
A truce for the Primodail human.

Shiro strolled toward Saber and Rider's position who were getting ready to attack the naked human in front of them.

"You guys should hold on, I don't want him dead yet." Shiro said before he activated the glowing crest on his body.

"You wanna capture him alive?" Rider asked.

"More like I wanna learn something." Shiro uttered with a smile, "Minami… just stay there and don't do anything." He voiced.

''Understood." Minami responded before stepping to the side.

"Perfect." Shiro switched his attention back to the human, "Sabar, Rider…. Let's go. remember we are not killing." He repeated.

The ground cracked as soon as Saber's legs lifted from it, she whooshed straight at the human with her sword ready to strike.

Once she swung her sword horizontally, it made an impact with the human's arm, which was something he used to shield himself from Saber's blade.

Although Saber's sword was already in the human's arm, she couldn't get past the first layer of his skin no matter how much force she added.

The human grinned and pulled his body closer before landing a punch on Saber's stomach which sent her flying.


Rider suddenly appeared behind him in midair, she had her dagger ready to throw, at least she thought.

The human twisted his head in an instant with his body still facing the front, almost like his neck has no bone in them.

This startled Rider a bit, giving him the chance to jump up and use his hand to cover her face.

But before he could do anything, Shiro already kicked him in the gut and sent him flying to the ground.

"It's definitely not human, master." Rider uttered before picking up her dagger on the floor and facing the human again.

The human was just getting up from Shiro's kick with the same crazy smile still hanging around his lips.

Sigh…. "This might prove to be difficult." Shiro muttered, "Maybe if we…".

A huge surge of magic energy suddenly rushed out of where Saber was, she stood up from the ground with both her sword and body brimming with dark energy.

"Well… now she's mad." Shiro muttered.


With a raging scream and a burst of magic power, Saber dashed toward the human and they began exchanging fast-moving attacks.

Each impact their attacks made caused another wide range of magic energy to burst open and scatter the earth.

While the two of them kept up with their attacks, Rider hooked her chain on the human's leg and pulled him toward her position.

Immediately he got close, she punched him in the face which sent him flying toward Saber who didn't hesitate to send her sword straight into his chest before pulling it out.

The human fell to the ground with a shocked look on his face as he looked at the blood spewing from the hole in his stomach.

Saber walked toward him and aimed her blade at the human, "Master, apologies, I think I inflicted too much damage than planned."

Shiro sighed, "Of course you did." He uttered, while he was walking he suddenly sensed something from the near by building but didn't pay mind to it.

"You just had to stab the thing didn't you." Rider asserted as she approached Saber.

"Shut up, it wasn't intentional, you did pushed him toward me." Saber replied.

"Not for you to stab him in the gut, I recall master saying 'do not kill him'." Rider teased.

"You're starting to get on my-"

Before Saber could complete her reply, the human suddenly let out a loud scream with his hands trying to pack the blood on the ground and pour it back into his stomach.

"Blood! Blood! Pain , Blood!" The human kept on repeating those words.

When he noticed nothing was happening, the human immediately dashed away from sight at full speed, so fast that no one knew how to chase after him.

Rider watched as the human ran straight into multiple buildings just to get away from them, she had planned to follow but even she was lost to his whereabouts.

Shiro looked at the sky for a while before sighing, "You guys just messed up the whole plan,." He uttered before turning to see Neko and Matou running toward him.

"Awwn, master, we missed the fight." Neko said before ceasing her advance while she observed the destruction around her.

"Y-You… guys defeat it?" Matou panted and fell to his knees in exhaustion.

Shiro changed his attention to Matou, "Great you're here, I have something to discuss with you." He uttered.


Dusting his clothes, Shiro began to approach Matou, but unexpectedly Saber pulled him back with his collar.

He was shocked at first until a fast-moving spear charged toward the ground with a dig in his initial position.

As soon as Shiro had his balance back, he looked to the sky to see Achilles and Shakespeare levitating on a horse-moving chariot.

''Be careful, master, we've faced them before, they shouldn't be underestimated." Saber whispered with her eyes still locked on the chariot.

The chariot suddenly dematerialized and Achilles and Shakespeare went falling to the ground on their feet.

Achilles looked around and saw that another master-servant was present, Neko and Matou to be exact.

"Relax, my business isn't with you today," Achilles said to Shiro, "I am in search of two individuals, a male, and a female, blue and red top each, the guy has red short hair also." He described.

Shiro stood there with a stare for some time before turning and walking toward the building, "No, I haven't seen anyone." He responded.

"How was the battle you just fought?" Achilles voiced out.

"I don't see how it's your business." Shiro responded without stopping his advance toward the building.

"Oh, but it is, you just don't realize it yet."

Shiro immediately stopped and slowly turned to face the odd voice he had just heard.

His eyes widened a bit when he saw Kirie materializing beside Shakespeare with an eyepatch and a bandage covering his whole arm and neck.

"Long time no see Shiro Tenma." Kirie asserted with a smile.

Shiro frowned as he began to approach Kirie, "You freaking bastard!" He uttered.

Before he could get close, Achilles stood in his way, which followed with Saber and Rider standing in Achilles' way.

"Well now, it's obvious both our servants don't want us getting hurt, I also think so, I'm here for one thing and I can assure you, it's not a battle." Kirie proclaimed.

"What do you want?" Shiro asked with a cold tone.

"A truce, still we capture the primordial human Adam." Kirie explained with a smile on his face.



I know update has been slow, but I'll see what I can from next month.

Merry Christmas by the way, hope you guys have a wonderful year ahead of you with many more blessings to come.