
What Is The Meaning Of This?!

Early the next morning, Nix, who had slept over at Vincent's house, blinked his gray eyes open.


He stared at the ceiling, which was blurry, and reached out his hand to search for his glasses. Without those glasses, it gets pretty hard for him to see sometimes.


This has been a problem for him right from his childhood, and he still couldn't understand why. He wasn't some mere human who could experience such conditions, yet he had them.


Unable to find his glasses on the mini table, he took a deep breath and sat up on the bed.


He touched everywhere on the mini table yet again and tried hard to look on the floor, but still couldn't find it.


"Where is it?" He frowned deeply in frustration and stood up to his feet.


"Vincent!!" He called as loudly as he could, starting to get worried that something might have happened to his glasses.

