

Well, that was definitely not what I'd expected but at least, Apatia wasn't borderline crazy.

I walked out of the building, too tired to even run back home. I could manipulate the wind to fly but I was sure I'd end up on someone's roof passed out if I did.

I'd overworked myself especially with the guy from the grocery store.

Already about to leave the environment as the abandoned site was on the outskirts of the city, the air suddenly felt charged.

It was either someone playing tricks on me or Vulcan had decided to play again.

I groaned. Could he wait till I wasn't this weak?

With the sudden explosion of heat in the air as I drew closet to the scene, I guessed not.

I watched from afar as people ran for their lives and some stayed behind to help the others.

Maybe I should go home...

I thought.

Then my stupid hero instincts kicked in. What if people died?

Vulcan was insane as his hear probably fried his brain.

I sucked in a deep breath.

I could do this... I just had to avoid any heat blasts or being knocked down by any flaming part of a building.

Piece of Cake.

I decided to use the element of surprise to pin down the idiot.

Apatia was right about one thing. If you didn't get rid of cockroaches, they'd always come back.

I didn't mean killing but I did know a prison facility that would love to work with Vulcan.

It was as if Vulcan had seen me coming. He turned immediately, sending a blast of hot air my way, knocking me back and into the flaming building.

How wonderful.

"What the hell Vulcan?" I yelled as I walked out of the building, bones, muscles and flesh all screaming and protesting in pain.

"Why hello to you too Vero!" He yelled back and turned to continue watching the building burn.

"What was that for?" Dusting some debris of my body, I noticed some burns on my jacket. My favorite jacket...

I'm going to break some bones tonight.

"You tell me. Sneaking up on me like that. Totally unlike you at all." He didn't even turn to face me, not realizing that I was about to pounce, mad about the way my night was going.

"Shut up!" I screamed, flying with a punch and alot of air force, slamming them into his cheek.

I think I saw blood and a tooth fall from his mouth. His concentration on the fire wavered in and out and as a response, the fire flickered on and off.

"Still angry bout last time I see." Vulcan chuckled. Staring at me with eyes so red, you could actually see the fire in them.

I huffed and held up a hand.

"Now we're even." He grabbed my hand and pulled himself up with it but then gave me a mischievous smile and my hand began to heat up to the point it had turned red.

"Vero. You're smart but naive at the same time. The era of a new world for the bionic has begun, no more haters trying to kill us." He spoke as if he was possessed.

I found that chance to rip my hand off his. Luckily I was left-handed so I didn't really need to worry about my definitely charred hand.

"Why this building then?" I tilted my head towards a warehouse looking structure.

Vulcan sighed. "It's the headquarters of the pacifiers." He stated, raising his hand so the fire didn't spread out to other buildings.

I didn't believe others when they said Vulcan had gone rogue. I knew he had a reason for what he did, despite him being insane.

"And the others were ..." I didn't need to complete it, we both knew.

Their bases.

The pacifiers were humans who didn't want the bionic and mostly wanted us to die.

They hunted us and killed us whenever and however they liked. They kidnapped, abused and killed the bionic each place they went.

They weren't even kind to their fellow species. Pathetic.

"Why didn't you come to me Vulcan? Why take matters to your hands? The government supports us you know."

It would have been better if I'd known about it.

Vulcan stared at me with frustration in his eyes.

" The government will help us? "He screamed, the fire reacting to his emotions.

" I'm not sure if you've noticed but higher ups in the government fund the pacifiers. There's no getting their help unless you're a pawn in their games. Be a smart guy Vero. It's time we changed a few things."

And with that, Vulcan walked into the building as the fire engulfed him and then settled down completely.

I turned and pulled off my mask, going home through the subway. I didn't even bother climbing in through the window and just sifted the door, collapsing on the bed .

Today was quite an adventure.

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