
Retaliation (1)

Erik slunk through the dark alleys of Caelora city, sticking to the shadows as he scanned the city streets for any sign of the blackguards.

He knew they were out there somewhere, lurking amongst the citizens like wolves in sheep's clothing.

Erik had to be careful - the city was crawling not only with those bastards, but even with mercenaries and police officers, all on high alert ever since word got out that the shapeshifters killer had been found but on the loose.

As Erik peered around a corner, he spotted a group of armed mercenaries patrolling up ahead.

They wore the usual mismatched armor that marked most sold swords, but Erik noticed they all had the same insignia - the mark of the city guard.

These mercenaries were on the city's payroll, which meant the Blackguards were controlling them to catch him.

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