

"I understand it is unexpected my Lord. But I would like a gift. Do you promise to grant my wish?" Percy asked calmly.

Zeus eyed him warily, "If it is within our power."

"It is, and it's less difficult than making me a god. But I need your word on the River Styx." Percy added.

"What?" Dionysus cried. "You don't trust us?"

Percy turned and looked at Hades, "Someone once told me to always get a solemn oath."

Hades smirked, "Guilty."

"Fine," Zeus growled. "In the name of the council, we swear by the River Styx to grant your reasonable request, as long as it is within the power of the gods."

Thunder boomed outside.

"Honestly Lord Zeus, I need some more time in the mortal world. Everything I thought I knew turned out to be a lie. While I'd like to be immortal, I'd rather avoid being bound by ancient laws. The first part of my wish is to be granted partial immortality like the Hunters of Artemis. I would also like cabins to be built at Camp Half Blood for all gods, both major and minor. I think my cousin Nico has proven himself to be more than worthy to have his own cabin." Percy started before he was interrupted.

"Are you calling me a minor god, Jackson?" Hades yelled.

Surprisingly, Percy smirked, "No Uncle. I just wanted to make sure Nico got his own cabin. I'm not quite done yet."

Hades' eyes widened before narrowing at Percy, waiting for him to continue.

"I want the minor gods who joined the Titans to be pardoned just this once. I want the peaceful Titans like Calypso and Leto to be freed from their prisons. And lastly, I would like both my Uncle Hades and Aunt Hestia to have their thrones returned to them. That is my wish." Percy finished before returning to his position kneeling in front of his father.

Zeus snorted, "Is that all?"

"Percy," his father said, "you ask a lot."

"I hold you to your oath, all of you." Percy said calmly.

The council was silent. Percy looked up to see a number of different looks. Some looked angry but others confused. Percy caught the silvery eyes of Artemis boring into him.

He couldn't tell what she was thinking but Percy looked away, deciding being a jackelope was not worth finding out.

"You wish for immortality, but freedom from the ancient laws. You could become a dangerous enemy over time should your loyalties ever change." Zeus said with narrowed eyes.

Percy stood from his spot at his father's feet and calmly walked in front of Zeus' throne where he knelt.

"I, Perseus Achilles Jackson, swear by the River Styx to stay forever loyal to Olympus and to fight to defend it should the need arise from another threat." Percy stated seriously.

Thunder boomed again, sealing the oath.

The Olympians looked at Percy with shock now, except Athena. She was still fuming about her daughter being a traitor.

She still hated Percy but she was mostly embarrassed her daughter had been a traitor right under her nose for years.

Zeus' anger seemed to diminish rather quickly after Percy's oath. He was angry about being told what to do but now had an extremely powerful demigod at his disposal and decided that the benefits outweighed the drawbacks.

"Very well Perseus. We the council shall grant your wish." Zeus thundered as two new thrones rose at the end of the rows of thrones.

Hades' looked at Percy oddly before giving a grudging nod of appreciation. Hestia walked up to Percy and hugged him tightly.

She leaned down to his ear, "Thank you Perseus. If you ever need help, come to hearth and I will be there for you." She whispered before planting a kiss on his cheek and walking to her new throne.

Percy's face broke into the smallest of smiles for a second before the pain of betrayal wiped it from his face again.

Percy returned to his position kneeling in front of Zeus, waiting to be dismissed.

"Artemis, please come here, daughter." Zeus announced.

Artemis narrowed her eyes a bit but got up from her throne and strode over to where Percy was standing.

"It would be easiest if you could just give Perseus the same immortality as your hunters." Zeus asked.

Artemis nodded and touched Percy's shoulder, causing him to glow silver for a second before it vanished.

"Thank you, Lady Artemis." Percy said politely.

Artemis stared at Percy for a moment before giving him a nod and returning to her throne.

"I believe this ceremony is now complete. New cabins will be built at Camp Half Blood and the peaceful Titans shall be released as soon as possible. Now, we shall celebrate our victory with a party on Olympus." Zeus thundered.

Apollo, Dionysus and Hermes all smiled and vanished.

When the first person opened the throne room doors, they were greeted with a massive courtyard filled with food and wine.

Music was playing and a dance floor was set up. People began exiting the throne room and heading to the party.

Percy hung back waiting for people to clear out so he could slip out without being noticed.

He already had plans on how he wanted to spend the foreseeable future.

When everyone was gone, Percy made to sneak off through a side room to escape the party.

But when he turned, he saw Hera glaring at him from her throne.

Percy tensed a bit but then surprisingly made his way over to her throne and bowed.

"Lady Hera, I was wondering if I could please have a moment of your time." Percy asked quietly.

Hera narrowed her eyes at Percy but gave him a slight nod.

"I just wanted to apologize for the way I spoke to you last year after the quest in the Labyrinth. I didn't actually agree with what she said to you but I was naïve and stupid. I was trying to direct your anger toward me instead of her. I am sorry for what I said." Percy explained.

He bowed and turned to leave but was stopped when Hera spoke.

"Wait, Perseus." Hera called.

Percy turned back and looked up at Hera, half expecting to get incinerated.

"I believe you are trying to avoid the celebration, correct?" Hera asked.


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