
When they said keep your friends close, and your enemies closer... I don't think they meant become family.

22nd June 1993. Greengrass Manor.

Madeline Greengrass had to use all her self-control to stop herself from killing her future son-in-law there and then.

"What spell did you use!" Stefan barked, starting to get worried; most sight loss spells barely lasted a few minutes.

"Oh, don't worry, old man! Do you really think I'd cripple my future father-in-law so soon? I'm almost offended." Ares said with a roll of his eyes; he was just proving a point to Cygnus and getting a little revenge for his verbal abuse earlier that day.

"Aspectu", He intoned with an edge to his voice, and Cygnus could see again.

Daddy dearest sighed in relief as he looked around; his eyesight returned.

"What spells were those? I've never heard of them before."

Ares smiled and replied,

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

He was met with stony silence.


"Why does nobody ever get the jokes I make in the wizarding world?" He asked as he threw his arms into the air.

The Greengrass family just continued to stare until he gave in.

"I developed the second spell, and my father developed the first, one for blinding, one for giving sight," Ares explained. Of course, he had developed both, but it wouldn't do to let the world know that a supposedly fourteen-year-old boy had designed two incredible spells.

Stefan was amazed; if he was to be believed, this boy had developed a cure for blindness and his father a way to keep people indefinitely crippled.

He was beginning to work out the dynamic in the family.

When Ares had said he liked to develop spells, Daphne had thought he meant a little arithmancy, but the fact he had developed life-changing magic was awe-inspiring, although deep down, she preferred the curse that caused blindness instead of taking it away.

Ophelia just chalked it up to a proper pureblood upbringing.

Madeline was just thankful her husband wasn't blind, and Astoria was more excited about the duel.

As the group returned upstairs, Daphne couldn't help but keep exchanging smiles and winks with Ares.

The Dark Lord had omitted to mention the side effects that could be caused by the sight spell if used slightly differently, but now was not the time to tell them.

Two hours had passed, so it was time to go to Gringotts.

Everyone piled into the floo and made their way to Gringotts, where they were met by an adult Ares.

"Have fun? Didn't blow anything up, did you?" The elder Ares said jokingly.

Ares Jr rolled his eyes and continued walking towards Bloodclaw's office.

"Heir Peverell, Lord Peverell, Lord Greengrass, Heir Greengrass, the arrangements have been made. First, you will sign the contract, and then you will take the oath," Bloodclaw explained as they walked in.

He directed them to a table with a massive pile of parchment and handed Ares Sr, Cygnus and Stefan a blood Quill, each showing them where to sign.

Ares signed first in the space allocated to the Heads of Houses and the Guardian, then Stefan signed as head of House Greengrass and Cygnus as the bride's father.

The contract took almost immediate effect with a compulsory binding between the five.

"We will now move to the ritual room to take the oaths, and do remember any attempt to ignore the Oath after swearing it will be punished by Magic herself." Bloodclaw reminded them as he opened the door.

This time only Stefan and Ares Senior followed him as they were the only ones required to swear the oath.

Upon reaching the ritual chamber, both men shook hands and clasped the other's right hand. An impartial judge came in and held their wand over the two hands as the men made their Oaths.

"I vow to help and protect the Greengrass family in their times of need as long as they promise to do the same and never betray me."

Stefan accepted the vow.

A strand of light came out of the witness's wand and bound the two men.

"I vow to help and protect the Peverell family in their times of need so long as they are extended family, and never betray my family."

Ares accepted the vow.

The light strands bound the two again, and the Unbreakable Vow was complete.

"Looks like you and I are going to need to learn to get on better, eh Lord Greengrass," Ares said with a cheeky smile.

Stefan looked back at him, the hint of a smile on his lips,

"We will see Lord Peverell; we will see."

The two returned upstairs and, after saying their goodbyes split up.

Ares Jr got out his time turner and turned it back four hours while Ares Sr went home.


6th August 1993. Number Four, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.

Harry Potter was livid. Why was Marge such a bitch? He didn't regret blowing her up one bit, as she clearly deserved it.

His fury kept him warm as he dragged his trunk towards the road.

It was very dark, so once he got to the road, he cast 'Lumos' and looked around.

He suddenly saw a massive dog and nearly dropped his wand in panic; he lifted his wand too high and had to put his other hand up to balance himself.

A massive purple bus appeared and nearly ran him over; getting on, he was met by a curious-looking man.

"The name's Stan Shunpike; where do you want to go?" The short, dark-haired man asked.

"The Leaky Cauldron, please."

Stan nodded and held out his hand, asking for two sickles.

Harry dug around in his pocket and handed the money over.

"What's your name? I haven't seen you around before."

Harry panicked and said the first name that came to mind.

"Neville Longbottom."

Stan smiled, replying that it was nice to meet him and told him to pick a bed and listen for his stop.

Sitting down on a bed near the back, he sighed with relief.

"You know it is illegal to impersonate a member of the wizarding aristocracy. The boy who lived should know better than to break the law."

Harry looked over to the speaker,

Ares smiled at him from the opposite bed and winked.

Harry made to get up quickly, but Ares held up his hand to stop him.

"Don't go. I won't bite, I promise. My name is Ares, and if you let me, I want to help you."

Harry looked at him suspiciously before sitting back down.

"Good, now listen carefully."

Next chapter