
CHAPTER 92: Memory Lane

  *** CONOR’s POV

  When Mr. Dries was done with Conor’s new suit measurements, he promised he would have it ready for him in a few days and delivered to Vokrizin. Conor headed to the front of the store to wait for Kerrigan. After they had been in the store for over an hour, Kerrigan emerged. At first, Conor though she was wearing something similar to what she had come in with, but soon realized her new sweeter dress was black and tailor fit and followed her figure beautifully. She had new tan knee high leather boots over black pants and had a long tan coat that matched his suit. She had a new scarf as well with swirls of green that made her eyes pop.

  “Wow.” Was all he could say.

  Carlos chuckled, “I think we did well if that is all he can come up with. The rest, my dear will be ready soon and we can have it sent to you.”

  “Thank you, Carlos. You and your team were amazing.” Kerrigan said

  “Other things?” Conor asked skeptically.

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