
Chapter 14: Across the Line

Chapter 14: Across the Line


Holly Adams POV:

I leaned against the railing of my penthouse balcony. While I had a beautiful view of the city, it sadly did not include Bunker Hill.

Pushing away from the balcony, I made my way inside the apartment of Angela Blaq.

That’s my cover in case it wasn’t obvious.

As part of their plan, the Boston police and Chandler were trying to pass me off as a member of high society, or at least someone who wouldn’t look out of place in King’s usual social circle. I don’t know what kind of budget they had for this operation, but they weren’t afraid to spend money to make my story believable.

The penthouse they had put me in took up the top three floors of this building. I had a private chef available to cater to my every craving. I had a personal stylist to help me pick out a wardrobe to help me look the part, plus hair and makeup specialists.

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