
Saskatchewan: XI

"Well, as you heard, Chyler wouldn't be joining us today." Adaman sighed, sliding her phone back to the pocket of her coat.

"Yeah, that's a bummer, I guess. Is she doing that often? She doesn't look like a person who likes those kind of things." Aria leaned to the wall, crossing her arms on her chest. The pathologist smiled widely, nodding.

"You're right, Aria." she confirmed. "Chyler is not particularly keen on assisting in any sort of autopsies or other kind of things like those. She used to say that the death is making her queasy."

"Judging the way she talks and looks, I am not surprised." She shrugged, coming closer to the metal table where the bag with the corpse was laying. Adaman opened it and spread the halves to get the body out of it. She looked at Aria after a moment.

"Could you maybe...?"

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