
Chapter 257 : Don’t Look

Chapter 257: Don’t Look

Ellis POV

The training paid off, helping me keep up with Luke before he could kill someone. I was mad too, anyone would be, but he was not someone you wanted mad at you. Especially when kids were involved.

The same miserable bastard that had shouted at us in the cemetery bolted for the truck parked outside the house, shouting for his accomplice to drive.

Eventually getting to it the diver floored burning rubber away into the night. At least they would have had the truck not been a back-wheel drive. The wheel in question was lifted just far enough off the ground for the tires to spin and the standard truck to stall. Luke had collided with the back end, using his massive legs to lift up at the perfect time.

Eventually, the brick throwers caught on and dove from the truck to the pavement. Picking themselves up they made a run for it, but not before Luke was able to give chase.

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