
Devolving Situation

Undisclosed Location,

??? POV,

"Don't you think he's been getting a little too ahead of himself lately?"

This one sentence made complete silence descend upon the previously animated and heated meeting room. A number of prominent magi seemed to be in attendance, namely, the current head of the Edelfelt Family, the Lady of House Valualeta and a few other houses.

At the head of this meeting sat a massive man, equal parts intimidating and respected, all that sat there now seemed to look towards him, awaiting his input on the matter. Melvin of House Weins sat a bit down the line but made little to no effort to hide his displeasure regarding the matter, "Must you always seek a chance to downplay others, Lord Islema?" His words seem to shut down the man.

"Indeed, I believe our current topic had nothing to do with what the son of Lord McDonell does with his time." The one that spoke this time was Lady Inorai, or if completely put, Lady Inorai Valualeta Atroholm, head of the Valualeta line and a major backer of the Trambelio and their democratic agendas.

With her words, the Lord Islema completely backed off, being far lower in rank, he knew better than to push his own point to the individuals that sat in the room at the moment. Some were even Lords of certain department though of course, Magi weren't the nicest or the politest when it came to certain things.

"His condition as it may be, do you not think you are overreaching what you are allowed?"

The head of the Islema Family now completely regretted speaking out, even if it was to garner favour.

"He's betrothed to my daughter. An affront to such a person is an affront to the Edelfelt." The Lady of House Edelfelt was, as always, intense and enthusiastic, a mocking smile plastered on her face as she waved around a fan, "I did not come all the way from Finland to hear you speak such drivel. Continue with our meeting, or leave. Don't, and we will make you." The declaration was made with a raised hand and a hand pointing at the ground, telling the man to lower his gaze if he wanted to talk further.

"You can not address me in this manner!" The magus stood to his feet, banging his hand on the table before realising where he was and sitting back down, "I apologise for my outrage."

"You started it though." Melvin snickered, covering his mouth with a gloved hand before coughing up blood, such was his constitution. Much worse off as compared to his friend but at the same time better, he had the unconditional support and love of his mother and a unique ability to manipulate magic circuits.

"It does remain undeniable that the Trambelio have produced a failure." Professional, upright, without hesitation and completely serious. McDonell leaned forward, locking his hands together as his gaze narrowed down on the outrageous magus that had spoken against his son, "But the fact remains that he is my son. Speak out in the same manner once more and you might lose your ability to speak altogether."

Complete silence descended once more.

It wasn't quite a hidden threat or an implication, McDonell Trambelio Elrod had straight up threatened the head of the Islema Family for his words.

Inorai only laughed at the interaction, not caring about how it would be interpreted, this much was expected. McDonell was a strange man after all, he didn't deny truth and merit, preferred peace but at the same time, held his offspring dear. What came out, was this strange man.

Lady Edelfelt simply hid her mouth with her fan, snickering at what was going on with a greedy glint in her eyes. Of course, she knew something these people didn't and she wasn't about to let go of her hidden trump, such was the way of the family called 'The Most Elegant Hyenas Above The Ground', her information network allowed her more than these people thought and taking in the 'cripple' was a decision her family would never regret.

The talk soon changed topics and the family heads once more proceeded with their discussions regarding pushing meritocracy. Of course, to such a faction, Roman who had no real achievements to his name or anything prominent about himself other than his apparent nonsensical lack of 'skill' didn't quite hold any importance and was a rather trivial person.


Fuyuki, Japan,

Miyama Town,

Roman POV,

"I feel like someone just disrespected me."

Miyama Town was a part of Fuyuki filled with expensive and luxurious houses, divided into multiple districts depending on the type of houses built there. Currently, in the southern part of Miyama Town, a young man walked down the road with the help of a cane, accompanied by a pink haired woman and they seemed to be attracting a fair bit of attention from the few people that did pass by.

The Sun was high in the sky and most people were busy with their day to day activities, as such, the roads weren't quite as populated as they would be later during the day. Still though, the attention was understandable. Not every day you see a man with an eyepatch, wearing a grey victorian style suit and walking with the help of a cane and to see such a man with a companion like his would make you think he was her sug-*ehem* nevermind.

"Master, Master, what do you think we look like the people that see us?" Tamamo no Mae was, as she often was, all smiles and cheer. Initially she'd thought about dragging him along but then realised his impairment would result in harm so now she was just walking uncomfortably close.

"I probably look like a suga-, they probably think you're an escort." Roman coughed, chuckling at his own joke, as he walked. His destination? Why of course, the Matou Family residence.

In response, the Caster tilted her head in mild confusion before looking at her own dress, a beige sweater with white stripes, black skirt coupled with similarly coloured stockings and shoes..... What did he mean by that? She thought she looked pretty good....

"It means you look good." Roman snickered, turning his head to the side, clearly not intending to explain himself.

"....." Tamamo folded her arms, narrowing her gaze, "Why are you laughing then?"

"Who knows." The magus only shrugged in response, continuing at his usual pace, "So, any ideas as to how much the homeland boosts you?" Roman asked in mild curiosity, he didn't really have any exact figures regarding things like those.

"Uhm.... no idea." The Caster looked down, rubbing her hands ashamed, she did feel stronger but the trauma that came with being here took all the joy in that away, "Could you please, not talk about that?"

Unfortunately for Tamamo, Roman wasn't the type of person to say 'Suit yourself' unless he felt like it.

"Not talk about how you got hunted down for apparently trying to seduce the Emperor?" Roman's smile widened, this was as good a place as any to talk about this.

"Wha-?! Tamamo would never! All I ever wa-.....!" The servant hastily tried to explain herself, her only desire had been to support him, never to seduce him and take over the country! Her only wish was to be a supportive wife to someone, it wasn't her fault she was born as she was!

"That's what the books say though." Roman shrugged again, cutting her off as he ran a cautious gaze over his surroundings. He'd been spreading his own senses for a while now, trying to notice any presence of magecraft and he'd found it.

"The books are wrong!" Tamamo shouted at her Master with closed eyes, he'd obviously hit a sore spot and the servant didn't care about the few passer-bys anymore, "All I would..... I would never try to deceive anyone...." Her shoulders slumped down, and a multitude of thoughts once more crossed her mind and most importantly, the fact that it was going to be the same as always again.

Maybe it was her destiny to end up shunned for being who she was?

Roman however, only smiled seeing her state, it wasn't exactly the safest of strategies and made him feel like he was doing something really wrong but talking about such a sensitive thing so soon was the fastest way he had. They were in a Grail War and he needed to be able to trust his servant at least. 'Accepting' her was the optimal method.

"I know." The Trambelio gave her a thumbs up, grinning as Tamamo looked up at him in disbelief.

"....You do?" The Caster looked at him in mild shock, avoiding his gaze.

"Yeah." Roman chuckled, once more beginning his walk..

"You don't think I'm trying to deceive you?"

"Well you kinda did set up all my protection, offer a mystic code for this." He pointed at his leg, "That's more than what most I know have done so..." Roman turned around and once smiled, "I guess it doesn't really matter."

Needless to say, he was full of sh-, A rather kind person.

"..... I....Thank you." Tamamo no Mae followed behind him with her gaze lowered, she didn't know how to react to it to be fair. Her bright and cheery demeanour had been, to some extent, to hide exactly this, "You don't think Tamamo is trying to deceive you?"

"Nah, I doubt someone like you can manage that." This much was truth, Roman didn't see someone like his Caster setting up entire plans and strategies to mislead someone, lead them around, stuff like that. Of course, the possibility was always there but yeah, Roman doubted it.

"I can't..." Tamamo no Mae silently followed behind her Master, her mind had been thrown for something of a loop. With other Masters, she could hide her identity till she felt safe enough and be assured they wouldn't form an image of her according to the legend but this one, this one seemed to know all of it right from the beginning. What was she to make of this? What was this attitude then? And why was he so blunt? She was a lady, to be treated more delicately!

"Suck it up, soldier." Roman lightly smacked the back of her head, slightly laughing at how the whole ordeal had gone..... For the most part though, it went according to plan.

"I think..... Master doesn't know how to deal with women...."

"The bloody irony." Roman couldn't help but deadpan, still though, he decided against elaborating just why it was ironic.

"Ladies have to be treated more delicately...."

"I think dropkicks can work."

Tamamo sighed, he did just kind of dropkick her mental state..




"Oh fu-!"

"Master, move!"

Tamamo no Mae jumped in front of her Master, manifesting the mirror she used as a weapon and quickly putting it in the path of the armoured gauntlet headed for her Master's face, along with her own hand in a bid to stop it.

Only, her opponent far outclassed her in terms of strength and she shot back under the hit, almost crashing into Roman, her sleeves completely ruined and her hand possibly broken.

"That was one ugly boom." Roman looked at the floating Tamamo with a bit of pity in his gaze, he'd come here to talk but the white haired man that came to greet them almost instantly attacked once he saw Tamamo no Mae.

"How are you even doing that?" The servant herself seemed to be more impressed and confused about her Master's activities than her own injuries which also seemed to be healing at a rapid rate.

"This place has a lot of prana." Roman nodded with a closed eye, before a crestfallen expression formed on his face, "My cane....." The cane lay to the side, in two separate pieces and he lay with his back to the ground.

As for the floating Tamamo? He just made a momentum negating field around himself before adding the ability to heal injuries as a property. His ability was powerful like that, so long as there was prana, he could pretty much do what he wanted.

"..." Tamamo clapped, ignoring the ominous servant standing nearby to praise her Master, "For a magus of this age to do such a thing, Master is a genius." She spoke in an impressed tone, slowly coming to the ground, her mirror floating around her body as she ran up to her 'downed' Master.

"It has it's limits though..." Roman turned to the servant that had attacked them with a small smile, "He, held back."

"Kariya, I want to talk!" He shouted, sitting up with a massive grin on his face.

"Also, fuck you Zouken."


Share thoughts mfs.

Wonder what Waver got put up to.

Wonder what Roman is doing at the Matou Family House. Though, for the complete fucking idiots out there, no he's not there to square down with a bloody berserker. Lancelot would rip him a new one faster than he could say 'Ouch.'

Wonder where the Grail War is headed with Roman pretty much taking the pacifist route (seemingly at least).

Next chapter, we have a bit of Gil in, so look forward to that.

Next chapter