
20.Two Friends In Need [Part 2]

Erick hands Jesse a glass of water as he sits down on the couch and tries to process everything they just told him in a matter of minutes

"So it really is that serious huh?"

Jesse takes a sip of her water as Morgan replies back

Morgan:Yeah it's that serious..look I know you just got out of the whole being trapped thing and you want to live your with; but we could use---

"I'm in"

Both Jesse and Morgan were taken back by his sudden reply as they look at each other and then back at Erick

"You guys defended me back on Earth 1 when you didn't even know me and I really do appreciate what you've done for me, it's only fair I help you guys deal with this since you helped me in my time of need..I want to do the same for you"

Morgan:U-uh wow okay..um I wasn't expecting for you to answer so quickly

"Well when your a speedster like me you tend to want to speed things up"

Morgan hears Jesse's not so subtle whisper

Jesse:I wonder what else he can speed up..

She nudges her shoulder as Morgan gives the 'seriously' look as Jesse bites her lip and giggles a bit

"Is everything alright?"

Morgan:Yeah..it's just a joke I remembered..ahem so anyways when do you think we can leave?

Erick looks down at his futuristic watch and then back up

"I'd say right about now actually"

Jesse:Wait really? But what about you and Kara?

Erick raises an eyebrow as he stops to think about it..he's only recently just got here and he's gotten to know Kara a bit better but he couldn't ask her to tag along because just like any other hero they have to be on stand by if anything drastic comes their way; if there's anyone who would understand what being a hero meant I'd definitely be someone like Kara..

Erick runs around the apartment and grabs a piece of paper and writes down 'I had to help Jesse and Morgan with something important hope you understand' as he grabs the piece of paper and puts it somewhere Kara could definitely see it as he spins around and gives his undivided attention back to Jesse and Morgan as he claps his hands together

"I left a note letting her know..so uh let's go!"

Morgan shrugs her shoulders not really complaining as she pulls out her own version of the interdimesional extrapolator and presses the button in the middle as breach appears in front of the trio as they all step through it without any hesitation


A breach opens up in the middle of the evacuated STAR Labs basement as Jesse, Morgan and Erick all step through the breach; the building shakes as Morgan stumbles back a bit as Erick catches her

"You okay?"

Morgan:Yeah..im fine

She smiles at Erick as he smiles back at her, Jesse coughs getting their attention

Jesse:So are you guys done staring at each other? Or are we going to do something about this?

Morgan awkwardly gets herself out of Erick's arms as he scratches his neck as Jesse rolls her eyes and gestures for Erick to follow her as they walk to some nearby computers as she rapidly types away and pulls up the live footage of the ongoing battle that's happening outside of the building


The skies around her darken as Power Girl is struck by multiple bolts of lightning as she's punched in the face as she's sent flying through a building as she stops herself and clenches her fists as her eyes glow red with anger and heat vision as she let's loose on her heat vision but it's quickly countered by lightning as the two opposing forces try to push each other, the Maiden of Might pushes herself but in her weakened state she's quickly overpowered by the villain as he sends an electrifying surge of pain all throughout her body

As she falls to her knees and tries to get back up only to be kneed in the face multiple times as she falls back

Power Girl:W-why are you *coughs* doing this?

A tall man dressed in black with a yellow lightning bolt on his chest descends from above as he glares at her

Power Girl:T-this won't bring her back..you know this

She's grabbed by her throat as she's lifted off the ground as the menacing and cold tone of Black Adam tells Power Girl

Black Adam:I know it won't but this it makes me feel much better..

He holds out his hand as lightning sparks from fingertips as he inches his hand to closer to her face as her eyes slightly widen but before Black Adam could end her; a red streak of black and red lightning grabs her as Black Adam finds himself empty handed as he could feel the presence of a mighty power

Black Adam:What kind of power is that?


Inside of STAR Labs, Erick comes to a stop as he holds Power Girl in his arms as her eyes flutter open as she's greeted by Erick as she finds herself mesmerizing by the man holding her in his arms

Power Girl:Am I dead?

Erick amusingly laughs at her as he shakes his head 'no'

Power Girl:Oh..wow your--your cute are you sure not an angel?

"If anyone looks like an angel it's probably you"

Power Girl:Y-yeah..I think I may have gotten my wings clipped

Erick gently sets her down onto a bed near him as Morgan turns on some solar lamps around Power Girl, as Erick looks at Morgan and worryingly asks her

"She's going to be okay..right?"

Morgan:I hope so..Black Adam..he's strong..his powers are supposedly magic which is one of Power Girl's weaknesses so that fight they had going on before you got here seriously took a lot out of her

Power Girl tries to get herself back up but Morgan insists for her to rest especially in her weakened state as the Kryptonian looks at Erick

Power Girl:It's nice to meet you..*groans* I just wish it was under better circumstances..

She reaches out and grabs Erick's hand and gently squeezes it

Power Girl:Do me a favor? Kick his ass for me..

She closes her eyes as she passes out from the pain as Morgan pulls Erick aside

Morgan:She'll be fine..right now we need more time to get what we need ready

She walks over to some drapes as she pulls them off revealing a high tech machine as Erick looks jaw dropped at it

Morgan:We've been working on it for a while and it's almost done..but I can't go out there and neither can Jesse; I need her help to finish this..we just need more time

Erick looks back at Power Girl and then back at Morgan

"How long will it take for you to finish this?"

Jesse runs in with a tablet in her hand and shows Morgan the results as she shakes her head not liking them

Morgan:We can't ask him to do that..we don't if he'll be to go that long

Jesse:We have to try, Morgan..Karen is out for the count and if there's anyone who can do it's Erick..

Morgan sighs as she looks with a concerned expression written all over her face as she tells Erick

Morgan:At most..we need an hour..

Erick weighted out his options as this fight could go several ways for him

"An hour..okay..okay yeah I'll try to hold him off until then get to work on that machine"

He taps his watch as his suit slowly begins to form around him as the lightning in his eyes crackle with energy as he runs off to face against Black Adam..

Will he survive this? Hopefully so..if not then fuck it he'll go down swinging against this bastard and bring him right along with him..


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