

"Miss Lin!" Mathies greeted her with his customary warm smile. "It has been quite a while."

Rosalind nodded and returned the smile. It had been over a month since her last visit. She followed Mathies to Mr. Pratt's study.

"Miss Lin!" Mr. Pratt's face lit up with a broad grin, raising Rosalind's curiosity. "Has something happened?" she inquired.

"Oh, no, nothing like that. However, it has been a month since our last meeting, and I have some matters that require your attention."

"My attention?" Rosalind wondered.

"The Duke of Duance has finally taken action."

"The Duke—acting within the Aster Empire?" Rosalind recalled her covert dealings with the man months ago.

"He has regained his mobility and spent the past few months gathering allies. It appears he has succeeded. Aster is in turmoil," Mr. Pratt beamed with satisfaction. "Ah, forgive my manners. Please have a seat. Would you care for some tea?"

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