
The President

Billie Bob Taylor-Pereira

"Ain't you got the cutest baby," the waitress gushed as I allowed her to pick up Danilo from his baby seat. I almost came here every third day when I was craving pie. It wasn't as great as Ma's but it was close second that was for sure. 

"He be growing day by day," I smiled as she kissed his chubby cheeks.

"I'm sure his Ma misses him a lot. There's no way I could survive a day without seeing his cute face!"

I simply smiled and agreed with her before she put him down and went off to help other customers. My heart grew heavy as I looked at Danilo who chewed on his toy with a happy smile. His bottom two little teeth had finally broken through and even though they were short at least it helped with the crying. I had learned the hard way to be careful when putting on his numbing cream because since he had learned to bite he did it. 

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