
Forming A Plan

Knowing where you are heading and what monsters to expect makes exploring easy. The opposite made it dangerous.

Since they were now going blind, they had to change their party formation. Athena would have to go ahead of the group, acting as a scout, while the rest of them clustered closer.

She nodded her head and climbed into the trees. From there, she closed her eyes and used her new item's ability.

She opened her mouth, and the silent pulse emerged. The echoes that came back to her showed her the path ahead and the monsters' forms, but it came back shorter than her first use.

That made her frown.

She jumped back down from the tree to explain what she had seen, and Phoenix connected the dots.

"Now we know why it's called Jungle Maze. This place is a magical maze. That means it changes as we advance," she said.

This blew up their plan of using Athena as a scout. Now they were in a bind.

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