
Ruin exploration was a triathlon

How long should we go through this?

I wanted to sigh as we kept walking like a crab, but I didn't want to waste the air. Fortunately, I could still breathe some air, which means this path wasn't a dead end. Not that I didn't believe Shiny, but I failed to factor in the fact that Shiny was a little mole and probably never used a human-sized path.

Anyway, I tried to ask the mole how far we needed to walk, but of course, Shiny did not know the measurement of time and length that we used, and I had no idea how far ten thousand mole steps were. Didn't even know if Shiny could count to ten thousand.

And so we just walked and walked and walked in silence--since we had no idea if our voice might get carried outside. I still held Renna's hand, and Jade was casually perching on our connected hands. There was no sign of presence or footsteps, but Heraz let us know he was there when the collapsed ceiling completely covered the gap.

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