
Chapter 42

When Jeremiah came to, Sara and Nymia, as well as Sargon and Gilah were standing over him, and as he looked around, he was in a bed. Not Sara’s, it looks like an infirmary of some type. He groaned and cracked a small smile “Hey everybody.”

Nymia lets out a breath that she must have been holding for way too long and smiles at him, “Goddess don’t scare us like that Jay…”

Sara smiled and gently laid her head on his chest and seemed to just melt into him as she felt so much stress and fear just melt out of her. “Ohh wow, ok, we were worried that the stress of all the training and the bloodline magic did something, ok.”

Sargon chuckled a bit and placed a hand on his shoulder, “You’re strong, young one. When you passed out you were in a partial transformation, a little bit taller than Sara’s own. Your hair was like a steel gray and white blend. Just as unique as your power.”

Next chapter