
Meeting the Family (3)


Giving Kalia a small squeeze, Astra turned and looked at the Hawkkin, making her daughter squirm slightly in her arms as she too turned to look at the Hawkkin, who was staring down at the two women with a small frown as she tried to think of something to say.

It was rather obvious - both through what I was seeing and what I was smelling - that the two had obviously been sexually involved with each other all night long, and considering the way Kalia was hesitantly looking between her Mother and what was likely her lover, it was interesting to see...

"Inik, have you swooped in and decided to just sink your talons into my daughter for fun, or..?"

"M-Mama..! She and I..!"

Kalia bit her lip as she looked at Astra, before she managed to muster the confidence to say "We're going to get married!"

Silence fell in the area around us, only for it to thicken when Inik added "I want Kalia to be my wife, and... we think she's pregnant.", something that made Astra stare straight at the Hawkkin without any sign of any sort of reaction to those words, something that made us all focus on her - especially Shelur and I, since we both slightly knew Astra and also knew about her mana types, which...


It was hard to comfortably say she wasn't wanting to utilize her magics to ensure her daughters safety through some more drastic means, but after a few heavy seconds she let out a sigh and said "Just know that if you try and harm her, or you don't properly care for your child..."

She left the threat unspoken, but Inik nodded and said "I will never harm her, ever. Unless she wants it, of course~!"

That was said with a smirk, and for a moment I thought Astra would hit the Hawkkin for so obviously stating what they do during sex, but instead Astra just chuckled and looked back at Kalia, saying "Is that so~! Well aren't you lucky Kalia~! Finding yourself someone like Sari, hm?"

I only became more confused as I looked between the three women in front of me, something that Astra caught as she said "Renna, don't be too confused now love~! As long as this Hawkkin here understands that my adorable, curvaceous daughter isn't just an excellent lover in bed and someone she can beat - both her cheeks and her tits~ - but instead is someone she should love and care for as a woman, I don't particularly mind~!"

"Please trust me, Miss Astra. I don't want to let someone as perfect as your daughter go, especially not when she potentially has my baby in her belly."

"We shall see, won't we~? Well, let's get going~! We need to spread the joyous news even more, don't we~? After all, you aren't the only one pregnant, Kalia~!"

The Dark Elf blinked, her pink eyes widening as she stared at her Mother and asked "Mama, you aren't..? Dama would..!"

Giggling, Astra shook her head and instead pointed to me, redirecting Kalia's attention and saying "Not me, but her~! She's pregnant with my baby~! Oh, and I think... I think she's agreed we should remain together..?"

I gave her a nod and said "So long as nothing happens that could harm the people or the Queendom, I am more than alright with remaining with you, Astra. For more reasons than just me being with your child..."

At that, I stroked my stomach and felt that new tingling of joy as I wondered how long it would take before I could see that I was pregnant, and wondering just how much I would love it; I knew that it was a rather inhibitive period of time for women, but still... now that I was finally able to enjoy it, I don't know if I would mind it at all.

Especially not because I think... I think I wanted to be perpetually pregnant, to make up for lost time so to speak; if Astra was alright with the idea, I was more than happy to let her impregnate me over and over again whenever she wanted...

We quickly gathered everything we had and went to pick up the Geri that they had rode in on, which carried Kalia and I over towards the land that Astra and her family occupied, where I would be reintroduced and potentially integrated into the family, something that was making me rather nervous...

After all, these were the people that were important to Astra and close to her heart; this wasn't something that my position would help me with, something that my mana would help me take for myself...

I needed to make a good impression and hope that they didn't mind this surprise, whilst also wondering what they would think about the fact that it wasn't just me that Astra had been with, but also the Queen, Goddess Dryatra, and Shelur.

That was a long list of people she definitely hadn't told her wives she might have sex with, and whilst it was egotistical of me, having sex with three people she had no idea she might sleep with whilst maybe having told them she planned to sleep with me was still something that might be quite hard to swallow...

Which made me worried, obviously, though Shelur and Inik were perfectly fine as they walked beside us with no problem, their expressions neutral like neither was considering the fact that they were walking into unknown territory with unknown people who could very well try and strong-arm them into doing something... or simply hurt them if they were erratic enough.

But, as I looked towards Astra - who was walking beside me as well - and saw the woman turn to stare up at me, I felt my worries trickle away as she took my hand and said "They'll like you, trust me. You're a rather impressive woman in multiple ways, Renna; besides, you're MY woman now too~! Isn't that wonderful~?"

I blushed and looked away, unsure of why something so simple and something I had heard a few times before made me so embarrassed and made my heart flutter... only to realize it was because she made my heart feel full and warm with such ease, something I had never felt with someone besides family... and something that was unique to her.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts
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