
Chapter 159 - Christmas Preparations

It is now a little while later, and the whole group have currently all settled down in the living room, and are watching a nice Christmas movie which Alura and Ruby chose, all while they are just finishing eating their food. Of course, after Kara pushed Alex into the pool, the redhead was angry with her sister for a long while, with Eliza also telling her youngest daughter off. But eventually things calmed down, and Alex got Kara back a bit by stealing a bunch of her potstickers, and then giving them to Alura so Kara couldn't take them back.

"What time are we all getting up tomorrow?" Eliza asks, as they all continue to watch the film.

"Uhhh.... I'm not sure." Kara shrugs.

"6AM!" Alura exclaims.

"No. We are not getting up that early." Lena replies.

"Awww..." Alura pouts.

The adults all chuckle at Alura's response.

"How about we get up for around 9?" Sam suggests.

"That sounds good to me." Kara nods, with a smile.

"Yeah. Me too." Alex adds.

"Good. 9 it is then." Eliza smiles, "What time is everyone else getting here?"

"Uhhh.... I've told everyone to get here for around 12, and we'll have our 'Christmas dinner' at around 2 or 3, depending on how long it takes us to cook everything." Lena explains.

"Okay." Eliza nods, "Well, tomorrow I'll make sure that we all have everything ready to cook, so all you ladies don't have to worry too much over that."

"Eliza, you're our guest here. You shouldn't have to do any of the cooking. I'm sure we can all handle it." Lena says.

Eliza gives Lena a caring smile after the brunette says that.

"Don't worry, dear. I am happy to help. In fact, I am quite looking forward to working with all of you to make this lovely Christmas dinner." Eliza says.

"Even Kara?" Alex asks, with a smirk.

"Yes, even your sister." Eliza replies.

"Hey! I'm not that bad!" Kara pouts.

"Kara.... you could literally burn soup...." Alex says.

"That was one time!" Kara pouts.

Sam and Lena both chuckle at hearing the sisters argue like that.

"ANYWAY...." Eliza says, interrupting, and stopping her daughters from continuing to argue, "I am happy to cook with all of you tomorrow, it is part of the whole Christmas experience."

"Kara said something similar to me when I suggested I just hire a cook to cook for us tomorrow." Lena chuckles.

"Well, she's right." Eliza smiles.

"Guys, shush! My favourite part is just coming up!" Ruby says, as she continues to watch the movie.

"Sorry." Lena says.

The group all then return to watching the movie, with them eventually moving on from eating their dinner, to the adults drinking a nice amount of alcohol, although not too much to make them drunk or anything.


It is now a few hours later, and the group have watched 2 movies now, and it's presently close to 10PM. Alura and Ruby are both currently sitting pressed against one another, looking very tired, while Sam and Alex are cuddled close together, and so are Lena and Kara, while Eliza is sitting on a chair by herself.

"Okay.... I think it's time for you kids to go to bed..." Lena eventually says, noticing both Ruby and Alura fighting hard to stay awake.

"I don't want to..." Alura moans.

"Darling, the sooner you go to sleep, the sooner it will be Christmas, and Santa will have come and you can open all your presents." Lena says.

After Lena says that, Alura looks at her momma for a few moments, looking extremely tired.

"Okay." Alura eventually says.

"Ruby, you should go to bed too." Sam says.

"Yeah... alright." Ruby nods, not arguing.

"Come on. I'll walk you up." Sam smiles, as she untangles herself from Alex, and stands up from the couch.

Lena then makes a move to get up from the couch and do the same for Alura, but Kara beats her to it.

"I'll put her to bed. You stay down here and just relax some more." Kara says, pressing a kiss on Lena's cheek.

"Okay." Lena replies, with a loving smile.

Kara then walks over to Alura, and picks her up off the ground, and carries her over to Lena.

"Say goodnight to momma." Kara says.

"Night, night, momma." Alura says, in a tired voice.

"Goodnight, darling." Lena says, placing a kiss on one of Alura's cheeks, "Sleep well. I love you."

"Love you." Alura says back.

Kara then smiles at Lena and carries the 5-year-old upstairs, followed by Sam and Ruby, leaving Alex, Lena and Eliza alone in the living room.

"Would either of you like one last drink before we all go to bed?" Lena asks.

"No thank you, sweetie." Eliza replies, "I actually think I might head up to bed myself. My old bones can't stay awake for as late as you young lot."

"You're not that old, mom." Alex replies.

"Thank you, Alex." Eliza says, in a sarcastic voice.

"You're meant to say 'You're not old', Alex." Lena says.

"Thank you, Lena." Eliza smiles upon hearing the brunette say that.

"Kiss up." Alex comments.

Lena simply sticks her tongue out at Alex.

"I swear.... you two are almost as bad as Alex and Kara sometimes." Eliza says, as she stands up from her chair, "Anyway, I'm heading to bed."

"Night mom." Alex says.

"Goodnight Eliza." Lena says.

"Night girls." Eliza replies, and then leaves the living room, heading upstairs.

"So.... you want another drink, Alex?" Lena asks.

"Uhhh.... you have any scotch?" Alex asks.

Lena breaks out into a wide smile after Alex asks her that, knowing that scotch is one of the things that she and Alex very much have in common.

"Sure." Lena says, standing up from her chair and walking into the kitchen, "How many fingers deep do you want it?"

"LENA! You're my sister's fiancé, you can't ask me things like that! No matter how much you might want it!" Alex says, dramatically.

"Oh, shut up." Lena scoffs, "You know I was referring to how much scotch you want in your glass. But just to clarify, I'm more of a tongue girl, than a finger one."

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