
Chapter 35 - Fallout

It is about 12:15PM and Kara has just finished up writing the first draft of her latest article. Kara is in a really good mood because she feels like her life is entirely in place. She has a job that she loves, which fulfils her in regards to reporting. Reporting allows Kara to fight some of her battles with the 'pen', rather than her fists. Writing articles allows Kara to put certain issues in front of more people's eyes, and expose things to the world. Of course, she doesn't only right exposés, from time to time she also has to write informative pieces about companies, famous people and other things, including celebrity gossip. This is obviously how Kara began to grow a sort of friendship with Lena, before Alura became ill, and after she first visited Lena with Clark. Reporting also gives Kara a certain flexibility which she needs so that she can disappear at a moment's notice, when a Supergirl emergency occurs, and just cover it up that she has to go to an urgent interview.

Kara also feels fulfilled in her other job as Supergirl. Being Supergirl is not something Kara ever envisioned growing up, certainly not when she lived on Krypton, and probably even more so while she grew up on Earth, as everyone told her to hide her powers, and not be like Clark, not be like Superman. But Kara is so glad that she became Supergirl, as she feels so fulfilled being able to save people in danger, and put her special abilities, thanks to Earth's yellow sun, to good use. It is just a plus for Kara that being Supergirl also allows her to work alongside her sister, something she never thought would ever happen when they were growing up, as their career interested completely varied when they were teenagers. As growing up Alex was more interested in medicine, and that area. In fact, Alex even went to school to become a doctor, specialising in bio-engineering. Then as for Kara, she didn't really know what she wanted to do with her career. The only thing that Kara was sure of was that despite the fact she was going to be a scientist on Krypton, and join the science guild, she had no interest in doing that on Earth. Eventually Kara went to National City University and got a degree in marketing, even though she didn't really have a passion for it.

Kara is also fulfilled in her personal life; she has some great friends and family, who she loves spending time with. Kara loves her daughter to absolute bits, she honestly never thought that she could ever love someone this much. When Kara got pregnant with Alura, at such young age, just out of university, and just starting her job as Cat Grant's assistant, she honestly thought it was the worst thing that happened to her life. Kara thought that the notorious Cat Grant was going to fire her the instant she found out her newly hired assistant was pregnant, and in nine months' time would need some time off to give birth to her child, and take maternity leave. But Cat Grant was absolutely wonderful about it. Of course Cat was still incredibly difficult to be an assistant to, demanding the very best from Kara. But she did not fire Kara for being pregnant, explaining that she did not want to be like male bosses who fire women for being pregnant, just because it causes them a head ache, even though that is highly illegal. Cat instead just told Kara she expected her to give being her assistant her very best, but Cat also promised she would not expect anything too crazy from Kara, like demanding she run about the entire city to get her a bunch of things she wants, and Cat kept to that promise. Kara actually thinks that one of the big reasons that Cat actually kept her around for so long as her assistant is because Kara's pregnancy started Cat off on a different foot to all of her previous assistants, none of whom had lasted more than a few months. Then when Kara did go into labour, and need time off from CatCo, Cat Grant was very gracious about it, even sending Kara a teddy bear which read 'it's a girl', on it. Kara was honestly shocked by the gift, not only because Cat had got one for her, but because it had meant that Cat had to actually arrange to buy the gift herself and have it sent to Kara, as Kara was the one who usually bought any gifts that Cat needed/wanted to send to people. But after Kara gave birth, Cat gave Kara 3 months off, but Kara was back and ready after only 1, although Cat actually told her off for even suggesting she came back to work so soon, telling her to spend time with her daughter. This resulted in Cat placating Kara by agreeing that for the next 2 months she would just give Kara some small things to do from her computer at home, but nothing that would require her to work 9 – 5, just tasks that Cat wanted Kara to complete by the end of the week.

Through actually being able to spend a whole three months at home with her new daughter, Kara felt herself fall more and more in love with her baby girl every day, with every time she looked at her. Kara couldn't even comprehend that at one point she thought that getting pregnant with Alura was the second worst thing that ever happened to her, in fact, it was the best. It may have been difficult, and not been how Kara wanted her first pregnancy to go, but if the end result was Alura, then it was worth it, and amazing as well. Alura is truly Kara's whole heart, and she knows that she would do anything for her, just like any good mother would do for their child.

So, Alura is a big part of why Kara feels so fulfilled in her personal life, and feels so much love, along with her other friends and family. But there is now one more person that has fulfilled Kara's heart, and that is Lena, her girlfriend. Kara knows that she loves Lena, even though she hasn't said it to her yet, she has just sort of been waiting for the right moment, as she is aware Lena hasn't said those three words to her yet either. But, none the less, Kara knows that she truly and utterly loves Lena. Kara loves Lena for so many reasons, both big and small. Kara could list all her reasons she loves Lena, but then she'd just be going for hours. However, one of the biggest reasons that Kara loves Lena is because of how well she has bonded with Alura. Ever since Kara gave birth to Alura, Kara kind of thought that that meant that she wouldn't really ever be able to date anyone, and have any sort of personal life outside of her friends and family. Kara just thought that no one wants to start dating a woman in her twenties with a very young daughter, and Kara had sort of resigned herself to that. Kara honestly didn't really mind, she knew that as long as she had Alura, her sister Alex and her friends, then she didn't need to find a partner to date, she already had everything she needed. But Kara now realises just how very wrong she was. Lena has been an absolute godsend to Kara's life. Obviously firstly because she saved Alura, but also because since Kara has begun dating Lena, she has just felt so much better. Before Kara was happy with her life, and she thought that she was truly happy and it couldn't get that much better, but when Lena came along, Kara realised just how wrong she was. Lena's presence and love and affection, both directed at her and at Alura, makes Kara so, so, happy. Kara never thought that she could be this happy, it can't even compare to what she felt before.

Thinking about all these things today, at CatCo, just makes Kara realise how lucky she is to have everything she currently ever wants in her life. Kara has an amazing daughter, a loving girlfriend, amazing friends, a beloved sister, and her dream jobs, which fulfil her in so many different ways, and allow her to express both parts of herself, her Kryptonian and human side, even though she isn't actually human.

So as Kara thinks all of this, she doesn't think that there really is anything that can get her down. Kara just thinks that her life is really going in an upwards direction, and nothing can stop her. Of course, these are always people's famous last words, as this is abou to change when Kara gets a phone call.

"Hello?" Kara answers, not recognising the number.

"Hello Miss Danvers?" Kara hears a familiar voice answer, it's Mrs Landingham.

Panic suddenly shoots through Kara's chest. Kara knows that if Mrs Landingham is calling her then something must have happened with Alura, something bad enough to warrant a call to her.

"Mrs Landingham?" Kara answers, confused.

"Yes. I am calling because Alura is upset, and she has been asking for you for just over an hour. She has been crying almost non-stop. I have tried to calm her, but it doesn't seem to be helping. I think it might be best if you come and pick her up early." Mrs Landingham explains.

"Oh... I uhhh.... I'll be right there.... I'm actually only about 5 minutes away at the moment." Kara lies, just knowing she wants to get to Alura as soon as reasonably possible, even if she has to use her super powers to do so.

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