
Blackfire Island

Zane quickly abandoned the thought once he was faced with the mystery that bore the name "Blackfire Island".

While he was mulling a few options over in front of a gigantic world map and a bunch of articles from the internet, he saw a car approaching the Caldwell mansion through the window.

It was Ryan's signature electric limousine.

Out came Ryan, Aiden, Liam, and Cole.

Zane turned away from the window and focused on finding some clues from the heap of documents in front of him. After some time, Ryan knocked at the study's door and entered.

"How is it going, Zane?" Ryan asked, eyeing the mess on the desk.

"Not much progress," Zane grumbled. "How can you all expect me to find the hideout of the most notorious crime organization just by giving me two words, 'Blackfire Island'?"

Ryan chuckled. He reached out and patted Zane's head.

"Don't underestimate your abilities. We rely on your intuition. You are rarely wrong, you know that."

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