
Berserk Boss

The first five minutes of the fight went by quickly, as everyone was hyper-focused. As soon as Astaroth's melding timer hit zero, he summoned out White, and Melded with Luna.

He immediately started amassing Aether, while he went from a melee stance to a kiting mage stance. He still hadn't learned any hard-hitting spells, so he was rapidly firing weaker ones instead.

The boss was also starting to get affected by the debuffs Morpheus was inflicting. This effectively reduced the pressure on Gulnur some more, as some of its attacks started missing him entirely.

Astaroth honestly felt like it should have been worse by now, but he took what he could get. Three stacks of dissonance, and one stack of drowsiness currently affected the Grippli.

The dissonance status was making it have a fifteen percent chance of missing its attacks, five percent per stack. And the drowsiness reduced its agility, making it more manageable to fight against.

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