
Lianna's truth 5

Over the course of many years, the mages were gradually wiped out by the Statkus mages.

Credia was filled with fear as all of the warriors who were always sent to battle never returned.

One faithful day, Lianna was asleep when she had a dream.

She returned to the darkness of the Statkus mage's portal, but this time she could see the elder mages who had led her to the portal years before.

Lianna was taken aback by their appearance and asked, "Why did you summon me?"

"The time has come to exterminate your kind. You must pose as a false hero in order to lure them to the desert where the portal is located so that we can finally destroy them." Inkadon stated.

"You didn't even thank me for removing that obstacle all those years ago." Lianna arrogantly said, referring to Genevieve.

She had always wondered where her sister had gone, not knowing whether she was dead or alive.

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