
Day 5

While Lucas was in the middle of a dream about lying on an insanely comfortable mattress and enjoying life by just relaxing, he was awoken by a knocking at the door. He changed Artaois back into a ring and put him on which did not disturb him as he was still asleep.

Lucas went downstairs after putting on a t-shirt and some shorts so that he could see who was at the front door. He did not bother looking through the small hole at the top of the door, as it wasn't as if anyone at the door would be able to harm him.

He pulled the door open and his face changed into an expression of annoyance, "You're back."

"Is that all the response you'll give to my surprise return?" The woman who said this was tall and had brown hair with a lot of similar features to Lucas. This was his mother who had previously disappeared after receiving her share of her parents, Lucas' grandparents, inheritance.

"How long are you back for?" Lucas didn't seem impressed that his mom had come home.

"Just until I can get enough money together to keep travelling. I might have lost about half of it."

"For gods sake, how?"

"It's not my fault, I was sure I was going to wi-"

Lucas interrupted his mother, "You lost your money gambling? You're not getting anything out of me if that's what you were thinking."

"Please, just a bit. I promise I won't waste it, you should trust your mom, I raised you after all."

"Nope, go somewhere else. You left me alone as soon as you had the chance, I'm not giving you anything."

Lucas slammed the door in his mother's face and went back to his room. After a while of her banging on the door, she eventually left and Lucas was glad to see it. He did what he felt was significantly more important in the time he was waiting, and thought of opening his daily reward.

'Day 5 Reward Has Been Claimed. Obtained Customisable Amphibian Familiar. This Familiar Will Grow In Level Along Side You, And Its Future Strength Will Be Determined By Your Level And It's Own Potential. Would You Like To Use The Item Now.'

Lucas was excited to see that he could gain another familiar which would be customisable, but he was more interested in something revolving around the reward. He noticed that the reward was described as an 'item' when the system asked if he wanted to use it. Lucas wondered if he could use double on any of the stats of the item.

He thought about not using the item straight away, and a small rainbow coloured cube appeared in his hand. Lucas checked the status of the item to see what it would say.

Item Name: Customisable Amphibian Familiar

Item Abilities:

Customise: A huge amount of options for customisation which apply to every amphibian that ever lived.

Legend-Godlike Potential.

Looking at the abilities of the item, the only one that Lucas felt like he could even potentially try and double was the potential but he was unsure of whether it would work or not but he tried anyway. This led to a great discovery, as the item's abilities changed and showed that it now had Godlike potential which made sense as the stat increase doubles between every potential grade.

This made Lucas realise that the features of an item that he could alter went further than just stat increases and included things which may have not seemed like they should be able to change.

As he had managed to double the potential of the item, Lucas decided to customise his new familiar straight away.

He did not really know if the species of the familiar mattered, but he felt like it would be funny to have a familiar which would not normally be very strong have stats even higher than his own until his potential increased further.

He knew exactly what animal he wanted to choose and looked for a while before finding it. This animal was the 'Devil Frog' which was the largest known species of frog ever discovered. He customised its colours to be purely pink with purple flower-lie patterns on it. Despite the colour and design on the frog, Lucas made sure to set its gender as male.

While choosing the elements for the new familiar, Lucas chose to pick elements which would be entertaining was well as actually helpful. He also noticed that he could pick three elements instead of two this time, and he did not know if it was due to the higher potential, or if he would be able to choose one more element for every customisable familiar than the last had. If this was the case, then he hoped it would reach a cap at some point so that his future familiars would not be insanely more powerful than him.

The first element which he chose was 'Miniature' which he felt would be helpful for what he wanted his new familiar to do. The second element was 'Stealth' which also played into its future role as well as 'grip' which was arguably the most important element for the plan that Lucas had.

He also named his new familiar before creating it, and decided on Heqet, the goddess of frogs. This made the design of the frog even funnier to Lucas, as not only did it look incredibly feminine, it also had a female name.

He confirmed his choice and his tiny frog appeared in his palm, and he checked it's status immediately.

Name: Heqet

Species: Devil Frog

Potential: Godlike

Elements: Miniature, Stealth, Grip.

Level: 50

Miniature Skills:


Permanently Small: Maximum Size Decreased By 10X.

Stored Power: Due To Your Small Vessel, All Stats Have Been Condensed And Become More Pure. Stats Are Always 25% Higher Than What Is Shown, And All Skills Are 25% More Effective.


Size Lock: You Can Never Grow, Nor Can You Shrink. This Will Remain No Matter What Methods You Use.

Stealth Skills:


Invisibility: Able To Turn Yourself Invisible Until You Attack An Enemy Or Get Attacked.

Silent Movement: While Moving, You Make No Noise.


Lower Presence: Lower Chance Of Being Detected Even When Not Trying.

Grip Skills:


Infinite Grip: While Holding Onto Something With Any Part Of Your Body, There Is No Way To Remove The Grip Except Killing You.

Full Body Grip: Entirety Of Your Body Can Grip Onto Anything.


All Surface Movement: You Can Travel Along Any Surface With No Consequences.

Miscellaneous Skills




Strength: 256,000

Speed: 256,000

Endurance: 256,000

Magic: 256,000

Lucas was overtaken by laughter as the power of the tiny pink frog was significantly stronger than his own. However, he did have reasons for making it so small as he wanted to use it as a powerful and almost impossible to detect ninja-type familiar.

Although the design was for his own amusement, the frog did not seem to mind as it hopped onto Lucas' shoulder and immediately gripped to him.

Although he knew had a new familiar who he wanted to test the powers of, Lucas could not be bothered to go back into any dungeons as he had been in four the day before. He instead wanted to relax, but didn't want to be on his own again.

It was only around twelve o'clock, so Lucas showered and ate breakfast before getting properly dressed. Despite wanting to stay at home, Lucas liked to look nice as much as possible and put on a light grey shirt and some more casual black trousers which went well together.

He only tied the top part of his hair back and left the rest down which was more casual than his regular fully tied back hair.

Lucas pulled his phone out and messaged Raven to see if she wanted to hang out with him. Although they had only met up a few times, Lucas was quite fond of Raven and enjoyed spending time with her.

After a few minutes, Lucas got a reply and Raven asked where he lived, he happily complied and sent her his house's address. After around half an hour, a car pulled up outside and Raven got out of it before the car drove off again.

She was dressed more casually than she had been when she had been out in public the times that they had met before. She had an oversized black hoodie on with some black shorts and a silver necklace as well as a black crystal bracelet. Despite not being dressed exactly the same as Lucas had seen her before, he still thought that she looked good.

"You look really nice, do you want to come in?"

"Of course, I wouldn't have shown up if I didn't want to." Raven smiled at Lucas and happily continued, "Want to lead the way?"

"That was a dumb question, my bad." Lucas went back into his house and Raven followed him.

The two spent the first few hours playing Tekken against one another and after that they watched a few films. While they were watching the films, Raven leant on Lucas and he put his arm on her without hesitation. He obviously liked her, and wasn't too worried as she seemed to like him back.

After quite a long time, Raven had to go home as it was getting late and one of her parents picked her up. To his surprise, but not his discontent, Raven gave him a kiss goodbye before hurrying to the car.

Lucas was happy about how he had spent his day, and decided that he should probably go into a few dungeons the next day as he had some time off. He wanted to be well rested for that, so he went to sleep on top of Artaois again and let Heqet stay on his shoulder.