
The Dark Descent: Journey into the Abyssal Abyss

Harrison's words made Lyle's expression change a bit. The forbidden areas they had gone through by now were already quite challenging, especially the canyon where some of them had gotten quite injured and they were forced to go around the center.

And the next forbidden area was said to be even more dangerous.

The thought of an even more perilous forbidden area made even Lyle worry a bit. Still, he knew they had to press on, their lives did rely on it after all, and simply taking the easy route and going around the forbidden area was not something that he or any of them would accept.

"What's the name of this next area?" Lyle inquired, bracing himself for the answer.

Harrison glanced around cautiously before responding in a hushed tone as if he didn't want others to hear him. "It's known as the Abyssal Abyss, a place where the darkness is so thick, it's said to consume even the bravest souls."
