
Mercenaries 1

"She is well?" Dorothy's expression turned ugly. "Then… what about that snake? Are you certain that the — ehem— that the man could do that?" Until now, she still had doubts about that sorcerer. She had never heard of that man before! Perhaps, he was just trying to trick them into giving them money?

"Yes," Jeames replied. "I tried to give her flowers but she asked her maid to throw them away even before I could leave the house. I am certain she had the intention to let me see that she disliked the gift that I had brought her."

"She— that woman had changed." Or perhaps, she was just very good at hiding herself. No. Rosalind had no one to teach her. She was alone. She grew up alone and had no friends except for… Jeames only approached her to make Dorothy laugh. She let out a loud sigh.

"This is not going to work," she muttered. They needed something more. Something… that would make the Duke cancel the ceremony and therefore the marriage arrangement. But what could it be?

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