
Little Answers

"Warriors?" Clyde asked the question that suddenly appeared in his mind.

'Does that mean there will be - or already happen - some kind of war between the Celestials?'

Nimue tilted her head to one side. "I seem to have said too much. Well, it's fine since I got permission from The Duchess."

This conversation with Nimue only provoked more questions for Clyde. But he knew that he could no longer ask. So Clyde chose to remain silent.

"I think that's enough for now. I can't tell you anything anymore," Nimue said. "You can leave now and this cube will disappear."

Clyde only replied with a small nod. Then walk out of the cube.

"Until we meet again, Clyde."

That's what Nimue said before Clyde got out of the cube.

When Clyde was completely out, the cube immediately disappeared without a trace as if it had never been there.

His mood is now much better because he got a very extraordinary reward.

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