
Witch Queen

Everyone imaginable was packed into the enormous space.

Members of the press, who brought their own lighting, cameras, and recording equipment.

The flood of investors attracted by reports of a cancer cure and global warming.

Poachers whose only motive was to steal a bite of the freshly baked pie.

A combined force of the FBI, local police, and military, here to ensure the safety of the whole structure.

Finally, the poor, who came to beg to be the chosen ones.

All of them are patiently waiting for a single man who could very much change the world. Could this be what people are praying for every day?

A beautiful lady with chocolate brown hair, a charming birthmark on her face, and sparkling blue eyes soon appeared onstage.

Although she clearly felt anxious, the girl kept her composure, standing with her back straight and her massive breasts looking up high.

"Welcome. Relating to the declaration of the inaugural Babylon Enterprise. Hi, I'm Jane, your hostess."

Jane is at a loss to explain her present position. Kaiser, wanting to bolster her self-esteem, recommended her to apply for a job as a casual host at his business.

But how did she end up here? Hosting in front of one of the world's wealthiest and most influential people, unveiling something that would change the course of history.

She wants to give Kaiser an earful. What the hell!

Yet it's already too late. She realized this was a once-in-a-lifetime chance, one that might open more options for her career.

And since she cares deeply about her boyfriend, she doesn't want his big news to backfire.

It would be a lie to say she isn't equally intrigued by the new woman at his side. She was planning to give him an earful, but first, she wanted to find out the identity of the beautiful lady sitting next to him without coming off as a clinging jealous female.

"Thank you so much, everyone. Now, for the long awaiting member. The Sole Director of Babylon, Kaiser Gilgamesh, a round of applause, please!"

Jane found it strange because, while wearing the necklace, her thoughts were racing like a freight train, and her confidence was boosted. Strangely, she hasn't had a nightmare in more than a month.

*Thump* *Thump*

What seemed like a thump and a thud weren't footsteps at all. On the contrary, everyone there felt their hearts pounding so loudly they could hear it.

Silver hair is so beautiful and rare. The likes of which the world has never seen before.

Red as blood, nearly gleaming eyes. The crowd didn't understand why they were so uneasy and on edge today, but something about all those blood-red rubies brought out their worst fears.

"Many thanks for arriving at such short notice."

For some, the voice came off as dominant and authoritative, but for others, it was soft and angelic.

Few ladies would blush deeply and kiss their lips at the sight of Kaiser towering over 6 feet tall under bright stage lights.

'Just Perfect!'

Kaiser seemed to have nearly transcended a superhuman level of beauty.

A small number of guys were also having doubts about their sexuality. The fact that homosexualism is widely accepted in today's society was not helpful.

"As you may have heard. I have made a cure for cancer and a fuel that is both effective and contains no lead; the resulting smoke will never harm the environment. Now, I would like to introduce you to my lovely business partner."

Soon, a young lady with very pale blonde hair—so pale that it nearly seemed silver—and a little crown-like ring set with a jewel over her forehead emerged from backstage. She flaunts her full breasts and hourglass body in an expensive black outfit.

If only they didn't feel an unknown pressure on their hearts, and if Kaiser's threatening ruby eyes weren't staring back at them. Those in the crowd would have rushed onto the platform and worshipfully licked her feet. She was so stunningly gorgeous that she captivated not only men but women as well!

"I'm Caster, and I'd like to start by introducing Gold fuel."

Morgan le Fay, the half-sister of King Arthur/Artoria, is the Caster and the one responsible for Artoria Pendragon's pain and misery.

A real-life fairy who is cold and self-centered. A lady who thinks the whole of Great Britain is hers by birthright.

"Finally, fuel that will put a stop to pollution!"

Morgan quickly launched into a description of the fuel's mechanism. It not only produces no toxic byproducts but also compounds that protect the environment, progressively reversing the damage done by burning ethanol gasoline, which contains heavy lead and depletes the ozone layer.

Many in the crowd thought it sounded too good to be true and were mystified by what they heard.

"Now I know that some of you are probably wondering how this is even feasible. Here" All the evidence they needed was shown in a video and picture presentation.

The crowd no longer cares about finding a cancer treatment since they believe Gold Fuel will save the world.

Morgan, who was summoned, couldn't help but flash a sly grin. Using the stranglehold on the oil market, her master is ensuring that the whole nation will soon be reliant on his Gold fuel.

"It's time for the next innovation!" Morgan's noble bearing almost collapsed as she drew back the crimson cover to expose a cryo pod.

"This innovation is light-years ahead of its time. In addition to mending cuts and scrapes, it also has a tumor-killing role by releasing enzymes that digest the abnormal tissue."

Morgan's gaze across the crowd was bright with excitement. Her master not only arranged it so that healing in the pod would take a long time and cost a lot of money, but he also engineered it so that it would be very beneficial to the military.

She made a sorrowful look and said, "Unfortunately, because it needs vast amounts of energy, resources to create and can only be managed by a person who understands the ins and outs of the pod. Only employees of Babylon Company are eligible... However, the conditions are quite flexible~"

The crowd felt a chill as Morgan's seductive voice filled their ears. Most of them are in a humiliating predicament because they rock so hard that they are visible through their pants, to the disgust of their partners.

"At this point, I'd like to thank everyone for coming and closing the event."

Morgan and Kaiser exited the stage shortly after. The unfortunate newscasters weren't ready, and they're all going to lose their jobs because they were either too shocked to react to the news or too distracted.

Both Morgan and Kaiser could help but throw a sly look at the helpless schmucks.

Jane, who was waiting behind them, could hear and see everything.

It was obvious that witnessing Caster's attractiveness distressed her. To compare the two is completely unjust.

As feelings of inferiority and visual envy crept into her heart, she failed to see Kaiser approaching her with a knowing grin on his face.

"Huh?" Jane was swept up into Kaiser's arms without warning, and the distinctive lilac scent made her contend.

Jane was not surprised to learn that Kaiser can read her like a book. It was one of her favorite and least favorite characteristics since she could be read like a book, but she couldn't do it with Kaiser.

"You are mine and mine alone. I will never leave you, Love."

It may seem cringeworthy and clichéd, but for a girl who was in love and struggling with her feelings, it was like music to her ears.

Jane often heard him use the statement when she was awestruck by Kaiser's success and good features. However, it never fails to ease her fears and make her feel secure.

Morgan seemed nonplussed and bored on the surface, but her eyes betrayed her cunning.

Jane was momentarily taken aback seeing Caster, and she quickly retreated from his loving hug.

Then Jane pressed her body into Kaiser's arms. A little more so than normal since her sharp biological woman instincts are heightened by Morgan's "innocent" look.

Kaiser, exhausted having summoned his servant, so he said, "Let's go back home." Despite his desire to see how the drama unfolds.


A/N: If you have time, please write a review and comment. It helps me understand if you like the plot as well as make the book rated.

Good criticism is always appreciated here.

One of the reasons I write fanfic is because I'm fed up with how this site is overrun with "bad" books. Of course, there are several novels and fanfic I absolutely love.

I'm not saying my fanfic is the best or it's bad. It's just that several of the novels on this site don't appeal to me.

But, more importantly, I write fanfic to interact with readers who share my interests. So, don't forget to leave a comment. Though I forget to respond, I read every single comment every morning before I go to bed

–Love Yeah!

I appreciate those who read the book. Thank you very much!

Crazy_Penguincreators' thoughts