
An Oddball

Far away from the Ashphen Camp, nestled amidst the rugged terrain, a figure stood atop a hill, concealed by the darkness and dressed in flowing, shadowy sorcerer robes that merged seamlessly with the environment. This mysterious individual possessed an air of otherworldliness, his bald head adorned with a vivid serpent tattoo that slithered from the back of his neck to his forehead. But it was his eyes that drew attention, for they resembled the piercing gaze of a hawk, their corners appearing stitched and patched together.

From his vantage point, this enigmatic sorcerer gazed across the vast distance, his attention fixated on the unfolding events within the Ashphen Camp. Spider Killer, Snake Gaze, and Night Shade had gathered around Maersult, their purpose nearing completion. Despite the situation deviating slightly from his own expectations, the figure remained unperturbed, continuing his vigilant monitoring.

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