
Chapter 93 Searching for Safe Haven

Confused, I tried to understand why Elo didn't follow my command to max the thrusters.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as Elo's delay might have cost us precious seconds.

My thoughts were cut short by the sound of Soldiers voice.

"3!... 2!" The soldier's voice boomed through the Microphone in his hands.

"Elo!!" I shouted, wondering what was happening.

"Engaging Maximum Thruster Output, Sir, Brace yourself," a voice diffrent from Elo warned, and a feeling of dread settled in my stomach.



Was my last thought before I felt my body shoot straight up into the air. The wind crashed against my body, and the sound of bullets being fired at me in mass was deafening.

My heart raced, and my mind was preoccupied by the voice I had heard before as I controlled the Armour shooting through the sky.

And once I was at a point in the sky where The Mark 3 Armour would usually freeze and bullets just couldnt reach I stopped and started hovering as I recollected myself a bit.

"Jarvis?" I asked feeling confused as to whether it was actually Jarvis's Voice.

"Yes sir, it is me," came the reply.

I let out a sigh of relief, but my mind was still racing. "What happened back there in the Cave? Why did you disconnect from the armor?" I asked confused.

"I have not been able to identify it yet, However I am thoroughly looking into it, Sir. But first, we should get out of here as helicopters will no doubt be here soon," Jarvis responded.

I nodded and looked down at my palms only to realize the missing EmBomb I simply shrugged my shoulders knowing that even if someone knowledgeble were to find it, They would just come to conclusion that it was just junk.

I started flying through the thin atmosphere with relative ease and no problems with my armour freezing due to the cold up here even with the sun up in the sky.

I had no specific direction in mind as I flew, but I knew One thing for sure, I couldnt go to Grandpa Jay's house no matter what, I needed to distance myself from my family and friends as well as any where i usually go to so that the people I know can stay away from the military's prying eyes, The thought of my family's safety weighed heavily on my mind as well as friends.

"If the military can track me and they don't know about my actual identity or anything about my family, I wouldn't want to lead them straight to us," I muttered to myself.

"Jarvis, find a big underground bunker that is easy to put defense mechanisms around, Is well hidden, secure, and spacious, with plenty of rooms inside. Preferably in a barren or abandoned place," I commanded.

"On it, Sir," Jarvis said, and for a few seconds, it went quiet. Suddenly, two files appeared in front of my vision.

"Sir, here are the files that meet those requirements. These are only the top picks. The first one is under a huge mansion. It has plenty of room above and below as well, it is surrounded by a huge forest, and is abandoned.

The second one is located at the entrance of a certain mountain in between a bunch of mountain ranges. It's extremely spacious, far from any proper cities, super easy to defend, and very well hidden.

Do any of these Properties intrest you Sir?"

"Hmm, Both are very good, although just how far exactly are these places from here?"

"A four to Five Hour drive to the Mountain Base but the Mansion is located in a diffrent country, These two are quiet literally the best in the world, each of them come with extremely thick walls enough to survive multiple nuclear bombings"

"I see, the mountains one has really good natural defense and is truly easy to defend as for the Mansion, Which country is it in?"

"Sir, The Mansion Property is located in Romania"

"Phew... That's far"

"So Sir which One?" Jarvis asked causing me chuckle a little.

"Both of them are good," I said after considering my options.

"So sir, Which one would you want?" Jarvis asked and when I heard that I chuckled a little. More.

"Jarvis why bother picking, Get both of them. The mansion is the perfect place to hide everyone incase thing wrong and the mountain base is where I'll build my new workshop."

"I see, I should have known, my apologies sir" i simply chuckled a little and continued flying aimlessly for a few minutes.

As I kept flying aimlessly for a few minutes, my thoughts went through my head, and I realized that I needed to know what the military knew about me.

"Hey, Jarvis, what does the military know about me currently? If possible, find out how they managed to track me down, and whether they know my real identity and how they found out about me," I asked.

"They must know about my existence and somehow tracked me down to the Mountain and they came with such a large force, which otherwise wouldn't really make any sense to bring them all to thsi mountain range," I mused to myself.

"Jarvis, check whether they were actually there for me or not. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding things here, and they were there for another purpose," I added.

Jarvis didn't respond for a minute, and I waited patiently as I kept flying.

"Uhh, Jarvis?" It had been quiet for a minute now and Jarvis didnt seem to be responding.

"Sir the two Properties purchase has been successfully put through, The Sum offered should no doubt be a very acceptable amount for the owners" Jarvis responded without actually responding to the questions I had just asked.

"Good Job Jarvsi, now do you mind telling me what I asked"

Jarvis once again went quiet without responding causing a weird feeling to arise.


"First of all, I would like to apologize, Sir," he said causing me to be confused as to why he was apologising.

Hey guys, I hope you are enjoying the chapters, If you are why not leave a powerstone on your way out :)

Karate_master_bcreators' thoughts