
The man and the snake, part 1

- "I can't trust you again ..."

The words were in her mind all the time. He listened to them as they approached the Iron Country meeting. He listened to them inside of her while he checked with his chakra that there were no hidden ninjas in the surroundings. There was only silence between Boruto and his father, only the job he still had as an escort to the Hokage.

- "I can't trust you again ..."

The meeting room was sealed. The Kage from all the villages sat around the round table, and their advisers (the former Kage) right behind their respective leaders to whisper other opinions. The escorts of each leader were all posted on the upper floor watching the meeting from a safe distance. With a clear panorama, to observe absolutely everything.

The representative of the Samurai, was currently Shihiro Kurosake. Former Mifune apprentice and new leader of the Bushido warriors. But in addition, the old teacher accompanied him as a counselor. It was the elderly General Mifune who generated respect and admiration throughout the gathering. Followed very closely in that area, by the seventh Hokage Naruto Uzumaki.

- "I can't trust you again"

As the formal greetings began, Bolt from the second floor could not stop remembering that phrase. He didn't know what feeling was strongest inside of him. Sadness? Frustration? Repentance? Resignation? His body acted mechanically, he wasn't thinking about anything about his surroundings. He was just moving as his escort role to guard the meeting was supposed to suggest.

-"I can not trust you…."

Did he ever do it himself? Had his father ever really trusted him? Had so much effort and suffering been worth it? Did he train him because he wanted to save him? Or just so that he wouldn't embarrass the Uzumaki surname more? Boruto had many questions in his head, but still he was doing his job. His eyes behind the wolf mask closely followed one of the Samurai guards who supposedly guarded Councilor Mifune, along with leader Kurosake. Only the Samurai guards were stationed guarding the first floor where the meeting was taking place. And the actions of that particular warrior were very suspicious. Although that subject's full armor with helmet and mask will hide his identity perfectly. Bolt didn't need to see his face. He was sure that this man was not a Samurai. So, it was just a matter of waiting for the right moment to ...

-Welcome leaders of the ninja villages ... -said the leader Samurai Kurosake- it is a pleasure for me to receive you in ...

The subject moved forward impetuously, until he was next to the advisor Mifune. His right hand rested on the handle of the Samurai sword steady, ready to stab. That detail had first caught Bolt's attention. Samurai whose skillful hand was the right hand, used to wear the scabbard on the left side of their waist. To cross his arm and draw the sword already cutting. This subject wielded his supposed sword like a short knife. Therefore, he had the sheath on the right side of his hip. If that was really a typical sword, he wouldn't be able to pull it out of the sheath because of the long edge. In conclusion, that weapon was not a Samurai sword. In less than a second, the spy drew and that supposed long sword was a ninjato whose handle was disguised to simulate a typical Samurai saber. He raised his hand and tried to bury his direct attack on the neck of Advisor Mifune, his main target.

No one knew what happened afterwards, only that a Shinobi from the Konoha escort had appeared in front of the attacker to deflect the stab from him and thus force him to nail the ninjato on the large central round table, preventing the old Mifune from being injured. Moments later, a targeted blow to the throat and a punch to the stomach were enough to make the attacker snort in pain. Boruto Uzumaki didn't stop, he just grabbed from the back of the enemy's helmet, to smash it violently against the edge of the table; him making a rumbling bang all over the place.

The infiltrator collapsed, passed out on the ground. The blow to his neck prevented him from breathing well, the punch took out all the accumulated oxygen and the abrupt butt against the table directly removed him from the play. It had all happened before any escorts even began to understand the situation. The royal Samurai guards, fired by the shame of having stood by a spy without noticing it, rushed to capture and shackle him. They had to pick him up and carry him unconscious to the prison, while Bolt just walked back around the table and out. Taking the stairs that would return him to his original position. Only for an instant he could look at his father. Only for an instant did their gaze meet, though the wolf mask prevented full contact.

"Well done Bolt…" Naruto said simply.

They all barely smiled. The rumors were true. They hadn't even noticed him move. His sunshin had been incredible. He was fast, damn fast. And very clever if he had been able to anticipate the attack. Although no one knew for sure how he had discovered it.

- "I can't trust you again ..."

That phrase was heard again inside of him. Boruto returned to the second floor, to take up surveillance duties from him. Many eyes from all the villages were now on him. Some out of interest, some out of surprise, some more out of care. Boruto Uzumaki was no longer invisible. No longer a mere escort ninja. He was present and he was remarkable. All the leaders, and even more so the ancient Kage, paid attention to that heir of the children of the blade. Now more than ever, the foreign leaders were convinced that Boruto Uzumaki had assassinated Sasuke Uchiha.

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Himawari was worried….

Days passed, then weeks and months. The year was almost over with her family's situation getting worse from just before Uchiha's death. And right now, since that last mission that his brother Boruto had served as an escort to his father, the two Uzumaki did not speak or meet due to personal circumstances. Young Himawari missed her older brother horrors. The house felt empty without her presence. It was true that her father worked fewer hours than a year ago, and these days he always dined with his wife and daughter. Himawari liked that but even so, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable at the lack of Bolt.

Her mother seemed calmer and happier about the new marital situation. Throughout the day, she took care of the housework, while she had frequent visits from Aunt Hanabi to chat about matters of the Hyuuga clan management. The guards who accompanied the leader, were always keeping watch on the outskirts of the Uzumaki house, to which no Hyuuga except Hanabi had access permission. Himawari knew that she had influenced that situation. She also guessed quite correctly that Aunt Hanabi, who frequented the Uzumaki house too much in recent weeks, evidently spent many nights there as well.

Also, she Himawari had been investigating Boruto's situation in his bachelor apartment. The young Byakugan bearer knew the details of her brother's life, and she felt quite relieved that her Onii-chan was no longer sneaking in with Sarada Uchiha's mother. That situation, plus the cancellation of the marriage contract, were matters that Himawari liked. She didn't want to see her brother involved with those Uchiha women.

However, she couldn't help but feel concerned for Bolt's safety. It was true that her Onii-chan had grown stronger thanks to her training with the Hokage. But it was also clear, that Sarada Uchiha had a jealous and possessive soul. If Boruto was wrong and thought that the young Uchiha had stopped longing for him, possibly a disaster was going to happen in the future.

- "Why did you agree to extend the Onii-chan marriage contract? -She had asked him that night after the meeting in question- you said it was better to end it."

That question had not had a fulfilled answer. Himawari no longer had her father's prohibition to visit her brother, and she did so continuously. She tried to bring him food, even took care of bringing him clean clothes that Hinata diligently washed at home. But it was painfully evident that Boruto was drifting away from Himawari, at least when it came to complicity.

- "I can't tell you everything Nee-chan," Bolt once told her while they shared a dinner in Ichiraku, "please don't ask me any more. I just want to talk nice things to you. My personal problems with Oto-sama or Sarada-chan, I'll solve them myself. "

Boruto did not return to the subject. But Himawari couldn't forget those words. The cold, granite expressions of him. The way he stopped smiling for hours after something reminded her of his affairs with Sarada or the Hokage. It was evident to the young Himawari that her brother had problems and she did not know how to solve them. Doubts and worries haunted him mercilessly.

Himawari knew that she must help him. She wanted with all her heart to protect her brother. She couldn't forget the countless times where Boruto had come to her defense as children. The millions of times where he was present to comfort and protect her. Himawari did not forget the love of her brother that she had never doubted her even in immolating herself to keep her safe. How could she leave him alone in such a difficult time as the present?

Young Uzumaki couldn't stay out of it. She also had mixed feelings between what she should do and what she wanted to finally accomplish. In a way, these feelings were a confusion between understanding the extent of her power, and trying not to abuse her use. For years, she had blamed herself for the strange attitudes of her brother Boruto hers. She thought, that having modified with her partial pressure technique certain points of her Onii-chan's mind, was the cause that had prompted him to commit the madness of sleeping with Sakura Uchiha. It was the impulse that she had pitted him against her father. The bad energy that had driven him to the dark side of his soul. Boruto was no longer that sweet and good boy that his sister remembered. And young Himawari personally blamed herself for it.

To do?

How to help you?

How to prevent Sarada Uchiha from discovering the betrayal at any time?

How to prevent that Kunoichi's jealousy from clouding even the moments where sister and brother shared a lunch?

Sarada was frustrated and furious. Himawari understood that situation better than anyone. He understood that Sarada did not want to give up her happiness, just as she did not want the young Uzumaki. He could even understand the instinct for possession. She many times she had wished to be with Boruto and that no one else interrupted them for nothing. But if she wanted to help her brother, her Himawari would have to take care of Sarada Uchiha. The only way he could, the only way he would resolve the issue. As only Himawari Uzumaki, the best daughter of the most powerful ninja in history, the heir to a new and evolved Doujutsu could do it.

Breaking prejudices, destroying limits ...

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For a few minutes, Anko Mitarashi was unable to pay due attention to the matter. She tended to her Dangos stall while she prepared a new set of chopsticks to display in full view of the clientele. It was afternoon, so the children would be leaving the academy in about an hour, to stop by and enjoy some candy on the way home. But she had missed the presence of a young Shinobi with that typical look that she herself had years ago. She promised to talk to him, as soon as she finished taking the dumplings out of the fryer.

Life for Anko had changed radically in recent years ...

She was no longer active Kunoichi, and her Dangos position gave him enough work not to miss her old profession even monetarily. She had put on a few pounds in weight, in a combination of a lack of extreme training and her fondness for the Dangos that she loved so much since childhood. But she didn't feel bad about it. Having an extremely worked and sexy body required too much effort due to the low compensation of feeling desired by everyone. He was not interested in her, he was never really interested in her. Her body was a working tool when she was Kunoichi, and she now she simply no longer needed to keep that weapon sharp. The pleasure of eating what she liked was much more than the disappointments that could return her reflection in a mirror.

However, her previous life as a ninja, she sometimes came to visit her dangos stand. Anko might actually be a merchant, but at some specific point, she would never totally stop being Kunoichi. And she accepted it, with the good and bad things about that definition. Therefore, when she had dispatched Chocho Akimichi and charged for the sweets that she was taking, she looked at the only customer who had asked for something, but she stayed to eat next to the stall without leaving. Sitting on one of the three stools in front of her counter, was Boruto Uzumaki.

-I know that look ... -Anko told him when they were alone- many ninja have had it, and many more will have it in the future.

Boruto looked up from him in confusion. Anko-sensei wasn't exactly the most talkative woman in the world at her work. She only limited herself to receiving orders and almost expelling those who wanted to spend more than a few extra minutes in front of her. However, when that woman had something to say, it was better to pay attention to her. She was infinitely healthier, than trying to ignore her.

-What look Anko-sensei? Bolt asked who called him sensei when they were alone.

"That of a child who is lost in the forest…" Anko reaffirmed severely, "calling out to Oto-chan and Oka-chan, because she doesn't know how to get home. I heard you did a great job in iron country. You should be satisfied because now you play in the first category boy. But that look looks like a beaten dog. Unable to enjoy taking a bite.

He watched her for a long time. Denying that woman an accomplished reality was more dangerous than swimming among piranhas. There was something about Anko Mitarashi's gray gaze that was as attractive as it was deadly. It was fixing her eyes on a snake, and waiting for the exact moment where she would send the deadly bite, without being able to do anything to prevent it. Lying to her was not something Boruto wanted, if she had that option of course she is. So then she told him everything, putting unnecessary details aside.

Anko returned to her work with a keen ear. The woman did not usually feel appreciation for anyone generally, but the few who earned her respect were the ones she would listen to and help forever. Kakashi was one of them. Since the time of the ANBU. It was the silverhead who had sent this boy to train him as a spy. In those days Anko had laughed a lot at that choice. If Boruto was only half an idiot as his father, he would be a total failure in that specific field. Time however, proved Kakashi right as usual.

-The imbeciles spent 4 days failing in the interrogation of that mercenary -said Bolt that an hour later he was already talking about his mission in the country of iron as an escort- and since they did not get anything from the subject, Shikamaru Nara told my father that they should send me for questioning.

-And what was the problem with that?

"He only did it to measure what I can do," Bolt added, "he told my father that I was trained for that." He completely gave me away. He couldn't refuse me, and he couldn't get out of that interrogation without getting anything. What if that mercenary had allies and then they planned to attack the Hokage? he couldn't pretend to fail. I had to apply myself and remove who were his allies. I also had to find out who put up the money for that attempt to assassinate Mifune-sama. My father could be in danger, I had to act.

-What method did you use? –Anko consulted that she had always been interested in the imagination that this child had to question.

"Denying him his job in the future, while not doing mine at the time," said Bolt who smiled slightly for a second, "it took time for it to work, but it was the only strategy I could think of and the others would never use."

Flash back:

"Boruto entered a small room for interrogations. The subject was sitting in front of a square table with his hands on it, in shackles that prevented him from moving. The room had an additional chair for the interrogator, and a false wall from which he could appreciate everything that was going on in there. The subject had said his name was Koji, but not much other than his birthplace and age. The torture methods used by other ninjas in the gathering had been ineffective. For 4 days, barely if he had eaten and drunk, but he did not hesitate to keep his silence.

The internal guards of the room left, and Boruto took off his mask by placing it on his head. He looked at the subject neutrally, and, standing in front of him, tried to make him remember him as the one who had stopped his actions. However, when the prisoner began to prepare for a new unimaginable torture session, Boruto simply took the empty chair and moving away from the table he settled against a corner in silence. Immediately afterwards, he just sat down and opened a book that he brought, to prepare to read, ignoring the prisoner with whom he shared the room.

A few minutes passed. The guy named Koji, waited with some anxiety what would happen. Perhaps that ninja was a Genjutsu user, and he was trying to make him lower his guard to place him in an illusion. Therefore you had to focus on his movements. Koji knew that by concentrating on where he was and against whom, whatever else happened was part of a Genjutsu. He would not defeat that young man again. As fast as he was, he wouldn't make her say anything at all.

After half an hour, the only thing that changed in the environment was when Boruto turned another page to continue reading. His elongated, crisscrossed, relaxed legs gave the whole look of someone who didn't mind having to get up quickly or quickly. What kind of interrogation was that? The Hokage's son had not uttered a single word, not a gesture, nothing at all. How did he intend to get information out of her like that?

"You're wasting your time," the prisoner finally told him with some confusion, "you can't do anything to me that others haven't tried before." I won't tell you anything, whatever you do.

-Right… ..- Bolt said without taking his eyes off his reading-we agree on that.

A few minutes of silence, and the prisoner began to annoy him that Boruto was still so fresh with reading him without doing anything. What the hell did he mean by doing that? Was he planning to bore him to death? Koji knew that many days had passed since he was brought to that place. With short stays in a dirty dark cell. Bumps, burns, hunger and thirst. Sleepless days standing in front of a light. Locked in a cell so small that he could only stand. Very cold or hot water baths. All pain could be borne if he was focused on it. Furthermore, he had allies who would come to his rescue very soon. He just had to hang on.

-What do you want? He asked the Konoha ninja with annoyance, when almost an hour had passed and nothing had happened.

"I'm here for the same reason as you," Bolt replied, still reading his book, "they ordered me to come, and in an hour to leave. I don't give a damn what you know or don't know. I just have to waste my time, and then get out.

What kind of interrogation method was that? The prisoner did not know what to think. Was that ninja "punished" and that is why he was being interrogated? Weren't you planning to do his job? Did he care if they were watching him do nothing from the other side of the false wall? That was strange to Koji above all else. Rooms like these were supposed to have a false wall. That other ninjas were watching the interrogation. Would it be a completely closed room? Did no one see what was happening in there?

Maybe the Samurai didn't have interrogation rooms like the ninjas. Maybe it was just a common room. That guy wasn't even interested in asking him anything. It was as if he was in that place completely reluctantly. In a way, it was a relief. The prisoner thought that he would use that time to rest from the stress he felt from the methods of others. It would be like an extra time to recover and thus endure.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Boruto without any haste, he finished reading the page he was on, then got up and left. He opened the door and responded to the external call saying that he was already leaving, and then returned inside as if he forgot something.

-I have to go ... -he said to the prisoner- they told me I had an hour to get something. And since it bores me to ask and hear negatives or lies, I simply prefer to take something more solid with me.

With that said, he took a kunai from his fanny pack and capturing her hand, cut off her finger cleanly. Koji screamed, and Bolt kept the blood from spurting by sealing the wound with fire chakra. After this, without stopping to ask anything, he left the place with that finger wrapped in a cloth that he also took out on time. Leaving the prisoner with the greatest confusion of his life. And the promise that this horrendous situation was just beginning:

"They warned me to leave the room with something," Boruto told him as he left, "and that is what I will do every time they send me here."

End of flash back

-Did you cut off his finger without asking him or his name? Ku ku ku ... -Anko smiled very amused- And then what?

"I came back a couple of hours later," Bolt pointed out without emotion, "the same method." Only this time I brought a watch that I placed on the table. I gave it an hour, and I sat down to wait for the end. Many ninjas are trained in a concentration-based method of resisting torture. In freeing the mind to escape and let the body suffer alone. What I did was change the rules, place his concentration on the ticking of that clock in front of him. For 59 minutes, he would be thinking about what would happen to him in minute 60. I was taking away the possibility of escaping from his mind. And then, I repeated the same actions another 4 times. An hour of time, no questions asked or interested in what he said. Finally, when he realized that he was planning to cut it to pieces hour after hour, that clock in front of his eyes was all the torture he needed. Soon he would be useless with no fingers or toes, no ears or other parts more important to men. On my fifth admission to the fourth, he practically yelled everything we needed in my face. Names of allies, who had paid for the services of his group, because the reason they attacked Mifune, even told me that they had other objectives in his itinerary. He told me everything, before he ran out of hands or feet. He said that he would rather die than be left alive and invalid. A matter that, without a doubt, would have been serious for a mercenary who betrayed his companions.

-Very inspiring, I should congratulate your sensei for preparing you Ku ku ku - Anko pointed out amused - if it wasn't about me, of course. But this has nothing to do with your doubtful look, child. What's up with that? you won't tell me you feel guilty for doing your job. Truth? you are not like that.

Boruto ended his account by saying what he had been through with his father before arriving at the meeting. The words that he had hurt so much. The situation of asking himself if the path he had chosen was actually the right one. He became more and more distant from his father. And since the Hokage was a good man, a good leader, in a way it meant that he despised the wrong. Was it really the ideal, to use what he had learned at the Root to maintain village stability? Could he help his family, having to confront his father for the methods used? Finally, Boruto couldn't help but say, that for the past few months while his father was training him, he had seriously thought about leaving the Root. In trying to use only the skills that he had honed by training with his father. From simply being a Jounnin in the service of the Hokage. A normal man with a normal family. He wanted to be a good man, he wanted to be like Naruto Uzumaki.

Anko smiled slightly, and then laughed outright. Boruto had never heard her laugh like this, perhaps no one in her entire life had appreciated that surprising act. Anko giggled, and she almost missed a few tears, something that Bolt couldn't appreciate had been tremendously funny for the ex-Kunoichi. But what would it be?

-Your gaze is the same as I had for years…. -The more relaxed woman confided- when I questioned whether I should use the skills and jutsu that Lord Orochimaru had inserted into me. I questioned myself being a traitor, using what I learned from a traitor.

-But he still did ...

-Of course, if child ku ku ku ... -she said amused- after torturing me for years with those doubts, I understood that my training or who my sensei was did not define me personally. It didn't make me more faithful, or more treacherous. It was my choice, it was always my choice.

-But what if what they taught me guides me to do bad things? - Bolt questioned confused - if perhaps being from Raíz, prevents me from being at peace with my family?

-Are you willing not to use your skills to regain your father's trust?


"Even if that makes you less useful for the general welfare of the village?"

-Even if it were.

-Or risking that your family would be hurt in the future, you could have done something about it from the shadows?

-Why would something like this happen? Bolt asked somewhat annoyed.

-Because this is the world of the little ninja, ku ku ku -the viperine woman replied- that's why spies don't have family or friends. That is why they die young and alone. That is why the cemetery is full of young people who were barely your age when they died. This is the world you were born for. It is the world of your grandparents, your parents and your sister. The Hokage may try to deny it, even work hard to change it, but deep down in our soul we are ninja. We steal, we murder, we torture. They trained us for that. It is our nature. It is not a moral choice, it is a mission that drives us. And the mission is the most important thing. Which has kept the leaf village standing, even in dark times.

-Even if that costs me the love of my family?

-Even if it costs you your life. In addition, you will always prefer them alive and hating you, than dead and unable to love you. Believe me, everyone prefers them that way, if they really care so much about that happy family. And that is not enough to calm your doubts, there is still the matter of your nature.

-My nature?

-There is a funny fable that shows it… -added Anko strangely conversational for her habit -and that story goes something like this:

"A man saw when a snake was dying burned and decided to take it out of the fire, but when he did, the snake bit him. Because of the reaction of pain, the man released it and the animal fell back into the fire and was burning from The man tried to pull it out again and the snake bit him again. Someone who was watching approached the man and said:

-Excuse me, but you are stubborn! Don't you understand that every time you try to get her out of the fire she's going to bite you?

The man replied:

-The nature of the snake is to bite, and that will not change mine, which is to help.

Then, with the help of a piece of iron, the man took out the fire serpent and saved his life. "-Anko finished quietly- Do you understand the concept?

"You mean I must be like that man?" –It said Bolt when he finished listening- is it about supporting the bite?

-No child… .ku ku ku -Anko said amused- it means that your father is like that man in the fable. His nature is to help. But that does not mean that we are all like that. That highlights and defines it. However, both you and I, darling ... -she smiled at him- we are like the snake in the story. In the fire or out of it, our nature always prompts us to bite. It is our gift, and also our curse. That is our nature. And from it… .you cannot escape.

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Sarada Uchiha had her plan ready ...

Patiently, like one who waits to hunt down the most elusive prey, he had waited and investigated every detail of his "target". A couple of months had already passed since the signing of the new compromise agreement. Bolt and Sarada used to go out to eat or for a walk, just as friends. She had done her best not to seem jealous or eager to know what Boruto was feeling. She never mentioned the matter of marriage to him again. Nor what Bolt did on missions or his spare time. Just as friends, telling each other things from the past and laughing at some nonsense that Konohamaru-sensei used to do. But even she was beginning to annoy him at the presence of Bolt's sister. She that she did nothing but hang around him and hardly ever leave him alone. Sarada was trying not to be anxious about this. She did not want to face Himawari, for whom Bolt had a very special attachment. But he clearly annoyed her sharing it even with her, even though he pretended otherwise.

However, Sarada was not as careless as she used to appear ...

When she had missions, friends like Chocho Akimichi kept her up to date on everything. And also a subtle and friendly chat with certain people who constantly haunted the sub-world where Boruto Uzumaki moved. Sarada had information from various sources, triangulating what ex-boyfriend did or with whom. Patience was a virtue in her generally, but in those months she had not had news. Everything seemed normal in Boruto's routines. No stranger approached him, much less a suspicious woman paid deep attention to him.

However, Sarada had some clues about the identity of that exploited slut ...

She was married, and also a resident of Konoha. She must be the wife of an important ninja, or be a renowned Kunoichi herself. Sarada reasoned this fact from the blonde Uzumaki's own words. He had said that he had a mission to sleep with her. Hence, that kind of mission could only aim to extract valuable information from the target from her. She must belong to an important family, or at least be married to a noble clan heir. Which ruled out Anko Mitarashi, who Chocho had seen in conversations with Bolt weeks ago.

Finally, the third month after the new signing of the prenuptial agreement, Sarada found the woman she had been looking for. It was an afternoon where she was returning with Himawari and Chocho from training in the forest. They went through a side street, trying to get to the center of Konoha to buy food at a recognized stall and in a side alley, Sarada could see that woman next to Boruto out of the corner of her eye. Both of them chatted only, but the meeting in a furtive way could raise all kinds of suspicions without it being kissing or something similar.

Sadly, Bolt's little sister was in the group walking with Sarada, so she couldn't do or say anything. However, in the weeks that followed, she kept a tighter watch in the areas where the woman used to work. Painfully for the young Uchiha, Konoha General Hospital was the place where Bolt went to visit her many times.

Sarada knew it was her, and it hurt her soul. She couldn't help but hate her even though he had loved her too. That damn still married, she had been seduced by a boy and they continued to see each other after all. Sarada couldn't bear the situation. That Bolt chose to follow this woman like a dog, rather than accept the love that she freely offered him, was unacceptable.

So when the hospital visits became more frequent, Sarada coldly decided that he would kill her. Boruto Uzumaki was his. No fucking bitch would keep her love. It didn't matter what she had ever felt for this woman. Now Sarada Uchiha hated her. She would do anything to possess Boruto Uzumaki. And she already had a plan in place, to kill that rival in the underground darkness. No one would stop Sarada from marrying Bolt. The last Uchiha was willing to do anything to get it. Whatever.

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-good evening… .advisor Nara.

The hall was empty. Ichiraku Ramen, which many years ago was just a food stall, had gradually expanded to occupy several side rooms that previously belonged to other merchants. It had a large place for diners and several typical dishes, in addition to new recipes from other countries. Ayame was the current owner of the place. She had inherited from her deceased father the responsibility of leading the family business to a new time of prosperity. And by the time of peace granted by the current Hokage, she had managed to prosper widely.

Ayame had never been married. Years ago, she was in love with a young potter who was passing through Konoha, but the matter stopped working when the man had to move in search of better luck in another country. Ayame had had some problems with her singleness. Other competitive business owners tried to outcompete their business by dishonest methods when they couldn't match the seasoning of their cooking.

Ayame was a single woman, she did not have a surname with influence, or a husband to speak in her name before the subjects who tried to take her away. Her father had died of old age about 5 years ago and she was alone. However, the woman was able to prosper and overcome the problems that occurred, because she had the unexpected help of some members of Raíz.

Boruto Uzumaki was having lunch with his sister one lucky day where Ayame's business rivals sent a couple of bad-looking guys. It was obvious that they couldn't pay the Konoha ninjas to harm a villager, but that didn't stop the subjects who thought they could subtly intimidate the woman. They could not act openly either, because many ninja ate in that place and any combat would be totally negative for foreign mercenaries. The men then showed up to order a food order, and while pretending to talk to each other, they said that this business had no future. That maybe Ayame should leave Konoha, that without a doubt some serious accident could happen.

Boruto did not interrupt the cowardly threat, but took note of what would happen next. He had been training with Kakashi-sensei at the Root for almost a year. He was beginning to understand the world around him as much more than structural defense missions and ideals. There was another small world, where some subjects used the money or the power of their surnames, to bend the laws at will. Then, while Ayame very worried tried to continue her work without crying out of the frustration of that threat received, Boruto approached her to ask for another order of ramen, while she declared as anything:

-Ayame-Oneesan shouldn't feel bad about anything ... - she whispered to him privately on the bar- she has friends who love her very much. Those people who came to threaten her do not understand the situation.

That night, as a group of men sneaked into the area looking to start a fire on the entire establishment that comprised Ichiraku's business, they found an unpleasant surprise in the dark. A deadly surprise. The next morning, the merchants who paid for the services of mercenaries to destroy Ichiraku-ramen, opened their businesses to find corpses inside. The same subjects who were paid to commit crimes. And a disturbing note:

"never try anything like this again"

The merchants were horrified. They could not report the event to the ninja without being questioned about the reasons the murderers had for leaving those bodies in their shops. Sooner or later it would be known that they themselves had paid the dead for a job. And they would lose more than they could gain regarding Ichiraku-ramen. They understood the message sent by Bolt and his team. Even the message within that message. Some chose to change the heading of their trade, others followed and tried to improve their service so as not to be ruined. Someone else gathered all their belongings, to go to another place and avoid another sinister "warning." But Ayame at her food stand, decided that when she saw the young son of the Hokage again, she would reserve an exquisite dish for him totally free as a thank you for her invaluable help. And it wouldn't be all:

-Boruto-kun can come as much as he wants to my humble business -she told him as soon as she gave him that delicious bowl of ramen with a special recipe- his money no longer has any value for me.

-That's not necessary Ayame-Onee ... -the young man who understood the economic sacrifice that it implied-you don't have to ...

-no value Boruto-kun ... -said the woman interrupting smiling, and she approached to kiss him on the forehead- she no longer accept his money, only his friendship. Send my regards to his father as well.

So when Bolt asked Ayame to lend the dining room for an evening meeting. There was not even a single question about its use. For the woman who owns Ichiraku ramen, anything she could do for the son of her best customer was little and she would do it without hesitation. Shikamaru and Ino entered the place that had barely dim lighting. The area was clear of the center tables and Bolt, sitting comfortably in the back of the room, seemed ready and relaxed enough for conversation. Shikamaru was forewarned. He asked Ino to accompany him and would have even counted on Chouji, but he considered that Bolt could expose him to his friend about the clandestine relationship he had had with the blonde Yamanaka. Chouji was a good friend, but he surely wouldn't accept the situation. After all, he was a family man and infidelity seemed inconceivable to him. How would he take it if he knew about Ino and Shikamaru? Nara simply could not risk it. So he only brought Ino with him, who was just as interested as the matter not being discovered.

-What is the reason for this meeting? –Consult Shikamaru who tried to keep his distance while he scanned the room for traps.

Bolt smiled, and said nothing. He just poured himself a small glass of sake and drank calmly. Shikamaru was assessing the general situation. Ino a step behind him, he also seemed alert to any attack. But it was not what the young Uzumaki had planned at the beginning. First he needed to speak, it was the reason for the meeting.

"Unfortunately," Boruto began calmly, "Councilor Nara has not been able to control his genius. He has spent the last few months chasing my actions, and investigating where I told him not to. My friendly warnings weren't enough to quell his curiosity.

Shikamaru was listening carefully, but he was also evaluating the room and the particular situation. If Boruto had lured him to that place to kill him, he chose very bad ground. The hall was clear in the center, but with many tables and chairs to the sides. Open to have someone hidden, but with too many shadows available to fight a Nara effectively. Shikamaru didn't even have to get close, he could right there from the entrance, paralyze him and kill him. If Boruto planned an attack, it would be the last thing he would ever do.

"I told him that if he continued to annoy me," Bolt added calmly but with a more severe accent, "I would be in charge of finding out to everyone."

"But you won't…" Shikamaru stated seriously.

"Why wouldn't I?" Bolt replied to which Ino held her breath as the brunette heard behind him.

"Because my son also belongs to the same group as you," Shikamaru said with confidence, "and you are not going to harm your friend's family." You helped him with my wife, and you even kept quiet about my matter with Ino. You are not going to hurt your partner.

-He doesn't know me that well apparently ...

-But I know your father, and I know very well that you look more like him than you want to appear.

Damn Nara had a good point. Even speculating from what he did not actually know, he was absolutely right. Boruto couldn't kill him. Because Shikadai was not only his friend, but also a partner of Root. Shikadai loved and protected his family first and foremost. And Boruto knew that feeling because he personally was identical. He respected Shikadai, he trusted him too. He would not intentionally hurt her.

"It would be better if you confessed everything ..." Shikamaru warned him seriously, "sooner or later I will find out everything." Your father made a promise to bring peace to our village. And criminal organizations like the Root of Danzou, have no place at this time.

Silence settled. Boruto made no gesture. Both Shikamaru and Ino were on the lookout for anything. But nothing made them guess the next move. Finally, the young Uzumaki sighed feigning resignation. Some battles were not won by hitting harder, but by choosing where to strike wisely.

-Okay ... -said the blond surprising Shikamaru that he was not expecting an open confession- let's start from the beginning. When I was 15 years old and I was defeated in the Chunnin exams, a renowned ninja approached me offering to train me.

-Who was that ninja?

-It doesn't really matter. Only it was he who recruited me to be part of Raíz.

And he began his story, slow and detailed. Avoiding names but specifying missions and facts. Shikamaru was listening carefully, he had finally managed to unravel the mystery. It was the beginning and perhaps the end of the Root in Konoha.

End of part 1
