
is this my life now???

So... let's recap shall we?

Two gamer dudes (cool dudes Mind you) think it would be fun to attend the concert of our favorite gamer. Enjoyed the event, planned to go home but whoops a new sudden change has been added which causes us to stay because we love games and it's against our favorite game Miku for crying out loud.

Gets absolutely OBLITERATED  in said game and somehow during all that time we get framed for theft.

"Today has to be the worst day ever." I muttered to myself.

We were at the dinner table. It was macaroni and cheese tonight. Gabriel did not join us tonight though he almost threw up on the sight of more cheese. 

'heh- serves him right-' I thought to myself

"Oh Haru, I didn't know you had a girlfriend." 

I sunk into my chair when my mom said that both of my palms were against my face.

"no I'm not-" Miku tried to explain but my mom just cut her off as she normally does when she's about to hear something she doesn't like.

"No need to be so modest here have some more food." She dumped more food on Miku's plate. She seemed to be full but didn't want to be rude.

EXCUSE ME?? What's with the attitude change all of a sudden??

"Haru! stop slouching in the chair."  My mom scolded me.

Without saying a word I sat up straight and continued eating.

"Honestly.. Miku was it? I don't know how you could handle him everyday and not go mad I almost lost my sanity one time with h-"

I cut my mom off right there no way I'm letting her finish that sentence.


Both my mom and Miku looked at me.

"You left the oven on."

"oh your right ... I'll be right back Miku dear." My mom left to take care of that.

I let out a sigh of relief. Honestly out of all the women why her I found myself staring daggers  at Miku. If mom knew that she was a number 1 drifter she wouldn't even think of her to be my girlfriend much less my friend.


She wouldn't believe me...


Due to only having one guest room Gabriel had to sleep in mine. Luckily we had a bean bag from the one time we went camping.

"I didn't know you had a dinosaur  suit!" Gabriel looked at it in awe from the locker.

I stared at him from my bed with a concerned look on my face.

"If you want you could take it.. it was my cousin's  but he left it here and never returned for it so-"  I  looked down to my phone and started to play Troll quest 2.

Before I knew it Gabriel was already  inside the suit.

"I feel..... powerful!" 

"You scare me sometimes...." 

Gabriel  went into his bean bag and stared at the 

ceiling until he fell asleep.

"...I forgot how slow the internet at home was."

I fell back on my bed also staring at the ceiling...

Where did I go wrong?

I covered my eyes with my arm and just let my mind run wild until it was too tired to run anymore..

I fell asleep.


"How much longer do you have in there!?" The next day I found myself banging on the door to the only bathroom in the house. 

Since it's just me and mom  plus the fact my mom gets up early to work everyday (not including weekends) we only have one bathroom.

"Come on, I have to go!" I shouted.

"Hold it in!!" she  shouted back from inside the comfort of the bathroom.

We waited until the point we were laying down sprawled out on the floor.

This is going to be a looong  house arrest...

Next chapter