
Death is close to you

The cold breath fanned her neck, causing goosebumps to appear on her skin as if it were a disease. She held her breath as her head felt lighter than usual, her heart racing so fast she couldn't help but wince in pain.

Suddenly, a cold breath moved up to her jaw and onto her lips, and she felt a cold touch on her forehead, pushing slowly into her hair.

'Do not stutter, Sage,' she whimpered to herself.

"C.. Cyrus!" She gasped and groaned as she realised she had stuttered.

Her eyes flew open, meeting silver ones staring at her as if she were a great treasure that he had discovered after a long search.

She was priceless. Her life force, her fire core, was all he wanted.

The memory of what happened before he rendered her unconscious flashed through her mind, and she grabbed his wrist with both her hands, squeezing painfully.

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