

Laughter—and a friendly bark—erupted from the living room, and she dried her hands on a towel before she went back out to see what was going on. She had to pause when she caught sight of them.

Tim was on top of Jensen, laughing. and Jensen was laughing along with him. Rufus was in there, too, tongue lolling and tail going a mile a minute. Lego towers had collapsed and scattered—maybe due to the tail—and she thought there was a block under Jensen's hip, but he never let on.

Tim laughed gleefully, full on belly laughs that made her smile even as her heart stuttered. She made herself walk in there, and hoped her pounding heart wasn’t obvious to Jensen.

“Wow, Tim, what are you doing to Jensen?” she teased, and he caught her eye with a wink. Her mouth actually went dry. If a man playing with her kid could make her all mushy inside—and it wasn’t as if there weren't other people to play with him—what did that mean?

“I've got him, Mom!” Tim shrieked, and laughed his big baby laugh.

Next chapter