
Hail to the King

The sight of the asian as fuck caterers made me laugh out loud. They are trying to Sleeping Dogs me. Locking eyes with the biggest of the slanty eyed fucks let them know the jig was up, and in the eyes of the wedding guests one second we had caterers and the next we had a bunch of piles of meat and chrome, leaving me covered in blood and oil.

"I get the reference." I sighed as I took a napkin off a nearby table spared any gore and wiped my face off then turned to my guests and frowned, "Sorry about this everyone. I'll get this place cleaned up and ready for the reception as soon as possible. In the meantime enjoy the open bar. I made sure that the fake bartender died elsewhere."

I indicated to the trail of blood leading away from the bar where I high speed dragged the guy across the floor, leaving bits and pieces of his top half to be mopped up before I threw his legs at a friend of his.

"Now if you'll all excuse me, I'm going to go sodomize Sota Saito with his family sword." I rolled my neck and cracked my knuckles before a big grin split my face, "Maximum effort."

I jogged out of the reception hall and out into the street where I leapt high into the air and then shot up again with a double jump that brought me up to the nearby rooftops where I ran above all the foot and vehicle traffic of the city. Night City wasn't designed by Ubisoft, but my free running felt as smooth as if the Montreal Studio was cupping my balls to keep them from dragging across the built up roofing.

Every now and then I'd give the Wave Breaker a little go to build up speed for a big jump, but at ten agility I was moving across the city scape faster than most of the vehicles below can go with the pedal to the medal. When I hit the Sandi-zerk things get a bit dangerous and I have to throttle the speed to keep from blowing the sound barrier and tearing up the windows in my fine city.

And this is my city.

Not just Heywood and Santo Domingo where my security forces run the streets. Fucking all of it. Everything I see. And some upjumped pussy pushing drug dealing geezer thinks he can try to Sleeping Dogs my wedding reception.

I arrived across the street from the Megabuilding Saito lives in and leaped down to the street to get a good stretch in before my rampage, really getting my quads and hips loose and ready.

Then I ran at the building as the world slowed around me.

The moment my foot touched the megabuilding I shot up the side, legs pumping as each step took me closer and closer to the penthouse. You can imagine that the guy guarding the balcony was surprised when my hands landed on the top rail and I pulled myself up and over into a flying side kick that sent us through the reinforced glass door while screaming, "DYNAMIC ENTRY!"

We landed in the kitchen where I grabbed a knife block and admired the fine Japanese white paper steel of the chef knife before I chucked it into the eye of an oncoming goon. The thin boning knife to the throat of the next gonk followed by the Japanese specific Santoku knife with its wider and straighter blade.

The final guard between me and Saito got the cleaver between his eyes. He didn't die right away and jerked his hands to the cleaver embedded in his head while screaming before yanking it out and falling to the ground stiff as a board.

The old yakuza faced away from me, dropping his silk coat to the floor revealing a pair of sleek gold plated cyber arms and a powerful Sandevistan spine all etched and lacquered with colorful images that blended perfectly with the tattoos on his chest and back. He slowly took the katana off the wall and drew the mirror polished blade in a steady movement before turning to face me.

I responded by pulling the serrated carving knife out and throwing the block and the rest of the knives with it at the geezer. Saito easily evaded the attack and we ran at each other at super speeds to engage samurai sword to kitchen utensil.

Over a dozen exchanges in a second resulted in my carving knife leaving grooves along both his cyberlegs and one of his forearms, loosening his grip on the sword slightly.

The next second saw a dozen more exchanges and when we pulled away Saito was far more carved up than before, with the integrity of his arms lessened from strategic cuts from the impressively sharp carving knife.

In the next set of exchanges I disarmed the man, taking his mirror polished sword into my own hand as I passed around him and gripped his gilded shoulder to steady the man for what came a moment later as I dropped my hips and fully extended my arm to get the tip of the sword lined up just right.

"HOOOOOOOOOO!" Saito screamed as his prized sword invaded his sphincter and parted his man meat with little resistance.

The razor sharp and wondrously polished blade exited behind the man's left clavicle as he shook furiously in his shameful death throws. The seizure definitely made the wound worse as I dropped Saito to the floor, but I doubt the man cared about much more right now than the sword shoved up his ass.

I breathed in deeply a satisfying breath as my level hit 50. I put the last of my Skills earned SPECIAL Points into Perception and took the perk Ain't Like That Now. I reveled in the completion I waited for so long. A big boost to my stamina recovery, a twenty percent boost to my attack speed, and an immunity to critical hits. I couldn't just get wrecked by a single hit as bullets would bounce off my skull and blades would bind up in my neck.

A little amber message appeared in my sight 'Generating event to clear Karma'

Oh boy.

Before I had time to contemplate that a golden Vault Boy danced across my vision with a banner that read 'Congratulations on completing the Fallout New Vegas System'

As it faded away another message in amber appeared in the corner of my view.

'Initiating Fallout 4 System'

Well. Isn't that something?


It feels good to pump this chapter out this morning. I've basically done all I can to keep Uncle Sam off my jock this year, and my family is settling in for Christmas. Merry Christmas to all of you readers as well. This story has over 5700 collections which is my personal best. Thank you to each and every one of you that reads this story, a big thanks to everyone that comments, and the biggest thanks to everyone that donates at

ko - fi . com / jmanm

Uda best, homies.
