
The Breach

Chapter 25 The Breach

"Any news?" Sean asked Reznov.

"Nothing still but...Thats odd." Reznov said looking through the data.

"What is it?" Talbot asked.

"Uh its Godzilla. He's moving straight for San Fransisco. He's still underwater but its almost like he's protecting the area." Reznov said.

"Protecting it from what?" Batman asked.

"From whatever is coming. Sally Get the Jeager teams ready for deployment just as a precaution." Lane said.

"Jeager's?" Superman asked.

"A new project I just learned about. Gigantic machines controlled by a two pilot interface system since One Pilot systems are to much of a strain on the human mind." Sean said.

"Movement in the breach." Julia said alarming them.

Under the ocean floor the large portal expanded larger before a large monster came out roaring before moving towards the nearest city.

"What the hell is this?" Reznov asked looking through the screens. "Something just came through the breach and its approaching Godzilla and fast." Reznov said.

"Whatever this thing is has Godzilla on edge." Sonya said.

In the San Fransisco bay Godzilla surfaced from the ocean roaring into the air. Others who were seeing this looked at the monster who saved the city months ago before something else came out of the ocean. A large monster about the same size as Godzilla came out and roared at Godzilla before charging at him.

"Jesus Christ." Sean said as he and a few others flew on one of the company drop ships watching the fight.

"Thats what came out of the breach?" Lane asked in disbelief.

"I guess that explains why Godzilla rushed all the way over here. He knew something was coming." Sean said as Godzilla bit down on the monster's left arm making it roar in pain before bashing its head into his making Godzilla let go.

"Damnit this thing is going to go right through the bridge if it gets passed him." Talbot said as Godzilla tried to keep the monster away from the bridge and the city.

"Lantern get those people off the bridge." Sean said.

"We're on it." Lantern said as he a few other flying heroes moved to get the civilians off the bridge.

Godzilla roared at the monster before it charged into him forcing them both to destroy the bridge before the Monster slammed Godzilla down hard.

"Sally we need some help out here." Lane said.

"We're sending one of the Jeager's out now hold on." Sally said as the Jeager known as Gypsy danger was lifted off with its pilots.

Godzilla getting up roared at the monster before he slammed his tail into its face making it roar again.

"Man this is getting us nowhere." Julia said.

"Regular weapons wont have any effect on this thing." Reznov said.

"Gypsy danger is on site." Sally said as the gigantic robot was dropped into the bay next to Godzilla who looked at it's new ally before he roared at the monster who charged at them again.

Gypsy Danger avoided the charge before a long blade came out of its arm and stabbed the monster in the shoulder making it roar in pain while Godzilla bit down on its other shoulder making it roar louder.

"Looks like the thing cant handle them both." Sean said before it managed to get free from their assault and roared at them in rage before charging at Gypsy who's left arm turned into a weapon and fired at it blasting off its left arm making it roar into the air before the spikes on Godzilla glowed and the stream of blue fire came out and hit the monster in the head cutting it off killing it instantly.

Godzilla roared into the air in victory before walking back into the deep ocean and left to recover its strength.

"Ok looks like your Jeager program worked out after all." Sean said making him smirk.

"Exactly now lets get this carcass out of here I don't want any unknown chemicals in that things blood infecting the water." Lane said.

"Copy that." A trooper said.


"Ok that was unexpected but at least its over now." Tony said.

"Actually it isn't." Sean said getting everyone's attention.

"What do you mean by that?" Hawkgirl asked.

"I sent a probe into the breach for surveillance and this was just the beginning." Sean said before pulling up the monitor showing what was found on the other side of the breach and inside the breach was hundreds maybe thousands of other monsters.

"You have got to be kidding me." Robbie said in disbelief.

"Sir portal is opening up from Cybertron." One of the scientist said as a few transformers walked through the portal. Most of them knew two of these transformers. Blackout and Jazz.

"Blackout Jazz what are you doing here?" Talbot asked.

"We saw what happened back on Cybertron with that monster. Looks like you could use some extra help." Jazz said.

"You have no idea who are the others though?" Sean asked.

"From the Autobot's I brought Ultra Magnus Bulkhead Arcee and Hotshot." Jazz said.

"Megatron recommended I bring Thrust Shockwave Soundwave and Demolisher." Blackout said.

"The creature you eliminated where is its corpse?" Shockwave asked.

"In lab 7 why?" Sally asked.

"I believe if properly examined we may be able to find a more exact weak spot on these creatures." Shockwave said.

"Well see what you can find. In the mean time we've got work to do. Lane I want this project advanced ahead of schedule we cannot be caught off guard." Sean said.

"Right." Lane said leaving to do just that along with a few others.

"Cant we go one day without acquiring a new enemy here?" Talbot asked making Sean sigh.

"I really wish that was true." Sean said.


Sean looked through the files on project Jeager and knew this might be the one thing that could aid Godzilla in the event these creatures were more then he could handle.

"Hmm." Sean said in thought before the door opened and Sally and Diana walked in with Donna Troy Diana's sister. "Donna what are you doing here?" Sean asked.

"She's here to take my place in the league while I'm off duty." Diana said.

"Hmm? You never mentioned this she would be coming here for that though." Sean said.

"I figured it would be obvious that she would take my place since she's the only one who has the same skills as me." Diana said smiling while her sister smirked.

"Well considering all these new events occurring every few days I'll take what I can get." Sean said.

"You make it sound like the world is ending." Donna said.

"In a way it feels like that. More world ending events have occurred over the last year and we all believe this Dark Rider is the cause of it all." Diana said.

"Whatever the case we need everyone ready for the worst." Sean said.


"Please tell me some good news on the breach." Sean asked as he entered the Transformer lab.

"The only reassuring thing we've learned is that it takes time for the breach to open up for another Kaiju as they are being called to come through. However we still do not yet know what caused this breach in the first place." Shockwave said looking over the data.

"I've got my own theory as to what caused this but I'd rather see hard proving results before hand. In any even what else can you tell me about these things?" Sean asked.

"The one called Godzilla faced one of the weaker types of these creatures. So far they go into category sizes and the first one was a category one Kaiju." Ultra Magnus said.

"You've got to be kidding me." Sean said.

"If only I'm afraid the worst is yet to come." Thrust said.

"Great just great." Sean said.

"On a bright side these Jeagers seem to be the one thing next to Godzilla to hold them back from reaching the cities." Bulkhead said.

"I figured as much. Inform me or the others in the event you learn something of importance." Sean said leaving the lab.

Sean walked to his office and saw a man in his mid 60's in the office he had white skin and a slightly bald head and black eyes wearing a suit.

"Jerry?" Sean asked seeing the leader of WHOOP in his office.

"Sean its been a long time." Jerry said shaking his hand.

"Yeah it has. What brings you all the way to Washington?" Sean asked taking a seat.

"Recent events actually. You don't think I'm not aware of the events that have occurred over the last two years since you took control of the league and publicized other groups such as Shield the Defenders the Avengers and others?" Jerry asked making him chuckle.

"So what you want into the fold or is it something else?" Sean asked.

"On the contrary I've actually decided to transfer my best agents into your ranks." Jerry said pulling up a few files on five women.

"Hmm?" Sean said looking over the files

Sam, white skin, red hair and green eyes shown to be a smart and strategic agent.

Alex, light brown skin black hair and brown eyes shown to be an athletic spy and very reliable

Clover, white skin blonde hair and blue eyes shown to be team player and reliable in dangerous situations.

Britney, tan skin blackish blue hair and purple eyes shown to be a quick study in the field.

Donna Ramon, white skin red hair and green eyes shown to be the muscle of the group.

"Interesting pick so where are these agents anyway?" Sean asked.

"I uh left them with Black Widow for training." Jerry said making Sean snicker.

"You might as well have just giving them the needle." Sean said making blink.

In the training room

"OW!" Alex said in pain as she and her friends were in pain just from facing one super spy who smirked at them all.

"You girls really need to train harder if you hope to work here." Natasha said.

"You got that right." Sean said walking up to them with Jerry. Clover looked at him and immediately had hearts in her eyes.

"Whoa." Clover said before Natasha bonked her on the head.

"I don't train fan girls got it." Natasha said.

"Uh right sorry." Clover said sheepishly.

"I'll admit Jerry this group has great potential. Natasha see if you can whip them into shape of your standards." Sean said making her grin.

"You got it." Natasha said.

"We're dead." Sam said in depression making Sean laugh.

"Don't worry she's not going to put you through the hell she went through during her training so you'll live with your humanity intact." Sean said.


Sean was looking through some more files in his office seeing some of the other ships like the Spirit of Fire were ready for deployment.

"Hmm." Sean said before Lane walked in with another General Sean knew all to well. "Eiling?" Sean said surprised.

"Long time no see son." Eiling said shaking his hand.

"Yeah it's been a while. What are you doing here?" Sean asked.

"I figured with everything thats been happening as of late we could use some extra support so I pulled him away from his desk to bring him into the fold." Lane said.

"And it looks like you've got your hands full kid." Eiling said making Sean sigh.

"More then you can imagine. I'll have your position ready for you by morning in the meantime see if you can find a few of your scientists that have unique skills and bring them here." Sean said.

"Will do." Eiling said.

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