Night:

Is her aura really similar to mine?



Discord did say she absorbed his magic at one point. Maybe that's the reason.


Starry Night:

(Serious Expression)

It's not that simple.





Starry Night:

From what I know living in here and seeing all you went through, Chaos Magic doesn't alter ones aura to resemble another. One's Aura is like a Cutie Mark – Cutie Marks are often a set of two or three objects or animals, and usually feature between one and three colors. For example, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack all have cutie marks with three objects and all of their designs have only two colors. One of the few ponies with a cutie mark with more than three colors is Rainbow Dash, whose rainbow lightning bolt has four. The other ponies with four- or five-colored cutie marks feature a more detailed image, so many of the colors are only different to allow for shading. The same can be said of one's aura. We are born with a specific ebb and flow that cannot be copied or replicated, not even Changelings can do that.



(Serious Expression)

But I have the Princess' Cutie Mark on my Right Flank while my Left Flank is Blank.


Starry Night:

I don't know why you are like that. Maybe they Ancients know something we don't about you. But they will never talk to me and believe you should figure out your true destiny on your own, but we can focus on that later. Cozy Glow...if she fused herself with Chaos Magic, the change should be very minimal. There is no way her aura should resemble mine unless…


…It can't be…





Starry Night:

Shadow! I need you to run a DNA test on her!




DNA Test!? Are you insinuating that she's related to You and Mom in some way!?


Starry Night:

This is an assumption on my part, but Cozy might be a distant relative of Mama. Remember what I said about Cutie Marks? You might know this already but some details of a Pony's Cutie Mark is Hereditary. The same is for auras. What sets you apart from a family member even identical twins is almost 1%; so there is a possibility.



Mom and Grandma were Pegasi and Cozy is one, that could be it.


Starry Night:

Remember that Grandpa was a Pegasus too, so she might come from his side of the family and not necessarily Mama's.



True. It would be nice if she is from Mom's Side, but if she's from Grandpa's Side of the family, she's still family.


Starry Night:


I agree. But remember Shadow…Do not tell her our link with each other just yet. If you do, she might not be ready to hear it and might use this information against you.



Don't worry, Ane-Ue. I can keep a secret.


Starry Night:

(Worried Stare)




What is it, Ane-Ue?


Starry Night:

Back then before you knew I even existed, you were a very reserved Edgelord that even though you were very anti-social, you did care for others. Now? You are still an Edgelord, but you behave more like a socially challenged extrovert. And when it comes to those who are close to you…you happen to be a little…sentimental. Not in a bad way, it's just that you care way too much for the well-being of those you have a deep bond with. There's Krystal, Emma and now there's the CMCs and their new sisters who possess a fragment of your magic embedded within them in order for them to live here in Equestria. In doing so, they also became our sisters because my magic is also part of you because of the Element of Life. Shadow…be careful. If you open your heart carelessly, you will get hurt and I don't want that to happen. I don't want you to go back, not only despising your Papa, but the entire world as well.



I…I'll try my best. You don't have to worry Ane-Ue.


Starry worries for Shadow's mental well-being as she believes that this will hinder his critical thinking once he confront his father after it is all over and she hopes that Cozy Glow will make him realize that he needs to be strong minded and not give others the benefit of the doubt before they reveal their true colors for all to see. She hopes her little brother doesn't fall into darkness like he once did if Cozy Glow betrays him if things do not work out as he returns to the waking world. Meanwhile at the entrance of Ponyville, The Pony Versions of the Sirens: Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk arrives at Ponyville in order to keep tabs on Shadow and his friends…Especially Shadow as Elric greets them at the town's entrance.


To Be Continued…

Due To IRL Situation, There will Be Some Delays On Releases, But I will Make Sure They Make It For You To Read And Enjoy. Thank You For Your Patience, You Awesome People! <3<3<3

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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