

In a dark room, a man is seen at the rare end. He was tired up, beaten and blooded. He had pink hair and wore a dirty black long sleeve and black trousers with his face barely visible.

The room door opens in front of him. A man with complete black hair and dark purple eyes, he wore a black shirt with a black shorts.

He walks up to the man who was chained up and Crouches in front of him. He uses his hand to raise his head by dragging his hair up showing his green eyes.

"Mr. Patrick", the man says.

His eyes glowed and almost like a flip had switched, he begun to desperately say "Please, my sons-".

He stopped abruptly as the man covered his mouth saying "Shut it".

Mr.Patrick was terrified, looking deep into his cold eyes which had no pupils. The man then grabs him by his face and a purple aura begins resonating from them.

The man's body slowly changes to an exact replica of Mr.Patrick, grunting and muffled screams.

A dark aura enveloped him making him slump and faint. "Kinea and Kean, get ready for me", he says before teleporting away.

While back at the kingdom and the twins were doing their daily meditation, Tolo says" Boys, dress up wear going to get something".

"Another mission?", Kinea asked curiously.

Tolo chuckles and says "Nope, we're going shopping".

He leads them through the prestigious city until Kean takes note of something.

He quickly darts to his right, going through the space between buildings while Kinea and Tolo follow from behind.

"As I thought", Kean says in astonishment as he stands before a massive garden. It was decorated with almost all the plant species ever created.

"Beautiful, isn't it. This is the Garden Of Babylon", Tolo says.

"Made entirely from Spiritual energy. Some say is from a god named Frey".

He chuckles while saying "What a load of shit".

"Hey Tolo, Why do you hate gods so much", Kinea asks.

He looks up with a small smile and says "Nothing".

Tolo then takes the boys to a small bungalow built with wood, it had a gallery of weapons in front of it.

Entering into the building the stench of oil filled the air and the sound of striking , the weapons hung where fiercely sharpened. A short bald dark man is on a chair sharpening a sword.

"Hey!, Tolo. You here for some weapons", the man asks.

"Yeah, Tatsuki", Tolo says with a light grin".

"Tatsuki, a Japanese name?", Kinea thought.

Tatsuki led them to an underground room which was painted a bright yellow, almost golden in colour. They were weapons with greater quality and power, made with different materials.

"You may pick any weapon of your choosing, these weapons are made from high quality materials. Don't be shy, pick any of your choice", he said.

The twins begin looking at the weapons and without wasting much time, they both decide on their weapons. Kean gets a completely long black sword, while Kinea gets two daggers.

"Nice, choices. As a blacksmith, I pray those weapons serve you well.

The boys begin walking back to the castle. Tolo, who was a ways ahead was walking calmly while the twins were checking each others new weapons when they heard a familiar voice calling them from behind.

"Kean, Kinea", the trembling voice says.

They look back and see their father with a worried face looking almost like he was about to cry. His eyes were watery, his legs were shaking, he looked thin almost like he was about to die.

He dropped to his knees shivering and burst into tears, his tears filling his hands. Kinea looks back to check for Tolo but he can't see him, rather he can't see anyone. The busy market became as quiet as a graveyard, his brother on the other hand was already convinced.

Kinea grabs Kean and asks "Are you blind? Can't you sense something's wrong!?'.

"What are you talking about?! Our dad is back"

He pulls his brother closerthen saying "Can't you see? We can finally go back to our old life, our real life".

"Our dad's suffering and we can help him! Are you just gonna let him die out here" Kean exclaims.

Kinea jacks his brother up to his face saying with tears in his eyes, he yells "Do you think I want to be apart of this?! Or I ever wanted this?!"

"My sons please don't fight over me, just come with me. I have no ill will, a father's only wish is for his children be better than him", Mr. Patrick says before raising his right hand using his left to cover the smile on his face.

In the blink of an eye, Tolo comes swooping in and kicking their father on the face sending him flying.

"Tolo?!", Kinea and Kean exclaim.

"Shape-shifting, ability to alter domains and dimensions, teleportation. Your definitely the guy were after", Tolo says with a smile on his face.

He gets up and shifts his lower jaw which was at a ninthy degree angle back to it's original position, he still had a small grin on his face while looking straight at Tolo.

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice, your good but you aren't nearly strong enough to fool me", Tolo says.

"Tolo, the young prodigy, the right hand man to the king of Babylon with power that rival supreme knights", Mr. Patrick explains before being cut off.

"Enough chit chat, let's get to business", he says.

Mr. Patrick chuckles and says"This is gonna be fun".

The two rush each other dealing blow for blow, Mr. Patrick kicks the floor under him sending spikes to surround him making Tolo jolt back.

Before he could even land Mr. Patrick raises his hands and sends dozens of energy blasts at him but with one snap of his finger a subtle wave of energy hits them making them disseminate.

"That's enough bullshit", Tolo says.

His eyes begin to glow, his body starts to steam and the he dashes straight to him. Me. Patrick attempts to stop him or slow him down by sending some energy beams at him but they all phase through him.

He then begins punching him with extreme speed, each time he punched him a small shockwave would formed, he then began punching him on his stomach which began to turn red due to the heat and energy.

"Flash Punch!!!", he exclaims while punching through him with the remaining wind force blowing him far away.

He was panting, the clothes around his arms where torn to shreds but upon that a smile on his face.

