
Desperate Raijū

Only eight wolves were left when the Firewall extinguished, but they had red eyes and frothing mouths. They all lunged together as soon as they saw a person near them.

Sadly, the poor sap getting assaulted like that was Alexander, who was locked in a heated exchange of claw swipes with a Raijū and had little to no manoeuvering space.

But before they could reach him, a torrent of undead came charging in, a mix of animals that the dire wolves had fed on, and released their vindictive energy on the wolves. Behind them, Clark, Jonathan, and the freshly healed Juan dashed at the dire wolves.

Violette had never stopped attacking the wolves from her little outcropping of rock on the side of the valley, but she was starting to feel tired. The ice wall at the start of their ambush had already drained a lot from her.

So pushing out a powerful ice pillar from the opposite side of the valley to save Jack had left her running on fumes.
