
Enter the Dragonfly

Above in the sky was a large float of the sorceress.

"WHOOOOOOA!" Hunter yelled in shock making everyone laugh.

"It's a float ya moron." Sean said laughing his ass off.

Today was finally Junior's first birthday.

Held in the spirit world in the former lost Dragon world.

Needless to say this party was big.

"Man look at this place." Turok said looking around seeing everyone in the Legion at the party.

"Hey I said I would make sure Junior's birthday party was the best of the century and I meant it. Oh that reminds me." Sean said pulling out the dragon egg he had a week ago.

"Wait you still have that?" Sarah asked.

"A little present for Junior." Sean said placing the egg in front oh his son.

"Huh?" Junior said before the egg began to crack open revealing a purple Dragon. (Oh like none of you saw this coming.)

"Aw." Dawn said as the purple dragon got closer to Junor before curling up into a ball. Also all around the area were the other baby dragons that hatched a week ago with little baby dragon flies.

"They sure look happy don't they?" Hunter said.

"Well, it's not every day a dragon gets its dragonfly." Sean said.

"I was under the impression That Dragons lay eggs every 12 years or so." Stein said.

"Normally yes but since they've been cut off from the physical world they haven't laid eggs in thousands of years. Hence the reason we have so many new dragons in one go." Sean said.

However suddenly something crashed down to the ground.

"Oh what now?" Cisco asked before impossibly Ripto still alive along with two creatures that looked like Crush and Gulp appeared.

"So we meet again little brats. I'm back and I'm stronger than ever!" Ripto said.

"Who are you calling little Shorty? No one invited the likes of you. This is an invitation only party." Sarah said.

"Very clever. You know the three of you should join me. We would make a great team." Ripto said making them snort.

"Yeah right." Dawn said.

"What do you want this time?" Sarah asked.

"Hmm. Now what do I want? Thats a good question and I'm so glade you asked little brat. Since dragons are bringing up their numbers again I thought perhaps Dragonflies." Ripto said before laughing like mad as all the dragonflies vanished. Then Ripto tried to blast them but nothing happened making him blink. "Well that wasn't supposed to happen but...You see without the dragonflies the dragons are nothing. Soon the Dragon homelands will be mine." Ripto said about to leave when his portal vanished making him blink.

"Bub." Sean said gaining his attention and widened his eyes seeing every hero behind him. "This is my oldest son's very first birthday. And you are ruining it. Where did you send the dragonflies?" Sean asked as his armor and mask appeared.

"Uh. Let me correct that." Ripto said in urgency trying to summon them back but couldn't. "Uh. Thats not supposed to happen." Ripto said before screaming as he was obliterated by a beam of light from Sean's palm.

"Great where did he send them?" Sarah asked.

"I think I have an idea." Namun said as they ran inside the castle.

And inside they found a yellow dragonfly.

"Sparx." Sarah said as they rushed to him. Now this dragonfly was for the purple dragon Junior was given.

"Ok thats one now where are the others?" Sean asked.

"I think they got scattered across the other worlds by accident. Thankfully though I have a solution for that." Namun said before she encased Dawn in a large bubble making her float before it popped.

"Whoa! What did you do that for?" Dawn asked annoyed.

"Drat. That didn't go as I planed. I'm still learning you know. Here's the thing about that Ghost Rider power of yours. Theres more than one ability then just fire and the power to burn souls and enhanced strength. There are also elemental powers like lightning and frost. But those powers are lost inside scared stones. Find the stones and bring them to the ancient dragon statue and that will give you and every other Ghost Rider powers that have been lost for thousands of years." Namun said.

"Like that bubble power you used." Sarah said.

"Exactly." Namun said.

"Wait. How do you know this?" Sean asked since he's never heard of this before.

"Most Ghost Riders are chosen from a Ghost Rider Spirit. Others are bloodlines like yours and Turok's. And since the Spirit world has been disconnected from the physical world for thousands of years." Namun said.

"The other powers we had have also been lost." Sean said.

"Exactly." Namun said.

"Right let's go." Sarah said.

"Are we ever going to get a day off?" Dawn asked.

Hours later

(One of you kept saying my Spyro Chapters are lame and I agree since it's much more fun to play the games rather than read them so I'm gonna speed through this to get to the Chapter you've been waiting for. The Legion vs the Regime. Infinite warfare to be exact)

Soon enough the girls found all the dragonflies and all the stones giving them back long lost powers that have been forgotten for thousands of years.

"Nice work girls." Sean said as Junior held his pet Dragon. "Got a name picked out buddy?" Sean asked making Junior giggle.

"Spyro." Junior said making Sean and Diana laugh before the later picked up her son.

"Happy Birthday Junior." Diana said kissing his cheek making him giggle.

Days later

Sean was in his office going over various reports on the monitor with a cable attached to his head. Having been given the remaining gifts the General Left behind his mind was more advanced then ever before.

"Never fails to creep me out." Talbot said seeing the cable in his head making Sean chuckle before it detached.

"You'll get used to it in time. Any new reports?" Sean asked about the Regime.

"Nothing. You know you'd think after that goddamned stunt Luthor pulled they would launch a full scale invasion." Talbot said.

"Well, He probably wants it to be a fair fight. After all he said he wanted to kill me where everyone could see. And considering Luthor had me in hiding he can't exactly have everyone watching when a maniac controls the world." Sean said.

"True. Still I got this feeling he's going to attack soon." Talbot said.


"LAME BRAIN!" Freddy yelled blasting one of his subordinates into dust. "I'll remind all of you one last time. I am in charge of the Regime by the order of Thanos and Darkseid! My word is law around here!" Freddy yelled in annoyance. Constantly his subordinates were begging to finally start a war with the Legion. Well, the lower ranked grunts were anyway. His lieutenants on the other hand were far more patient. Even his right hand man Makarov was willing to wait years before the war started.

"How much longer must we wait though?" ShockBlast asked. After yet another defeat at the hands of the Autobots and Decepticons ShockBlast was recruited into the Regime with his forces.

"Patience my friends. I already have a plan in motion. The very moment I get the signal we launch a full scale invasion on Earth. And my brother will finally pay for killing my mother!" Freddy yelled holding a holographic image of Earth before crushing it.
