
Man is the cruelest animal

*Warning - attempted rape*

Later that evening...

Ares had gotten out his book connected to Harry and invited him to the Quidditch World Cup, telling him he could bring any of his friends if he so wished. Mentioning that it was the box next to the Ministers, but without the Malfoy father and son immediately won the boy-who-hated-Malfoy over.

Realising he could use this as an opportunity to bond with Daphne, he decided to invite her and her family; actually, Daphne on her own would be more enjoyable.

Opening his door, he was a little creeped out to see Astoria Greengrass waiting outside it expectantly.

"What do you want?"

The small girl seemed to lean closer as her eyes took on the baby-doe effect, "When are you going to take Daphy on a date?"

Ares was not proud to admit it, but the next word to come out of his mouth wasn't exactly coherent.


"When are you going to take my sister on a date?"

Ares just continued to look at her blankly; he had never met such a blunt little girl except maybe Luna.

Talking about Luna, she was still attending Hogwarts under the guardianship of Dumbledore, something Ares planned on changing as soon as possible.

"I'll go and see her now. We can talk some other time, perhaps Ms Greengrass."

Pushing forward, he made his way into the common room.


5 minutes earlier...

Daphne had been reading alone on one of the reclining sofas in the centre of the common room when two older boys walked in looking intoxicated.

Scratch that; they looked flat-out rat-arsed.

"Hey, Greengrass! You wanna come back to our room? We'll show you a good time." Cassius Warrington asked with a slur.

In the back of his subconscious, Graham Montague knew that what they were doing would end badly. However, the fire whisky from Snape's office overruled any sensible suggestions of just backing off when it became clear she wasn't interested.

"Fuck off, Warrington. Why would I ever want to be in a room with you and Montague? Leave me alone." Daphne replied with a sneer.

The Warrington and Montague families were pureblood families, but they weren't aristocrats or particularly rich, so they usually were ignored by the more prominent families like Greengrass.

Cassius had issues with that. He had an inferiority complex from being born a non-noble pureblood. There wasn't anything special about him or his family, and he resented that because it meant all the bloody aristocrats acted so uppity.

Daphne Greengrass was a prime example of that, and he hated her, and even though she was only fourteen, he lusted after her.

She was everything he could never have and everything he wanted to be. If he married her, he would become nobility.

In an act so typical of inadequate men, he let being drunk disguise his inhibitions and fear of the consequences of his actions.

When she refused, it only spurred him on, and he grabbed her, planning on dragging her back to his room if necessary.

Smacking her wand away, he watched it as the piece of wood slid under a sofa.

Holding her by her hair, he threw her off the sofa by her hair. Most people were already in bed or unwilling to pick a fight with the two sixth years.

"Bastard! Touch me again, and I'll ruin your family, you too, Montague!"

Graham slapped her hard for that, feeling what he thought was righteous anger swell up within him as she tried to threaten him.

"Shut up, you pampered bitch. Just come with us, and we'll show you how to put your mouth to better use." He snarled.

Both boys reached for her this time, grabbing a leg and ripping her skirt.

Kicking at them, she managed to get out of their grip, only for them to catch her again with renewed vigour now that they could see their goal in sight.


Ares had been having a nice day, had seen how far his assets had come and had ensured McGonagall was punished for irritating him.

She would learn later what he had done, but it still felt good.

He had organised a trip to the world cup with his younger self, one of the only people he cared about.

Ares had been planning to finish the day by convincing his fiancee to leave her family and attend the event with him as a bonding exercise.

He had it all planned out. First, Daphy would agree to come, but only with family. He would mention the locket she had given him and how they were meant to be growing closer together. Then, Daphne would feel guilty and come alone, where he would woo her, and they would have another magical kiss like at the new year party. Any Veela cheerleaders involved with his world cup experience would be an added bonus.

He imagined there was probably something morally and mentally broken in him with how easily he accepted his younger and older self's actions as the actions of separate entities.

So suffice it to say, when he walked into the common room, only Daphne and a few naked Veela were on his mind. Those were pleasant thoughts.

Different from the ones he used to have.

Still occasionally had.

However, he knew she wouldn't like him if he got sucked back into that dark chasm, so he contained them using Occulmency and forgot about them.

They were a thing of the past.

His past.

Perfectly calm and serene, he left his daydreams and saw what was occurring.

No more nice thoughts now, his mental barriers were failing, and the two would-be rapists would feel the full brunt of those consequences.

Next chapter