
CHAPTER 033: Ilustrado

The majority of the businesses in the capital were operating day and night. One of them was the bookstore that was called Ilustrado, where Yanarym shopped for her materials.

From the outside view, the shop appeared to be a small building that was selling papers, but upon entering— It was enormous.

Inside there were countless books, files, newspapers, and data that they offered for sale or borrowing.

Yanarym had not thought of it in the beginning. She should have come to the library if she wanted information about this world.

On second thought, she was not that regretful about spending her time at the eatery. She would rather study in the eatery and her dusty bedroom in the abandoned castle than go to the library…

It was uncomfortable.

She would not be able to have her snacks whenever she was hungry and there was always a slight pressure that she should be burying her head in the pages. Just like what the others were doing.

When in reality, she could not understand a word that was written on those papers despite gawking her eyes out. She preferred to study by herself with the bed, and if she was not alone— there must be food in the vicinity.

The library section, although Yanarym had not fully explored it; was where the books were allowed to be borrowed. Of course, that was the purpose of the library, making the books available to the public.

Guide-sama: "Why are you arguing with yourself?"

Anyways, she saw another interesting thing.

There was a salamanca section.

Salamanca was a term that required magic to operate.

Yanarym was not sure what was going on in that section. She would delve into that site one of these days since she needed to know about magicians and magics too.

The summary of the plot of Caius's story was not enough to have her acquainted with how useful salamanca would become to her.

It probably would, but she was not that excited to know. She did not want to expect so much from Original's body. She was immune to poisons but that must be it. The last time she entered a magical world; everyone was magic except for her. This might also be the case this time.

In addition to that, all this time she assumed that the timeline was based on the nineteenth century, when technology was not existing yet and such.

To her surprise, there was a technology section in the shop! She took a peek at the inside and remarkably similar— almost identical-looking computers were stationed in there.

The surprising thing was, among the sections of the shop.

The technology section was unpopular. It was a cultural shock for Yanarym because technology was always the best thing from where she came from. The area was so deserted which could be justified because the time was almost a quarter to eleven; midnight was approaching.

—The salamanca section was crowded despite the current time.

She concluded that the technology of this world was just not as useful as she had been accustomed to.

Regardless, she would stick to studying using books.

In the first place, even though there was a search engine in those computer-looking things. She did not know what, or which to search for.

Books give her a different kind of fulfillment.

Ilustrado was one of the biggest bookstores that were in the capital, and it was available to anyone day and night. She would just come back to this one shop now and then, and she rather not searched for the other bookstores. One of the reasons too was, it was the nearest to the kingdom, particularly to her castle.

Guide-sama: "Why don't you just rent the book from the library? You would be able to save enough money if you do that. After all, you just needed to scan the content and you would be done with it."

"No, I'm fine buying my copy. If I borrow it from the library, I am not confident enough that I could return it in healthy shape. I rather have my own so I could do whatever I want with it. I am not walking back and forth returning and borrowing the books. That's too troublesome."

Yanarym exited the establishment, and she encountered many young adults that must be purchasing books or visiting the library area or might go to the packed salamanca section.

'Are they students?' Yanarym wondered.

Most of them were men, so she assumed that in the 20th century this world… Women were still not given the privilege to have an equal right to education. She could say just by seeing Ilustrado's target market.

Yanarym removed the hood of the cloak over her head and wiped away the sweat building on her forehead. It was a chilly night, and unlike she anticipated, there were no stars. The clouds must be covering the hemisphere.

She bought a good wig and big glasses to disguise her physical traits as royalty, she could freely roam the market without being too protective of her appearance. Though the get-up was fairly good, it was also hot, hot meant she was sweating like hell. And she had to carry those thick heavy books back to her castle.

'Damn, I still can't get over why is my castle the only one that doesn't have a library? Everything would not be so complicated if I had my own study space! Why are women in this world not allowed to get an education!'

Guide-sama: "That's not entirely true. Women could get an education; however, it is limited—"

"The same thing, Guide-sama."

Guide-sama: "You're not hungry, why are you so annoyed?"

"King Rashio should have provided her daughter a library as a gift. You know, spoil her with what she wants. The Original was a bookworm of politics. If King Rashio did that before, the possibility of me… not studying today was high. But no! I have to study. In addition, I have to buy books and carry them by myself to the second floor of that castle!"

"What irks me the most, is there are five castles in the kingdom and mine is the only one that doesn't have a freaking library!"


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