
Chapter 113 : Horcrux

Hearing the Voldemort name Snape has a shocked expression on his face.

The name Voldemort was taboo in the entire wizarding world. They even feared saying the name.

Voldemort was an infamous dark wizard whose reign of terror left a lasting impression on the wizarding world. As a result, it was forbidden even to speak his name in public, and anyone who did was met with fear.

He was a powerful dark wizard who caused a great deal of terror and upheaval when he was alive. He almost destroyed the wizarding world.

Voldemort's power was so great that witches and wizards were so afraid of him that they believed saying his name aloud would put them at risk of the dark wizard's retribution. As a result, people often referred to him as "He Who Must Not Be Named" or "You Know Who" instead of saying his name.

But the kid in front of him is not only afraid of Voldemort but also talking about killing him.

"Do you really know what you are talking about?" asked Sanpe with a look of disbelief, not believing Alex's words.

" Yes to kill that noseless bastard," said Alex with a calm face

What killing?

People even fear to say his name?

And this kid is talking nonsense about killing him?

Would anyone believe it if they said that an 11-year-old could kill a person who terrorized the entire wizarding world?

"Is there anything wrong?" asked Alex while tilting his head

Snape observed Alex as if he were some crazy kid

"Headmaster, why are you listening to this kid talk?"

"Does it feel like you are dealing with a kid? "

Then Snape observed that Alex had no fear even in front of him and Dumbledore. He looks like he's here to enjoy himself.

" Severus it's true Alex said he could deal with Voldemort," said Dumbledore.

"Headmaster, how can you believe this kid's nonsense?"

" Severus on the Quidditch ground you saw his power "

" Do you think that power belongs to a kid ? " asked Dumbledore.

Snape recalled Alex's magic power and the scene on the Quidditch field. And felt that Alex was more mysterious and his power was not measurable.

"Then what is the best way to deal with Voldemort?" asked Snape.

"You have to agree to that deal," said Alex

"So headmaster, do you agree?"

"I'm still thinking," said Dumbledore as he considered Alex's deal. It is advantageous for him, but he is still hesitant to trust Alex.

"If you don't agree Harry will die," said Alex, as he couldn't wait for Dumbledore to make his decision.

So he decided to say something that would change their decision.

"Are you threatening us ?" asked Dumbledore with a serious expression. Snape also had an angry expression on his face.

"No, I'm saying Harry has something in his body that will eventually kill him."

Because of his intervention, the future became uncertain, and Dumbledore, who was to find the ring three years later, found it now.

And he can't live for that long and the Voldemort soul in Harry's body, which will slowly affect Harry's behaviour and will change him.

Although he will solve it, he will not tell that, since knowing this Dumbledore will make this decision

As he can't put Harry's life in danger.

"What is that ?" asked Dumbledore wanting to know what is going to harm harry.

"Nothing is free if you want to know on agreeing to my deal "

" You should agree to it since you don't have time to deal with Voldemort," said Alex as he looked at Dumbledore.

"What is your motive after killing Voldemort?" asked Dumbledore

If Alex is ambitious like Voldermoet he will not cooperate with Alex.

"My motive, well I just want to explore new places and enjoy "

"I don't have any ambitions to rule the world, since it is quite a pain," said Alex in a flat tone.

The amount of responsibility and work that would be required to rule the world is immense and can be overwhelming. For these reasons, it is much easier to simply live a life without such pressures and enjoy a peaceful existence.

Rather than doing that, it is better to live carefully without worrying about things.

Dumbledore saw Alex's expression. As he saw no lies in his words

As Dumbledore decided to trust Alex, he said, "I agree."

"Well okay then "

"Let's talk about how Voldermort achieved immortality."

"For immortality, he searched for various methods."

"Then he found a forbidden method which is known as the Horcrux "

"Simply put, a Horcrux is a piece of one's soul. If a witch or wizard creates a Horcrux, then they can never truly die until said Horcrux is destroyed as well. A person's physical body can be destroyed, but their soul can live on."

"In this way, he can live until his soul is destroyed."

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