
Arriving at Dawnstar

By the time we arrived at Dawnstar, it was already getting dark and the winds had picked up, as did the chill.

Being closer to the ocean and all, Dawnstar chills were fucking cold, and I desperately wanted to reach the shabby little seaside village and hunker down for the night, preferably with a woman in my arms.

I had discussed my initial plans with Rayya as we had walked towards the snow laden city, and she agreed with my decisions, not even asking how I knew what I knew or why I wanted what I wanted.

Such a good little Thrall she was...

Anyways, the first item on the agenda was entering the Inn and renting a room for the night, or getting into bed with one of the locals.

I wanted to truly start tomorrow, and the first item on the list to do was to talk to Errandur about the Vaermina Questline.

Then I would bring Errandur to Brina Merillis and get her approval and backing for the quest, so that when we succeed, Brina would be known as the one to restore peace to Dawnstar.

As I had Brina slowly gather her influence and support from the citizenry, Rayya and I would contact the Blood Horkers and enjoy ourselves with them, before using the pirates to get Skald out of the Jarl position by falsifying orders and letters between the two.

My Thrall asked how, and I made it simple.

Skald was old, so he'd either be jumping at the thought of savoring some younger meat - either of us - or we would simply ask for his disrespected, angry servant Bulfrek to gather a few of Skald's letters for us to impersonate.

Then, after the city was slowly brought to peace by the lifting of the curse and changing of Jarls, I'd begin to take over the mines and maybe some of the other stores as well, while also keeping some contact with the pirates should I desire some goods or transportation from here to Solitude or Windhelm.

Whilst I did that, Rayya would be out gather pieces of the Razor, since that quest was rather simple with two rather weak dungeons to go through.

I would have someone accompany her for a large amount of coin or something; I was thinking Errandur since we could persuade him to help her rid the world of another Daedric Artifact.

If not him, then the pirates could be useful, but that would need some real persuasion and coin for them to remain loyal and help...

Maybe I could have her grab Aela back in Whiterun when she travels down to the dungeon in Falkreath...

Or hire Uthgerd?

Eh, there would likely be some soldiers or something I could hire down here as well, right?

Either way, as we made our way into the city with our plan in mind, I grinned at her as we walked towards Windpeak Inn, which was dimly lit compared to the rest of the darkening town.

Guards rested on their spears or on walls, slumped slightly, while the citizens seemed weary and exhausted, dragging their feet around through the snow, uncaring of the cold.

Few actually made notice of me, and I raised a brow as I felt a small wave of drowsiness overtake me, and I heard Rayya yawn.

Damn, that's rather potent huh?

The city was quiet and somber, and as we entered the Inn I took in the slightly happier mood as men and women drowned themselves in mead, all while a pretty thin Nordic woman in revealing green clothes sang next to the fire, her fingers strumming the strings of her lute as she played a song.

A few of the Patrons turned to look at us as we entered, only to shrug and return to their mead and meat, wanting to try and get themselves a full stomach before sleeping fitfully.

Approaching the counter, I smiled at the man - Thoring - and placed some Septims on the countertop.

"A room and something to eat, if you'd please~!"

Giving me a tired nod, Thoring gestured to the door to my left, saying "That one's free. Small space, but it's got a bed and some storage of you need it. Heres the key. As for food, we've got horker steaks and a stew. Abelone'll bring 'em to you."

Giving the man a smile, I turned and took one of the free tables, watching as Rayya approached one of the miners and began to chat with him, the man smiling slightly at her as she flirted.

My attention was stolen by the pretty woman - Karita, Thoring's daughter - as she began to sing another song, this time singing 'The Dragonborn Comes' with a beautiful melodic voice.

Her fingers worked expertly over the strings of her lute, while her swaying hips captured the attention just as much as her revealed cleavage as it shone in the firelight.

Although thin, the woman was in good shape, and when you add on a voice like that, most inside the Inn were captivated by the woman, and I could see a few swaying along to her music, while others were staring at her lustfully.

Smirking, I instead focused on an easier target, one who was approaching me this very moment.

"Here's your meal, Miss. Would you care for anything else tonight?"

A mature woman smiled down at me, her slightly wrinkled face belying her age as she clasped her hands in front of her.

Pale skin, cold blue eyes, and sharp features, and brown hair hidden beneath the cowl that she wears, Abelone was a rather good looking woman herself, especially with the way her clothes seemed to be tailored to be just a tad bit tight on her.

Not large either, Adelone had a pair of small, yet shapely breasts that would barely fit snuggly in your palm, while her hips were wide enough to give her ass that extra pronunciation that let you know she had something to hold onto.

Giving her a warm smile, I said "I do actually want something else, beautiful. I was looking for a woman to warm my bed tonight. Know anyone who'd fit the bill?"

Opening my coin purse slightly, I gave her a glimpse of the gold inside, and I had to hold in a chuckle as greed filled those eyes instantly.

Coughing into her fist, Adelone nodded as she spoke softly, making sure her words couldn't be heard by others.

"Depends on the price, Miss. Those of us native to Dawnstar need to make ends meet, after all."

Pursing my lips, I looked her over discreetly before smiling, saying "How's 125 sound for all night? Oh, and I have an anti-pregnancy potion for you, so no need to worry on that front."

She nodded at that, before asking "You have a deal, Miss. My shift ends in a few hours, but after that I'll attend to your every need, alright?"

"I look forwards to it, beautiful."
