
Chapter 121 - Hollywood Studios

Back in National City, things have been a bit strained for Alex and Sam, in terms of their relationship. Due to both Kara and Lena being on vacation, this has meant that Alex and Sam have had increased workloads to pick up for them not being there. For Alex, this has meant that the DEO has had increased security, not only on National City, but on most places across the country. While there haven't been many more alien related incidents than usual, the DEO has been put under more of a heavy load because of how easily and quickly Kara can deal with these minor incidents compared to their agents. This is on top of the fact that Superman is still not in action either. Of course, nothing major has come up, but this has still meant that Alex has had to spend a lot more time than usual coordinating agents, and also taking extra precautions just in case a large threat does pop up. Then meanwhile, for Sam, she has also had a larger workload than usual, because while Lena is on holiday she has been tasked with undertaking all of Lena's duties as CEO of L-Corp, and Chairwoman of both CatCo and L-Corp. No major incidents have occurred or anything, but it still has all been a lot of work for Sam. In fact, it's been so much work that Sam has made a note in her mind to tell Lena off for the amount of work she does.

It is due to all the increased work that Alex and Sam have had to deal with over the last few days of Kara and Lena being on vacation, that they haven't been able to spend much time together. Alex still has come over to Sam and Ruby's house on her scheduled days, but it has mostly been to just have a quick dinner with them, before then crashing from exhaustion in bed. Then for Sam, things haven't been any better, as she has had to use a large amount of her evenings to finish up all her work that she wasn't able to complete in her day. However, despite all the work that Alex and Sam now have because of Kara and Lena's vacation, they are both happy to do it. Both Sam and Alex know that Lena, Kara and Alura all deserve a break after everything they have been through these last few months. So, Sam and Alex are happy to make these short-term sacrifices to their relationship, to allow Kara, Lena and Alura their holiday.

Presently, it is early on Friday morning, and Alex and Sam are both waking up, about to prepare for yet another crazy day of work.

"Morning..." Sam hums, as she snuggles her head into her beautiful girlfriend's chest.

"Hey, babe." Alex smiles, hugging her girlfriend closely.

"I don't want to go to work today..... I'd much rather stay in bed with you..." Sam groans.

Alex chuckles.

"I know. I'd much rather stay here with you too." Alex replies, and then places a kiss on the top of Sam's head.

Sam hums happily to Alex's kiss.

"How are things going at work?" Alex asks, after a few moments silence, "I know I haven't had much of a chance to ask you, because things have been so crazy."

Sam sighs.

"Fine.... nothing too major has come up or anything.... It's just a lot..." Sam replies, "I honestly don't know how Lena does it all.... unless she secretly has super powers or something."

Alex chuckles.

"Well, just don't drive yourself crazy with all the work." Alex says.

"I'll try not to." Sam replies.

There is then another silence between the two women as they just lay there next to one another happily, knowing they need to get up and get ready for work soon.

"I actually spoke with Kara yesterday...." Alex begins, "and she told me they are all having a good time. I'm not sure if you knew, but they are actually going to only be away for a week, instead of their original 2 weeks they planned."

"Yeah, I did know that." Sam nods, "Lena mentioned it to me when I sent her the statement L-Corp released about Lex's death."

"Ah, okay." Alex replies, "Anyway, Kara asked if maybe I could, or we could, take Alura for a day once they get back? I think Kara and Lena just want some alone time."

"You mean, they want their penthouse to themselves to they can rail one another on every surface, in every room of that place?" Sam says, with a smirk.

Alex groans, loudly, pushing Sam away.

"SAM! Why did you have to say that!" Alex says, still groaning.

Sam just chuckles, amused by Alex's reaction.

"You know I like to tease you." Sam hums, as she sits up in bed and moves closer to Alex.

Alex huffs.

"I wish you had a sister so I could do the same to you." Alex replies.

Sam chuckles.

"Sorry, I'm an only child I'm afraid." Sam says, with a smirk.

Alex huffs again, and in response Sam hugs Alex from behind, which eventually makes Alex smile. Alex then turns to gives Sam a kiss on the lips.

"Hmmm.... I'd love to do this all day..... but I have an early meeting.... so I need to get up and get ready."

"Okay." Alex replies, with a frown.

"Could you do me a favour and wake Ruby up, and make sure she has her breakfast and everything?" Sam asks.

"Of course." Alex smiles.

Sam heads into the bathroom, and Alex then makes her way out of the bedroom and towards Ruby's room, where she then knocks on the door. Alex doesn't get a response once she knocks, so she opens the door and sees that the almost 13-year-old is still lying in bed, asleep. Alex simply takes in the sight for a few moments, watching the young girl sleep. Ever since Alex began dating Sam, she has grown very attached to Ruby. Alex knows that one day, if she and Sam do end up together, she'd happily call Ruby her daughter, if that is what Ruby wanted. Ruby already has a big place in Alex's heart, and she couldn't be happier about it.

After a few more moments of Alex just standing there, she makes her way into Ruby's room, and then moves by the 12-year-old's bedside.

"Ruby?" Alex says, softly.

Ruby begins to move in her bed, signalling that she's waking up.

"Hmmmm.... mom?" Ruby says, tiredly.

Alex's heart does a little jump as Ruby says that, even though she knows it's because Ruby must think she's Sam.

"It's Alex." Alex says.

Ruby opens her eyes and begins rubbing them.

"Oh.... hi...." Ruby says.

"Your mom just sent me in here, because she had to take her shower, and she wanted me to wake you up and make sure you have breakfast." Alex explains.

Ruby huffs. "I'm not a child anymore, I can make my own breakfast." Ruby says.

Alex chuckles and then smiles at Ruby.

"That you can." Alex smiles, "So how about we both just eat our breakfasts together?"

"Yeah, okay." Ruby nods.

Alex and Ruby then make their way downstairs, where Ruby has some rather unhealthy cereal for breakfast, while Alex makes herself some toast and a coffee.

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