

Wolves in the spectator stand whispered amongst themselves as no other Alpha came forward. Seeing as no one else came forward, the announcer proceeded. As part of the battle, the Alpha who took up the challenge would be paired up with their Luna. However, in the case the Alpha did not have a Luna, they are allowed to pair up with another wolf of their choice instead.

As such, Alpha Bronco chose his Beta to fight by his side, while Damien chose Safira. She entered the arena with her blood boiling in her veins. She took deep breaths in hopes of keeping her cool in front of Markus.

Seeing him all smug made her want to punch him square in the face. She wanted to rip that grin off his face.

"Alpha Markus, who will you choose as your battle partner?" The Supreme Alpha announcer asked.

"I've recently gotten a new pet, it shall be my battle partner," he declared before whistling.

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