
Number three

"Nori... We are late." Karina half yelled from outside the door.

"I'm done," Nori informed her, right before stepping out of the room and locking the door. Strangely, they had woken up late this morning, which was not the norm.

Although they went to bed late since Karina was fuming mad about how fast the news about her being a thief had spread around the school and hostel.

Every time she tried to ignore it, she hears someone else talking about it and pointing at her the next minute. It amazed her how false news was accepted as the truth even without confirmation, especially when it was coming from a seemingly rich person.

Karina started walking out of the building, leaving Nori to catch up after locking the door.

Today, they would be split into groups and given their end-of-year research topics. Their DOD (Director of Department), Mr. Joel, had already informed them about this a week back and assigned some students who volunteered to help with the splitting process.

Mr. Joel already made it known that he wouldn't waste time. Once he gets to class, he would go straight to business, and anyone who isn't around by the time he leaves will go to extra lengths to get their partners and topics.

She had been preparing for this day, only to end up late, the exact thing she was avoiding.

"He's still in class," Nori said breathily, as they half-ran toward their destination.

Karina's worry lessened when she also heard Mr. Joel's voice, confirming what Nori said. She slowed down when they got to the door and stepped into the class.

Thankfully, they were still in the process of picking numbers when they got there. Without interrupting what he was saying, Mr. Joel just pointed toward the person holding the small basket containing the folded papers in front of the class.

Karina's brows drew together when she saw the person was Audrey. Deciding to ignore her thoughts, she moved to follow Nori, who was already approaching Audrey.

But just as she was about to take a step forward, someone pushed her aside and stepped in front of her.

When she regained her balance, she realized it was Sheila, and the latter was just walking ahead as if she didn't just shove someone.

"Mr. Silver, what's your number." She heard Mr. Joel ask, giving her Intel that Veron was in class.

Without thinking, she turned her head to search for him just to glare at him for the problems he had caused her.

Her eyes finally landed on him just at the same time he said: "number three" with a bored tone.

She sent a death stare his way, pouring all of her hurt and anger into the glare. And as if knowing what she was doing, Veron turned his head in her direction.

When his gaze landed on her, she immediately schooled her expression and looked away from him. Before now, she had not paid any attention to this particular student.

But after yesterday's encounter, and now that he locked gazes with her, she felt something she had never felt so much in her entire life — Fear.

She immediately followed after Sheila to get her number, realizing she had been idling in one spot for too long.

Meanwhile, Veron narrowed his eyes when she looked away. He followed her with his eyes, wondering why she was looking at him as if he had done the worst evil to her.

Karina reached the front of the class and just as she was about to pick a paper from the basket, she caught a suspicious exchange between Audrey and Sheila.

Before Karina could figure out what was going on between the two girls, a book flew from behind her, and landed directly on the basket, causing it to fall off Audrey's hand.

"I'm so sorry." Chloe apologized, smiling awkwardly when everyone moved their gazes toward her. It seemed she also came late, and was rushing to go pick a number when one of her books fell off.

Karina turned back to the scattered pieces of paper on the floor. Bending down, she picked one and straightened.

However, Sheila looked like she couldn't believe what just happened as her widened eyes scanned the scattered papers. Audrey just passed a paper to her now, and she lost it when the book came flying in their direction. Now, she couldn't determine which one it is.

Chloe came forward and picked a number, while Audrey and Sheila bent down to pick up the papers while whispering some words to each other.

As Karina made to return to her seat, the voice of the DOD rang out, making her pause.

"Miss Harper, reveal your number." Mr. Joel's voice echoed, and Karina unwrapped the little paper she held in her hand.

"Number three." She said in a small disappointed voice, as her shoulders slumped.

That was Veron's number, and while she was on her way to get hers, all she could hear Mr. Joel asking was "who else is number three?"

All her enthusiasm for the project watered down as a frown took over her features. How could she be paired with the only person she knew she couldn't work with and wanted to stay away from by all means?

"What?" Sheila shrieked, glaring daggers at Karina. "Give it back." She yelled, reaching out to forcefully grab the paper from Karina's hand. "That is my number."

"Miss Stevens, don't interrupt my class again. Now return the number to her this minute." Mr. Joel's voice boomed, irritated at the sudden interruption.

"It's okay, Sir. She can have it. I don't think I can work with Veron. I prefer to work with Matt." Karina announced, happy that Sheila wanted the number, and she could see Matt also just arriving.

The very moment she said that, a slight frown appeared on Veron's face. He sent a side glance toward Matt, and the crease between his brows deepened. What did she take him for? How can she prefer that nerdy bastard to him?

"I believe I don't have to persuade you before you kill him." Gerrard's cold voice echoed inside Veron's head, and immediately, he knew his wolf was as annoyed as he was at Karina's statement.

He and Gerrard never seemed to agree on anything, but in times like this when they do, their target would surely have a difficult time. He returned his gaze to Karina, narrowing his eyes as he observed how relieved she looked while hoping her request will be granted.

"Not happening, miss Harper. Your partner remains Mr. Silver. Sheila will work with Matt." Mr. Joel announced, leaving no room for argument, and a smirk appeared on Veron's face.

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