
The Fight At Gooseshrub

It was snowing heavily in Gooseshrub and its surrounding area. Under a few streetlights that flickered slightly, one could see the tiny snowflakes slowly falling from the sky and drifting to the ground.

Cloaked from head to heels, Benjamin Godwood and his three remaining followers moved as silently but also as fast as possible toward Gooseshrub.

"B-boss, not so fast," one of them begged while holding onto his left bandaged arm. In their last confrontation with Aiden and his rabid vampires, he almost lost the arm.

"Stop being a pussy and get on with it!" Benjamin hissed through gritted teeth. A pathetic whimper came from the man, but Benjamin did not have much sympathy to offer.

God-damned demon! The leader of the gang cursed under his breath. That redhead pure-blood vampire had not lived for long but he dared to oppose the great Benjamin Godwood!

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